Jag - Hello from Canada :)

There are 9 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by jortegaa3289.

  • Greetings from Canada :)

    it's great to see that there is still a active community for freelancer. i love this Mod and it's amazing how much work the community has put into it :)

  • OMG i can't stop laughing at myself.

    spend the day working on my first character and ended up getting him stuck on a pirate base LOL i facepalmed myself.

    fought my way into a pirate base by mistake. didn't realize i needed to have rep to -3 at least to buy gear there. had figured i'd be ok getting back out. had thought i would check to see what the cost of increasing their rep was. LOL 1.3 million sadly, which i didn't have. no get killed every time i leave the base ROFL as i'm too low level to escape. so the character is stuck there.

    i read up on the transfer command and it only works if you transfer to another key/player that is not yours. also, the bank deposit doesn't work as it needs to keep 65 million on the char for some reason. so i can't even start a new character to trade and send money to my main.

    lol looks like my first char is going to be lonely in that station for a while hahaha.

    guess tomorrow i will start a new char. sad to lose all the trade and exploring data. oh well, such is life.

    it's always funny how multiplayer is harder than single player as in single player you can always load from a previous save. yet in multiplayer if you get stuck somewhere and keep dying if you step out of the door, you are done.

  • in time you will learn to fly in and out of sutuations like you are in with your first cha and survive even in a Starflier

    not easy but it can be done

    till then. wait

    help will come 8).8).

    ==========================???:?::!::?:(HiRUGAs' WEB) :?::!::?:???=========================

    Red Red White Center @Sun Exit Red Green Red Orange White Center & Your Out ..........End of Line :) :)

  • so very true!

    i could have flown out of there but they won't sell me the shield batteries or flares. also, there are some ships that are using the disrupter missles so that is the sucky part. or i would have made it hahahaha

    oh well. it wouldn't have been too bad if i wasn't in a rhino.

  • Why would you transfer money to yourself? You could use deposit. The banking system works for your account and not on your char. As far as I remember...

    sadly i realized after that it will only allow you to deposit if you deposit money but have 65 million still left on your character. so for new players that does not work for them at all.

    and the money i needed to transfer to myself was so that i could pay the 1.3 million for a rep boost with the lane... folks because they were the ones that were firing the disrupter missiles that kept locking me down from being able to fly off on my agile rhino ROFL.

    if it wasn't for the 3 different fractions attacking me at the same time i would have made it. sadly since i was not on good terms with them, they would not sell me flares and shield batts so i could protect myself.

    oh well, a lesson learned :)

    one day, when i have over 65 million, i'll go back and rescue my first silly char hahhhaa it's good to have life goals

  • Could you please tell the name of the stuck char?

    Also, there's a safe cruise trick. Charge cruise engines, use engine kill when charging, start cruise again. NPCs won't launch disruptors at you after that.

    BTW you're the second player to my experience to get trapped like that. Guys, stick to the right side of the road while you don't have beefy equipment...

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited 2 times, last by Ajay ().

  • Could you please tell the name of the stuck char?

    Also, there's a safe cruise trick. Charge cruise engines, use engine kill when charging, start cruise again. NPCs won't launch disruptors at you after that.

    BTW you're the second player to my experience to get trapped like that. Guys, stick to the right side of the road while you don't have beefy equipment...

    woo hoo! made it out LOL

    and right before the server restart. made it to another planet so i could save.

    i used the experience i gathered in the day since i got stuck to gain the experience to get myself unstuck :)

    saved myself 65 million credits hahahahahaha

    thank you for the trick, i try not to use them as i find them game breaking in a lot of cases. most of the time when playing multiplayer i don't even use normal things i do that get around programming since it's easy to learn the Ai programming from watching them in combat.

    since it's a RP server, i am more concerned about learning the game and enjoying the RP, rather than 'winning' at things :)

    i do love how helpful everyone is on the server. a special shout out to 'Wickidwombat' for checking up on me the last two days and making sure that if i needed any help, they would provide it. i appreciate the offers.

    i usually tend not to accept since i'm an old time gamer (and old) and am used to playing games like 'bards tale' that had you stuck for days hahahaha so i like overcoming a challenge. but it's nice to know people care and are willing to help.

  • Good to see you made it out mate. Good flying and see you in space sometime. jag Ignore my reply on your wall as I read that one first and did not know you had saved your cha :thumbsup::cool::cool:

    ==========================???:?::!::?:(HiRUGAs' WEB) :?::!::?:???=========================

    Red Red White Center @Sun Exit Red Green Red Orange White Center & Your Out ..........End of Line :) :)