Server had Issue

There is 1 reply in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • Today day affter ION. i login for trading something. Commo is the same yesterday. try to restart many time, it didnt change and i got banned some ID.

    try to killed some NPCs, i dont make damage on them then ID banned. it happened for Fallen too. look like he got banned too

    Hope this Issue will be fix soon.

    BTW help me unban 3 IDs

    Name char is in each IDs : 1. Mercury|b ; 2. Asian ; 3. Newyork

    Thx OP again

  • unbanned



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!