hiya guys

There are 38 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Avalon101.

  • well its me i know you have not seen me in ages (like over a year) but i have been to busy with real life and my CSs/X2/X3/freelancer mods and scripts but am now thinking about comeing back (and i might bring my clan with me :P)
    so do you lot think its worth coming back? :)

  • Roflmao leo was an ex PiA member so he is either here to suck up to OP and dish the dirt on PiA or he is here because DS sent him


    Originally posted by The_Big_Fish:Leo

    (and i might bring my clan with me :P)

    either way this will be interesting

  • WTF why let me gess thay were all kicked off the server too? (my clan is {[X]Corp} from counter strike but we are now thinking about going into other games like this one)

    and what dirt on pia i was kicked out because i did not have time to play so why would i have preduses against them???

    DS who you mean darkstalker i have not spoke to him in ages.

    like wtf has happend while i was gone, its been like over a year since i have last been on this server could sombody tell wtf has hapend while i was gone

    and suck up i dont think you realise i am from Birkenhead we DONT suck up to people we would rarther die than do that

  • OK fishy I look forward to meeting you then (yes I am on teh server OPs bans dont work very well neither do his BG recruitment security methods)

  • where do we start? PiA left and where subsequently disgraced, OP drove the DC leaders away over the PHX thing and the clan hasn't been the same since, the ASF/CSF role play was working until OP assumed leadership of the ASF and it promptly collapsed and all efforts to revive it since have failed, there was a new mod update that included even more empty systems that are no use and there was some bases randomly placed around Altair, the clans had to then deal with 2 char wipes because of the of the update the second wipe was because OP felt he hadn't coded enough bugs to put in so the beta testers got the blame but in the 2nd edition of the update all the bugs where perfected, and there are still some ships that are banned so feel free to try them out, there has been at least 2000 flame wars and R-39 have recruited all the players off the server 60 times over, captain ban (gunny) has found enough reasons to ban more players in 6 months than all the other SPs have in the whole history of CF

    so everything is ship shape and up to its usual high standards

  • Actually, Leo, most of us are having fun, and while we miss most of our PiA mates, a notably bitter one has sour grapes and still visits here to vent his spleen...

    Welcome back, and enjoy! IOC will be glad to help where we can...

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • wtf did pia do? or did mr paranoid get worse and just ban em like he did to lots of other people (like i respect what he has done an all but he allways seems to think people are out to get him well it was that way when i left )

  • PiA left in disgust, then DS began his textual diarrhea on the forum; this is what spurred the bans...OP did not ban PiA until after they left and this pointless flamewar was ignited by DS...

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • Hello leo time no see I hope you are keeping well old freind

  • Im good, crazy shit yes same old shit definatly.

    I know we didnt exactly part on good terms m8 but I wish you and your clan all the best m8 lets hope you do ok here

  • i am still not shure i still have my old FL mod (i allmost finished it, but i kinda gave up) i could just boot up the server pc i am getting (its fucking sweet a Athlon64 X2 5000+ cpu 4 gig memory and a 1 T hard drive i was going to rent it out for cs servers. but i could use it for my own fl server too.
    also by the end of the day i will hopefully have my new web fited (16 meg download like 7 meg upload) :D

  • You should ask OP if he wants to rent it he just got a new one and it dont work right[203]

  • A car lottsa hookers, drugs, drink or all 4 at the same time