Hi everyone! New here but been PC gaming since 1995 Doom1. Played FL at release has always been a fav game. Played some mods way back when they wasn't very good. Got back into FL recently after having played it many times over the years. Saw 2.0 crossfire was highly rated. Started a SP but saw ya have to start from vanilla start and since I just did that not long ago was like naa LOL. Active player in world of warcraft, world of tanks, star trek fleet command droid game that I emu on pc. Also have accounts in eve (6) can 6 box my mining fleet, SWTOR, ST timelines but on long break from those atm. Have played pretty much every MMO that has came down the road since everquest 1, 2000. Not tryin to brag JS a little about me. I really am impressed with crossfire so far runs well maxed out on my system at 32 inch curved screen @ 2560x1440p. Seems decently polished but have only 2.5 hrs played. My compliments to the mod team this looks really good so far to me. Now to my main question which is what are the current active clans on crossfire server?? The clan page is wayyyy old and not relevant now it seems. Met 1 person in game he said there were about 4 active clans ATM. But he would not recommend one nor even tell me their names. Also if anyone has any tips on what would be the best combat ship and where to get it when I get to 10 hours played and can pvp. Am trading now so making creds. Also any new xfire player tips/tactics/hints would be welcome too!
HI new LF active clans crossfire server
- Roxon
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
There are 7 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by dented_ship.
hey thanks alot! I did ok in my rhino then checked out the ships page here and saw the swazhbuckler with 250 cargo and 7 class shield in colorado at bs rio grande which I had already been there but didnt think to look at its ships lol was just looking at trade goods, went and got her makin way more now yay!! such a cool game just really depressing when I actually realized how so very few people are actually on the server
oh well though even with that sad fact I know I will have alot of fun with it soo much so I would pay a monthly sub same as wow or wot premium etc. Im going to donate though for 100% fact! whats ya in game chars name? same as here?
funny, i played doom1 again just this weekend
The new rtx version is nice.
I really like doom2016 started a new play through on it other day, also doom 3 I like and have the new eternal but have not installed it yet have soooooo many games lol pretty much every good pc game since 1995 I actually have, well most of em lol, but yeah doom1 was very awesome when it came out I actually had the first doom 2 pvp dialup server in DFW texas area with 4x, 14.4k modems in and me local as admin/server owner so 5 players and I designed my own doom2 levels for us too they were called wads some were quite good and still around too somewhere lol! man those was some good times!
yeah, I remember setting up mp for doom on Lans withs some friends and creating an entire new episode for it using the very limited editor which required to manually get the vertex orders perfectly right. Otherwise it would crash instantly.
yeah what we had to work with back then was very primitive but it was so new and cool at the time we actually had fun just working with what we had, and yeah ya had to get everything just right for the wad to play correctly. as far as lan goes what I really had fun with, since I had my d2 server going for d2 was warcraft. My friend had a new house built and he designed it mostly himself to where cat5 cable was built into the walls to where most areas in his house had a cat 5 outlet so we would just all go over there and take a room and lan. they hated me in a good way lol since I generally destroyed em all even when they would try to gang up on me haha! I also really enjoyed diablo 1 just me and 1 friend across dialup modems. Also starcraft 1 when it came out blew me away too! Basically all that back then is what forged my intense love with pc gaming and as games just got better and better over time I never strayed away from that love and probably never will until I die or just get to old to play or whatever lol.
Hey Roxon, my ingame names are mostly the same as my username here. I do have a few different ones but if I see ya ingame with a different name character I will message you.
Martind Forlon
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