about events

There are 9 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by pcforce.

  • as i already said in anounncment of the .:KRT:. clan, we are there to protect players in Altair, and to destroy thoe bloody DKs and Nomads.

    and then i become an idea

    Why not to make an event that is called "DK hunt" ????
    the idea i next:
    we form a group of 2-3 players, and we need to have 3 groups at least -> this would be the best to make at Sunsday when more players are ON.
    and the team who kills most of the DKs become a prize (dont know which one for now, but something good).

    or we can make it so: the last team or player who SURVIVE the DKs wins.

    what do you think about that?

  • I was jesting in the fact that I have no idea how we would count each and every DK that someone killed. May be away, but it hurts my head to think of it. So Inferno can have the credit. Good or bad on this one.

  • in a DK BS killing event counting the number of enemies dead should be easier......i would like to see 2 teams of 3 palyers each vs 6 DK BS[613]

  • i think you will find that unless the current event are filled Op wont allow any new ones.

    very nice idea though but the count would be next to impossible. and a last team wins could meen that the event never ends.

    i know one Mr.Gunny who could do this all on his own and be there forever (he was the other day)


  • It would be cool ^_^
    But then again counting is a problem... unless some server side code counts a player's total kills before and after the event... then the differents makes the player's DK kills
    Or do something like in the nomad hunt, where DK's drop an item, and the team with the most items wins.


  • no new events as long ppl cant get the current events running properly



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    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!