Destiny 2 - Forsaken - Release (Tue, Sep 4th 2018)

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Destiny 2 - Forsaken - Release

Tue, Sep 4th 2018

  • Huor started a new event:


  • My opinion on the digital deluxe edition: *yawn*

    10€ for an emblem (the most useless stuff in the game), one ornament might or might not drop from random engrams (dunno) and a ghost shell with totally random perks (probably just the usual gun telemetry + X)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • My experience is that the game started to crash again. Same error that I had after the Warmind release.

    It is somehow related to the fact that I have a factory overclocked GPU (all players with that error seem to have an overclocked card). Bungie still hasnt done anything about it apparently.

    There are times where I crash every 10 minutes and there are times where I can play for hours.

    The game itself is... well, I cant fully judge on it. There clearly is more content to explore than in other DLCs.

    I focused on getting my 3 chars through the story campaign and to lvl50 (500 power level) in order to unlock milestones and all that end game content.

    Story wise I am again not impressed. Mainly for the fact that it again is pretty short. There is initial mission where Cayde dies, one more mission on the new location. Then you are told to do a bunch of bounties, followed by another mission and after that your task is to do 6 adventures. And after that the final 2 missions can be done. If I ignore the bounties and the adventures the DLC has 5 story missions.

    Well, there is another mission to unlock your new super.

    In my eyes Bungie should have done more story related stuff and Bungie should learn how story telling works.

    They let the guardian finally speak again but only for 2 short moments... the ghost still does most of the talking. And in my eyes the fact that they spoiled caydes death partly ruined the experience a bit. You know for months whats going to happen so you dont really care while playing it.

    The final boss is a bit of a surprise... but the ending is more or less left open.

    PVP changed significantly to a shotgun + sniper + shoulder charge mess. It is faster and in my eyes feels unbalanced. But maybe I just need to adept. (I tried my luck with a kind of rapid fire hand cannon and had mixed results).

    Bounties are everywhere, the spider has daily ones and weekly ones. Tess offers them in exchange for that eververse currency. Hawthorne has clan bounties to lvl up the clans... I have not checked the location vendors if they also have bounties.

    There are plenty of secrets and activities everywhere, Milestones, challenges, quests... I lost a bit the overview because its that much stuff and I have not even been to the dreaming city.

    I can not really tell much about the new weapons and mod systems. I have not seen many legendary engrams drop (and not one exotic) so I cant tell much about how weapon perks changed.

    Well, I mainly got handcannons so far. Two Better Devils (and that is good because I know this weapon very well)... which both reload faster.

    But to be honest I prefer to use the other 2 legendary hand cannons that I got. Both are energy which of course helps to crack shields. One is like I mention a rapid fire gun that I got from petra venj which causes an arc explosion on precision kills (a strong explosion -> I believe its the firefly perk).... thats pretty nice when you are fighting groups on NPCs.

    The other hand cannon has extreme high base damage (about 50% more than better devils) and the rage perk on top (3x damage after killing other enemies).

    I mean thats a hand cannon you can even take into a boss fight. 2-3 kills on small enemies to trigger the perk and then headshots on the boss. The fire rate is relative low (worse than the better devils) but its very precise.

    But like I said I cant tell that much about the new weapon system and perks.

    Ive spent the most time playing with blue gear in the past days. New soft cap is 500.... so from 400 to 500 you play with blue crap again.

    If you think its a good idea to infuse stuff... you should take a look at the costs.

    Infusing items meanwhile cost masterwork cores. In my eyes the worst change that the developers introduced.

    Even non-masterworked items cost masterwork cores (3-4) and so far I have not been able to get new cores from any sources in the game (other than buying them from Spider). This limits infusion extremely and you are forced to run around with a crap weapon and crap armor because of that.

    Spider sells cores but at sick prices which double each time you make a purchase. The prices reset every day but even if you have 3 chars and you dont want to waste resources you actually only buy once per day. Thats 3 cores. Which is enough for one infusion.

    In my eyes this is the biggest bullshit bungie has introduced.

    Xur is no longer visible on the map. You will have to search him each weekend since his location no longer is related to the flashpoint location.

    If you start playing this weekend you will find him at the usual location at the tower. The armor pieces he sells has the new perks and are usually better than the old ones due to that.

    My advice getting started it so do the first few story missions. Then visit Tess to accept her bounty (after that bounty is done you should get more bounty token when you play the game).

    Once you are on the new location, orange and yellow bar enemies drop light fragments, collect all of them.

    When you have enough of them do the new mission on IO to unlock the new abilities. (when you do kills later during the story campaign you can unlock more of that)

    Then continue to play the storyline and combine that with the bounties from spider.

    In theory by the end of the story you should be level 50 (500).

    The new location is alot more interesting in my eyes (eventhough I dont like the purple look). It is relative big and has many hidden parts below the surface. Im pretty sure that there is still lots of stuff i have not discovered eventough i have spent significant amounts of time on that map.

    There are 2 new public events.

    One where you have to shot strange floating "clouds"... dunno... only encounted that one twice so far.

    The other one which is more frequent is a cryopod with a boss enemy in it. In order to turn it into a public event you have to damage the boss until the ground around the pod starts freezing. Then you have to damage vents on the pod which when destroyed spawn orbs that you need to throw on the boss multiple times. That freezes boss and the final part is to defend that area for 4 mins.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!