Marillion hat einen neuen Termin erstellt:
QuoteDisplay MoreConquer the Base
Event Style:
PvP, MassPvP
Shikoku (meeting is 20 Minutes before the beginning at Deshima Station ~ Evented Bases are Battleship Myoko and Fuchu Prison)
approx 1 Hour (Max 5 Rounds)
At the start 2 teams will be formed which will have to take the base of the other team. Each team docks at its base and waits for the starting signal of the event manager. Now both teams start and try to dock all of their own members at the opposing base and the other team tries to defend its base, thus preventing the opponent from docking. Once an opponent has docked at the enemy base he may continue to participate in the event and launch an ambush or help his members also dock by firing the enemy ships. (Do not dockkill so be careful, if somebody comes to the "red lights on the ship" - Dock sequence is set to fire.) The winner is the team which docked most of the ships at the enemy base.
~ no mines, no nanobots, no shield batteries
~ the fight is Team vs Team
~ the fight is maximum 5 Rounds (Team wich won 3 Rounds first is the Winner)
~ Participant who docked on a Base has to write in Systemchat "Docked".
~ During the Event all player on the Server wich are not participate into the Event please cross it as fast as possible.
Permitted Ships:
Winning Team 20 Million +250.000 per Kill
Loosing Team 10 Million +250.000 per Kill
We hope for many Participants and much Fun!