Setting up some rpg's in crossfire :)...

There are 10 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • Just wanted all the clans to

    know, that if they are interested in setting up some scenarios, (role playing games) in

    crossfire, we are available :)...
    Any ideas? suggestions? feel free to post or email us


    Interested in joining us? Feel free to visit our forums at (under new recruits in general discussion forum), or email us at

  • good idea...



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Not sure that my ideea fits here but how about a great battle movie between clans? I

    know that Grinder is good at this. All clans gather for a nice movie who could be used to

    atract more ppl here. Fighters, battleships and even your Hades could fit here.

  • Here are some ideas:
    A PiA member suggested to [Fallen]-Lord_Cain

    the following:
    PiA create specific trade routes. They do not change and are used

    constantly by their freighters. Their freighters are guarded by fighters. Fallen as a pirate

    clan would try to intercept those trade routes. The conflict extends only to that point and

    not any further.

    We created the Hades ship as a symbol and to be used in corssfire

    in story driven gamming. As we are nomadic we will move from system to system. In some cases

    we will set it up where we have to move from one corner of the crossfire universe to another

    one. The job of the other clans would be to intercept and stop us from arriving to the

    specific point within a specific timeline. Wherever the Battleship would end up would be out

    temporary base system until next time we move which would be posted :)...

    What we

    want to create is an ongoing story where each clan has a role in an rpg setting. The rpg

    would not have to interfere with anyones gamming, meaning it would be a choice, for the clan

    members, if and when they want to take part in it:)... We are allready in the process of

    creating a background story for FALLEN clan which I would like to connect with other

    backgrounds of other clans. It is an idea only.

    I would like to have a meeting with

    all clan leaders at some point if they are interested in setting up something. Maybe get in

    contact through email or set up a meeting between us in MSN messanger.
    Our clan email is

    Interested in joining us? Feel free to visit our forums at (under new recruits in general discussion forum), or email us at

  • well this almost sounds

    like that old ASF/CSF thing (i dont know much about it, but i think this is similar) setting

    up some good fights and things like that sounds fun:)

  • a system that has worked in other servers is one where you have several classes or "tags"
    [MIL] Military
    [POL] Police
    [TDR] Trader
    [ESC] Escort
    [PIR] Pirate

    Untagged players are Freelancers and cannot be asked for tolls by pirates, nor scanned by police, hunted by military. They can trade but cannot act as escorts. However they can hire escorts.

    The tag comes after the character name and rules are attatched to each class restricting ehat they can do:
    [MIL] or Military protects their designated house systems
    [POL] protects individual interests within one system but cna roam outside the system to engage and kill [PIR]
    [TDR] or traders can be asked for tolls by [PIR] and be hunted dwon and blown up for loot.
    [PIR] are hunted by all other classes and are "criminals".
    Other tags can be introduced.
    [ESC] can ask for money to protect [TDR]

    This leads to one huge role play where POL's and MIL's protect all other non criminal classes, and the pirates are cosntantly on the run. This means HUGE fights!

    Disadvantage: everybody on Crossfire will have to set up new accounts with their class tag attatched, meaning they will have to explore everything again.

    Just another idea.

  • I was roaming the forums and realised that the same idea has been posted bu JKTR (i think i got the name right) and the idea has already been discussed. So my post is redundant :(
    Sorry for wasting everybody's time...

  • u didnt waste any1s time



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!