Warframe guide

There are 209 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • Part 2 of the Lich/sister guide

    I don't want to go too much into detail but you might wonder which bonus element you actually would want on your Kuva and Tenet weapons.

    The bonus element you get depends on the Progenitor Warframe you used to get the Kuva Larva or the Sister.

    DmgImpactSmall64.png ImpactBaruukIcon272.png BaruukGaussIcon272.png GaussGrendelIcon272.png GrendelRhinoIcon272.png RhinoSevagothIcon272.png SevagothWukongIcon272.png WukongZephyrIcon272.png Zephyr
    DmgHeatSmall64.png HeatChromaIcon272.png ChromaEmberIcon272.png EmberInarosIcon272.png InarosNezhaIcon272.png NezhaProteaIcon272.png ProteaVaubanIcon272.png VaubanWispIcon272.png Wisp
    DmgColdSmall64.png ColdFrostIcon272.png FrostGaraIcon272.png GaraHildrynIcon272.png HildrynRevenantIcon272.png RevenantTitaniaIcon272.png TitaniaTrinityIcon272.png Trinity
    DmgElectricitySmall64.png ElectricityBansheeIcon272.png BansheeExcaliburIcon272.png ExcaliburLimboIcon272.png LimboNovaIcon272.png NovaValkyrIcon272.png ValkyrVoltIcon272.png Volt
    DmgToxinSmall64.png ToxinAtlasIcon272.png AtlasIvaraIcon272.png IvaraKhoraIcon272.png KhoraNekrosIcon272.png NekrosNidusIcon272.png NidusOberonIcon272.png OberonSarynIcon272.png Saryn
    DmgMagneticSmall64.png MagneticHarrowIcon272.png HarrowHydroidIcon272.png HydroidLavosIcon272.png LavosMagIcon272.png MagMesaIcon272.png MesaXakuIcon272.png XakuYareliIcon272.png Yareli
    DmgRadiationSmall64.png RadiationAshIcon272.png AshEquinoxIcon272.png EquinoxGarudaIcon272.png GarudaLokiIcon272.png LokiMirageIcon272.png MirageNyxIcon272.png NyxOctaviaIcon272.png Octavia

    But what is a good choice?

    Well that highly depends on the weapon and on what you want to do.

    Good choices are Heat, Toxin, Radiation, Magnetic and on rare occasions even impact.

    Impact is a good choice if you have a weapon that already has impact damage and you want to push the value even higher in order to use Hemorrhage or Internal Bleeding to apply slash procs when doing impact damage.

    For most weapons Toxin is a good choice since you can simply add a Cold mod to get viral damage which is pretty strong.

    If the weapon already has innate Heat damage you most defintely do not want to put a Toxin on it beause Heat + Toxin = Gas and you won't get rid of this combination anymore unless you waste mod slots.

    A good bonus damage for such a weapon with innate Heat would be Magnetic or Radiation. Magnetic is very strong against shielded enemies such as Corpus and bosses. Radiation damage is good against Alloy armor of high-lvl Grineer or Corpus Robotic enemies. You have to make a choice here.

    The good part is that Magnetic and Radiation are cobinations of two lower elemental damages. So you will need one less mod slot if you were going to mod your weapon for these elements.

    e.g. the weapon has Heat as innate damage type and you put on Magnetic as bonus damage you will have Heat + Magnetic without any mods. Now you can put on a Toxin mod and a cold mod to get Viral.

    That means with just 2 mods your weapon will have 3 status types (Heat + Magnetic + Viral). With the new Galvanized mods or Condition Overload you get bonus damage per status type... making these weapons even stronger (just by carefully selecting the bonus damage on your weapon).

    What happens if you do not follow this advice?

    Let's assume again you have a weapon with innate Heat.

    example 1:

    You put another Heat as bonus damage. Now you add the Toxin + Cold mods.

    This results in Heat + Viral -> only 2 status types the Galvanized mods/Condition Overload can use to produce damge.

    example 2:

    Again Heat is the innate damage of the weapon and you add Toxin. We also add Toxin + Cold mod.

    Heat + Toxin turns into Gas and the Toxin + Cold turn into Viral.

    Result: Gas + Viral

    Not the best combination and again only 2 status types.

    example 3:

    As before Heat is innate damage type of the weapon and you add Elextricity as bonus damage. Cold + Toxin mod.

    Heat + Electricity = Radiation and Cold + Toxin = Viral.

    Two good combinations but still only 2 status effects.

    My advice is to take a look at the innate damage types of the Kuva and Tenet weapons. Make a spreadsheet and decide which bonus damage type you want before you even start grinding for the weapons. Use the progenitor table above to spawn the weapon with the desired bonus damage.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • So... I dunked on 5 liches by this time and only one of them reached Level 5.

    I started doing this content soon after the update came out, so... I now have Kuva Hek and a Kuva Bramma. The liches I did had either of these weapons and I used duplicates for valence fusion.

    Speaking of Valence Fusion. I've heard it now allows you to select the desired element, so if you make a mistake on the bonus element, you can just get a new weapon of the same type with the element you want, Valence Fuse it to the weapon you have and pick the element you want.

    (I haven't seen that option yet though. All my liches had Toxin weapons. But I am thinking to change my Kuva Hek into Magnetic+Viral 'cos FLAK the Corpus).

    Still no luck on the Kuva Grattler, though I've heard the devs nerfed it out of nowhere and for absolutely no reason. I might consider getting a Radiation + Viral Kuva Grattler to use against, say, Profit Taker or Eidolons and see how it fares. (Except, I still don't have any frames that are Radiation progenitors.)

    (Grattler is still my go-to main gun for the Necramechs, mainly due to the area of effect, but the magazine of 30 is really lacking in higher-level RJ missions. Kuva Grattler has magazine of 60).

    Oull is easier to get than unlocking the requiem mods.

    Um. You only get Oull if you defeat a lich/sister without having it in your Parazon.

    As for Inaros build. I use Arcane Avenger and Arcane Arachne... mainly because those are the two R5 arcanes I got out of Orphix Venom. Arachne because it's a flat damage buff to everything which I can use on nearly every warframe I have. Granted, I don't always remember to activate it.

    My subsumed ability is Blood Altar. Yeah, Gloom might be a better choice, but Blood Altar also heals allies - such as an Ancient Healer Specter that's giving a damage reduction aura to the defense objective (can't heal defense objectives directly, sadly).

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited once, last by Ajay ().

  • Yes, you are able to select the bonus damage type when doing valence fusion. It is a simple selection screen right after selecting the fusion.

    Much better than the method before where you had to think which weapon to infuse into which in order to keep the element.

    Um. You only get Oull if you defeat a lich/sister without having it in your Parazon.

    Well, after killing 25 Sisters and 41 Liches I can clearly say that this is not true.


    The wiki says that there is a 25% chance for Oull do drop when a Lich or Sister flees after a successful completion of the Requiem sequence. The only limitation is that only the owner of the lich/sister gets the mod (not the other team members). It also seems to be possible to transmutate 4 (defiled) requiem mods into an Oull one.

    Blood Altar Is generally a good choice for Inaros. I just never encountered a situation where I needed it.

    160% (or more) bonus damage on the other hand is always welcome.

    I forgot one hint for the Kuva and Tenet weapons. If you aim for weapons with 60% bonus (the max) then you probably should not use valence fusion right away.

    e.g. you get your first weapon with 25% bonus and your second weapon with 30%. If you fuse them you end up with ~35% bonus (always a few % higher than the highest of the bonuses). If you now get a third weapon with 40% and fuse it you get ~45% bonus damage as result.

    But if you wait and keep them stored/unclaimed and start fusing them at the end you get different results.

    You start with the higest weapon -> 40% and infuse the next one (e.g. the 25% one) which leads to ~45% and then you fuse the last one (the 30% one) which leads to a weapon with ~50% bonus damage.

    Just alone storing the weapons a bit and then infusing them in a different order might result in a higher total bonus damage.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • My recommendation on the bonus event on Kuva and Tenet weapons.

    Is of course is possible to use different element types but the selected one in my eyes offer great benefits when creating good builds for these weapons.

    Keep in mind that there are different builds possible and the elements shown below might not be the only options (e.g. there are some weapons which work great with the traditional heat or toxin element but since the introduction of the hemorhage and internal bleeding mods also work good with impact).

    Dual elements (magnetic or radiation) are the logical choice for weapons with have innate elemental effects which cause conflict or limitation with single element bonuses.

    Kuva Drakgoon - toxin

    Kuva Ayanga - toxin

    Kuva Zarr - toxin

    Kuva Bramma - heat

    Kuva Quartakk - heat

    Kuva Nukor - heat

    Kuva Seer - heat

    Kuva Hind - heat

    Kuva Ogris - magnetic

    Kuva Twin Stubbas - magnetic

    Kuva Kraken - magnetic

    Kuva Brakk - magnetic

    Kuva Chakkhurr - radiation

    Kuva Shildeg - electricity

    Kuva Hek - magnetic

    Kuva Kohm - heat

    Kuva Tonkor - heat

    Kuva Karak - heat

    Kuva Grattler - heat

    Tenet Tetra - toxin

    Tenet Detron - heat

    Tenet Diplos - heat

    Tenet Arca Plasmor - toxin

    Tenet Cycron - magnetic

    Tenet Flux Rifle - heat

    Tenet Envoy - toxin

    Tenet Spirex - impact

    Tenet Exec - electricity

    Tenet Grigori - radiation

    Tenet Livia - heat

    Tenet Agendus - heat

    Also an advice on the annoying matter of opening requiem relics.

    Since the chances to get the desired requiem mod is kinda low when opening such a relic there is no way around opening many relics until you get what you want.

    This is a time consuming process considering that these missions are pretty long.

    The solution to that is to play the Kuva Disruption Requiem mission when available. This is the by far fastest way to open requiem relics since it is an endless mission which you can finish pretty fast. You do not have any loading times between the missions and the kuva disruption actually is even pretty easy to do.

    Oh and since DE announced to rework the way how Holokeys can be earned it might be a good advice to focus on Kuva weapons until the next patch with these changes gets released. Once the patch is available you also can earn these keys from Sisters when defeating them.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • a thought that kept me awake last night:

    I actually questioned my recommendation of the bonus damage on some weapons.... most specifically on the Kuva Nukor.

    The bonus damage of Kuva weapons is applied after the elemental mods.

    In case of a Kuva Nukor it has an innate radiation damage which is totally uneffected by anything.

    And then you need to make a decision about the elemental bonus.

    1. You can take heat as suggested above. In that case you would use a toxin mod and a cold mod to get Viral damage (or Toxin and Electric for Corrosibe). For this to work you have to put a 3rd elemental mod with heat damage into the calculation so this 3rd mod would combine with the heat bonus damage instead of messing up your Viral/Corrosive. There is no way around using a 3rd elemental mod, which has to be heat.

    This is even a good option since the +165% heat of "Primed Heated Charge" outperform the +165% Damage from Magnum Force.

    2. You can take toxin damage as bonus and the same rules apply.

    You still need 3 mods (exactly the same ones: cold, toxin and heat) and you even get the same total damage.

    There is no difference in the total damage the gun does if you choose heat bonus damage or toxin bonus damage. The build even looks identical.

    However, there is a minor difference.

    IF you take toxin bonus damage the Heat and Viral status types have about the same damage values (177 heat, 169 viral).

    IF you take heat bonus damage then Heat is almost twice as strong as Viral (217 heat, 129 viral).

    The question is... does this even matter? I mean the total damage remains the same.

    I am meanwhile at the point where I say it does.

    For such fast firing weapons with 110% status chance you very fast apply the status effects.

    Viral is capped at 10 status effects per target.

    Heat does not have such a limit. It scales indefinitely and applies additinal damage via burn while Viral won't have any further effects once it reached 10 stacks.

    The higher the damage of an elemental damage type the more likely is to apply a status effect.

    The choice between Heat and Toxin as bonus damage won't matter on easy enemies (since they almost instantly die) but using heat as bonus damage when fighting harder enemies is most effective since you can keep adding burn statuses more frequently even when Viral is already maxed out.

    The Build for such a Nukor would look like this:

    Serration Lethal TorrentPistol PestilenceFrostbite
    Primed Heated Charge Galvanized DiffusionPrimed Target CrackerPrimed Pistol Gambit

    The elemental mods can be exchanged the way needed.

    e.g. replace Frostbite with Jolt and you get Corrosive insteat of Viral damage (good vs Grineer and Deimos content)

    replace Pistol Pestilence with Jolt and you get Magnetic (good vs. Corpus)

    Primed Heated Charge easily outperforms Magnum Force here and since you need a heat elemental mod anyways it is the best option to use.

    Why using Target Cracker and Pistol Gambit on a weapon which only has a base crit chance of 7%?

    I did the math:

    The only replacement you can use would be Magnum Force which increases your total damage to 1694 while reducing the crit chance to 7%. Crit damage is x10.5.

    For simplicity reasons we assume 100 shots fired.

    100 x 1694 total damage per shot = 169400

    7% do x10.5 damage -> 7 * 1694 *1055 = 124509

    This results in 293909 damage in total.

    If we remove Magnum Force and replace it with Primed Target Cracker we only have 1117 total damage remaining but get to 20.1% crit chance.

    Same calculation as before.

    100 x 1117 total damage per shot = 111700

    20.1 do x10.5 damage -> 20,1 * 1117 *10.5 = 235742

    Here we get a total damage of 347442 if we add these numbers together.

    Conclusion: going for crit outperforms a high total damage eventhough the crit numbers only change by a small margin. It is a 18% damage increase.

    What about using Creeping Bullseye to gain +200% crit chance instead of the 187% from Primed Pistol Gambit?

    Well you gain less than 1% crit chance while loosing 20% fire rate. Not worth on such a weapon.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Plague Star Guide

    It's the very first Plague Star event I got the chance to take part in so this is new territory.

    Nonetheless, time for a small guide.

    The event starts in Cetus at Konzu who has a new bounty with 1000 event reputation as reward.

    This reward can be trippled if you add Infested Catalyst (from Dojo Bio Lab) and Eidolon Phylaxes (from Nakak) to your gear wheel and 4 charges each are used during phase 2 of the mission.

    Running solo is counter productive since you would have to invest 4 charges each by your own instead having it split between the team members.

    Adding these 4+4 charges not only increases the reward but also the difficulty of the mission. This results in more and harder Hemocytes to spawn in the final phase.

    However, one run with fully charged Phylaxes and Catalysts is 3050 standing, which is enough to buy a fully crafted Forma.

    The event store holds more items such as two good Arcanes, the blueprints for the plague weapons, the new Ghoulsaw melee and a bunch of other stuff.

    General gameplay

    Phase 1

    Fly to the marker and enter the cave to extract the Thrax Toxin from a Grineer Storage.

    It is enough if one player of the team does this job. No need for all 4 squad members to rush into the cave.

    Phase 2

    Deliver the Toxin you need to deliver it to a toxin mixer.

    Once done you need to defend it for 3 minutes. This is also the point where you have to use the Eidolon Phyloxes and the Infested Catalyst from the gear wheel.

    Phase 3

    Take the mixed Toxin to a fallen drone and protect this drone while it delivers to the infested boil.

    This phase is the most annoying since the drone is SLOW and the way to travel is LONG.

    Phase 4

    Defeat infested enemies until Hemocytes spawn. A maximum of 4 can spawn at 25%, 50%, 75% and 99% progress.

    Hemocytes are Lephanties thingies and therefore not so easy to kill.

    Advices for the different phases

    Phase 1 and 2 are straight forward and easy to do. Not really much to comment here other than a fast warframe helps to get through the cave in phase 1.

    Phase 3 is a slow mess which makes the mission much longer than anticipated.

    You can speed up this phase by using a Nova with much energy and high efficiency. This allows you to use the Worm Hole ability and place it infront of the drone to teleport it towards the infested boil. It is not so easy but it works and can significantly speed up the mission progress.

    Alternatively you can use Loki and his Switch Teleport to move the drone closer to the boil (eventhough I think it was just nerfed a bit).

    Good thing about Loki is that you can use a speed build here which also helps with phase 1 (Loki is a very fast sprinter).

    In phase 4 it matters how much damage you can deal to the Hemocyte.

    Titania with her 4th Ability and her exalted weapons can easily melt the Hemocytes. Disadvantage is that somebody else in your team has to speed up the drone in phase 3.

    But actually you don't need Titania at all. You can melt the Hemocytes using normal weapons if you consider a few things.

    Hemocytes just like Lephanties belong to the fossilized infested which are vulnerable to to corrosive damage. They also have a high amount of armor that can be stripped with corrosive damage.

    High damage weapons like snipers are not going to work well since there is a damage limit per shot. It is therefore adviced to use a fast firing weapons with high total damage and modded for corrosive. Assault rifles and fast firing shotguns work well.

    Status effects are useless (except for stripping armor), crit damage on the other hand works well.

    You can further reduce the armor using certain warframe abilities.

    The Shattering Impact mod you can use on a Melee weapon and reduce armor by 6 per impact damage. I think that Redeemer or Vastilok are good weapons since they are gunblades with high multishot. You will get plenty of impact procs and therefore you reduce the armor of the Hemocytes heavily.

    Mod the melee for speed (fury + quickening) and impact. Fire a few shots on the hemocyte to strip armor and then use your primary weapon with corrosive to finish the job.

    Depending on the weapon used this can be even faster than using a Titania.

    Corrosive projection Aura also reduces enemy armor by 18% (keep that in mind).



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Okay, it's been a while, but I've been thinking about some alternative builds to the Blood Rush/Weeping Wounds/Condition Overload.

    I have considered the heavy Attack build quite a while ago, and I actually went for it when I discovered that some weapons have forced Slash proc on Heavy Attack. At first I used Hate, and then stumbled on Pennant. Which turned out to be a decent Acolyte killer in SP:

    So now I'm considering this build:


    The only mod I have doubts about is Spoiled Strike. How much does attack speed matter when using mainly Heavy Attacks?

    On the other hand, lower attack speed is also an issue, because Pennant gets a bonus attack speed on a heavy attack kill, and the duration of the bonus scales with the combo counter. So replacing Spoiled Strike with Quickening is also an option. More hits with usual attacks->more combo counter->heavy attack->usual attacks again with bonus speed->rinse and repeat. On the other hand, high level enemies (like Level 135 Corrupted Heavy Gunners I tested this on) are way more likely to die from Slash procs and therefore do not activate the bonus, while lower-level enemies will just die from usual attacks.

    ...Okay, I admit it, I went for Pennant for its looks. 2B called, she wants her Virtuous Treaty back.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited once, last by Ajay ().

  • Spoiled Stike is +100% damage and - 20% speed. So I assume your motivation to use it is the damage.

    A good alternative would be to use Corrupt Charge with +30 initial combo and -50% combo duration.

    The -50% combo duration normally would be terrible but since you are using heavy attacks you are most definitely not building up any combo charges... so it does not matter.

    The +30 initial combo charges gets you into a default x2 combo counter for all your heavy attacks. With other words it doubles your damage.

    There you have your +100% damage again without any negative speed conditions. The higher speed will in the end increase your overall damage output by these ~20%.

    It also will add another 10% crit chance due to your gladiator might because of the combo counter.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Yeah, I have considered that one as well. Thanks for the clarification.

    The other bonus from the Corrupt Charge is that it also works with Pennant's innate bonus.

    Pennant gets a bonus attack speed on a heavy attack kill, and the duration of the bonus scales with the combo counter.

    In other words, 3 seconds of extra attack speed turns into 6 seconds by default.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited once, last by Ajay ().

  • win win win



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!