The Assault Event Every Saturday 8pm GMT

There are 48 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by RGHawk2000.

  • not needed... remember ...
    me = admin (with p0w0rz to give more

    than 5 charz)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • After reviewing the rules for last Assault Event, the event managers and the administration

    decided to state these rules for every Assault Event:

    1st.- The event would last for

    2 hours starting at 8pm GMT and finishing at 10pm GMT. All partcipants should meet 15 min

    before the event in the arena. Then, the formal 2 teams (after the selection) will go to

    colleseum and dock to their respective home planet.

    2nd.- Every team will have 1 roid

    miner and the rest would be fighters. Teams would set their group layout as they


    3rd.- Players from each team CAN NOT dock at the enemy planet during the


    4th.- The objective for the event is to kill as many as enemy roid miner is

    possible. Each roid miner kill will be counted as 1 point for the killer team (NO ROUNDS)

    and the killed roid miner has 1 min to undock from the planet, otherwise it would be

    penalized. After the 2 hours time limit, the team with more kills would be the Assault Event


    5th.- Roid miners can stay out to a maximun range of 6k from their home


    6th.- No nanobots neither shield batteries are allowed.

    7th.- All

    weapons are allowed but it is not allowed for players to leave the sytem for


    [SIZE=3]NEWS from today´s Assault Event[/SIZE]

    Following those rules, the player met at the arena 15 min before the event. The

    players for each team were chosen and went to the colleseum to dock to their respective

    home/team planet:

    Event Team 1 was lead by BG_petrus and Event team 2 was lead by OP

    and I. Estrategy were pretty much different in the beginning. Team 1 choose a defensive

    strategy while team 2 chose an offensive one.

    Team 2 strategy paid out because was

    the team who scored its first point due to effort from DC_Dragonwarrior, OP, and others DC

    members. From there, team 1 decided to start a massive attack being lead by BG_Laserjet.

    The first 40 min was intense ending up by a lead of 1 point for team 2 being the score 3 x

    4. After that, team 2 change its strategy to a more offensive one making the gap to 2 points

    between both team, being the score 6 x 8 after the next 50 min. For the remaining 30 min,

    team 2 change the strategy to a defensive one while team 1 kept increasing their massive

    attacks with the whole team, but petrus, in the enemy territory. BG_laserjet, mitze_123, Aj

    and another member of team 1 were all over team 2 roid miner who was being defended by

    DC_Dragonwarrior, DC_Dragonness (who enter for another DC member that has to leave) and

    DC_Raven1. They got the point they were loking for making the escore 7 x 8 but not without

    paying a high prize. Petrus miner was left alone and give the chance, 1st for OP to get the

    kill and then OP, Dragonwarrior, and Raven1 to get the last kill for team 2 making the score

    of 7 x 10. With 6 min left, everybody would think that team 1 would it give up by just doing

    sporadic attacks. Well think twice, Team 1 sent a suicide attack with BG_Laserjet. On those

    6 min, the longest time for team 2, BG_LaserJet shot 1 time roid miner with 2 min left and a

    second time with just few seconds to end the event leaving the final score 9 x


    Team 2 have won but learned to respect the corage and bravery of team 1 who at the

    end was not an easy prey at all, despite having heavy odds against them.

    A 50 million

    credit prize was given to the players of team 2 and special 10 million credits prize was

    given to BG_Laserjet of team 1 because of his courage and agressive attack by the


    That is all for today m8s, I hope to see you in the next Assault




    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • and i hope next time we have less friendly fire




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • the event was a blast hawk i loved it. i however think that if we have more ppl per

    team we can set up an offensive and defensive side for each team that works out in a good

    example is this

    team 1 has roid miner and 8 fighters
    4 fighters go and

    attack and 4 stay behind to defend, when then 1 set runs out of fire power to do most amount

    of damage they switch, they 4 defenders become the attackers and the attackers become the

    defenders. same set up with team 2 it might work so that both teams dont have to keep going

    back and forth to each location to attack and defends at the same time


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • that would reduce the possibility of using tactics... dont like it



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • @ op you suck

    just kidding
    everytime i come up with a good idea you shoot it down
    that idea is

    like a football idea and no im not talking about soccer either


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • this event is about tactics.. if you put ppl into roles you

    destroy the purpose of the event

    and you give ur opponent the chance to react on what

    is coming coz he already knows how things will be done

    oh and im not a fan of

    football and of soccer



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • @ Dragonwarrior, ussually more people show to this event. In the first 3 events ,we

    got up to 10 players per team at the last one. Today, I forgot the new clock set for the

    winter time, plus I could not show earlier as usual to invite everyone. We have usually a

    good amount of people.

    @To everyone, the last event was the best of all 4 since my

    watch. New rules worked just fine and it was intense up to the last minute (just read my

    review at the news) We will stick to these rules and I promise you will enjoy it. So to the

    people that was with us on the first 3, I invite you for next saturday to see it yourselves.

    Dont miss it...

    @ Dragonwarrior and OP, Because of different way of thinking, the

    rule for team layout stated that each group could chose its own layout. I dint suggest any

    layout in the rule (like before) cause I didnt want to influence anyone. I thougt at first

    like you Dragonwarrior, but I got give it to OP this time (and you know sometimes Im hard

    headed about someone ideas without proofs) The way we handle the team layout was much better

    and gave us the capability to score 10 points. When I did it my way in the other events, it

    was difficult for my team to score good points. However, in a matter of speaking we did have

    scouts, defenders, and attackers, the difference was that no one was assigned to an specific

    role and that was great cause it did allow us to be more effective and have more degree of

    freedom in our tactics.

    @to my team, OP is right about friendly fire, next time watch

    out who are shooting to. I got my armor/hull halves by my own team members two or three

    time. I have to shoot down 2 of my team members before my miner hull got deplete it

    completely and they were not listen to the group com ;) [8] But it was a blast anyway and

    real funny seen you guys shooting at me like desperate maniacs
    [11] without knowing

    who you were shooting to.

    I hope as this info help you guys out there. This have been

    the best time that I spend online since I started to play FL CF mod.

    Greetings to



    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • yes i agree im harded too i get a good

    idea in my head and do not think about what can happen if i use it and sorry again for

    shooting at you


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • tactics will develop... experience, coordination and teamplay will grow in time



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • That about sums it up.

    Oh and I dont like Football or

    Soccer either....


    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.


    Hello Everybody,

    This RG reporting from the arena. Today event was unique in

    a way we got 1 team we just BG clan members and the other team with a mixture of people from

    DC and LP clan. We met as usual in the arena at 7:45pm. BG_Petrus, commander of team 1 and

    event manager, set the rules in the arena. While we were there, an old legend, without

    anyone expecting that appeareance. BG_MarcBomber who undust his old shroud from many battles

    to participate in the event. Team 1 was completely BG with an strong attack force in their

    hand. Team 2, commander by your loyal servant (me), was really concerned about the

    implication to face such as strong enemy. But generally, Team 2 morale was high despite the

    odds :)

    After the meeting at arena, each team took its side on their respective home

    planet. Team 1 had Segema as his home planet (Southern side of the Colleseum system) and

    Team 2 had Tyrius as its home planet (Northern side of the Colleseum system) the figth

    started with the main objective in mind, to destroy the enemy roid miner.

    After few

    minutes of starting the event, Team 1 open the score by guess who :) BG_MarcBomber, with

    some help from BG_Laserjet. I guess Marc wasnt that rusty after all.
    However team 2 got

    great offensive by OP, DC_Octy.., DC_Raven and Privateer getting Team 2 first point just few

    second after. Team 1 has an massive offensive on team 2 all the time just leaving BG_Corp to

    defend its roid miner. The next 30 min was heavy on Team 2 taking around 3 more points from

    them. Team 2 didnt let this passing by and adopted same strategy than its enemy getting 2

    points with the help of privateer, DC_Octy.., DC_Raven, and DC_Blackdragon who joined the

    fight few minutes later.

    The score was 4 x 3. & the fight was getting more intense.

    Team 2 still had hope to take this event home :) However massive attacks by BG_MarcBomber,

    BG_Zikron, and BG_LaserJet started to concerned team 2. team 1 got up to 7 points while we

    were just up to 5 points. Team 2 got a little bit of air from Privateer attack by downed

    team 1 roid miner 1 more time leaving the score 7 x 6. Another suicidal attack from

    DC_Raven, DC_Blackdragon, and DC_Octy tied the score 7 x 7 for the first but last


    The next minutes, team 1 send the whole squad, who was almost camping at team 2

    home base. They got 3 kills in a row leaving the final score 10 x 7.

    The event has to

    finish earlier due to some technical problems in the installations. However, everyone agreed

    that we had a new winner today. Team 1 players received their prize in the arena and were

    congratulated by the commander of team 2. It was a great fight from both team.


    m8s, this is all for today´s assault event, I hope to see you again at the same place and


    Saying bye from the arena,


    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • some very important parts are

    missing in this report... but ok ur choice



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • screenshots taken at

    yesterdays event
    the first two showing weird things with particles ive never seen

    the last one is showing laser on my scanner 2 times... additionally to the fact

    that he was jumping and not able to be hitten by a normal fighter (only the roidminer with

    the widespreading guns was able to hit him)
    im sure laser is not responsible for this

    shit but it was his char which was affected by it

    dunno what the problem was... but

    ive seen the same at the event before

    oh and i dont like to be shoot down for no

    reason after i definitly said that i wont play at this event anymore
    and i not happy

    about being called things like "bad looser" and such a shit especially after i joined the

    weak team which had not a single chance from the beginning

    i was not happy with the

    balance of the teams where one team had nearly all experienced players and the other team

    had what was left... thats definitly not the idea of this event



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Hi m8, I didnt notice that strange

    thing floating around. I do think is really weird. However, I did notice that when I was

    outside I ask Petrus to order his team to dock as I did on my team. The problem with read

    lag stop, but when people start to undock, the lag appears again.

    The problem with

    LaserJet is the second time it happens. From all player, he always has been the hard to get

    shot down because his ships always jump around. I didnt have any trouble with other enemy

    players and even when I had to shot down my own team members last event because of friendly


    About the weak team, I dont see it in that way. I had fun at the event and it

    helps my team and myself to train for a higher standars. Many people are not use to this

    kind of event because they usually pvp 1 on 1. This event help to develop Team playing that

    is not an usal thing along the Freelancer community.

    About responsability, maybe is

    not laser fault directly, but being the only one hard to get and affected by this anomaly

    twice looks that bit the odds of probabilities. Last fight I gave laserjet OP prize money

    becuase I didnt say that way, I just thought he was damm good flying around that I could not

    get him ;)

    More input about this issue would be appreciated from other particpants if

    this same kind of weirdness happen to them.



    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Today at the Colleseum at 8pm


    [SIZE=3]The Assault Event [/SIZE]

    meeting at Arena at 7:45pm GMT to arrange teams and set the rules

    Assault Event 19/11/2005




    Another week has past by and here we are again in the arena to report

    another extraordinary Assault Event. The meeting at the arena started with a little delate

    of 10 min (7:55pm GMT) but that didnt stop to increase player attendance comparing to last

    week. As usual, we wait 15 to 20 min for people to show up. Players were coming from every

    system around the Galaxy. I want to notice the effort made by Gunny and Sev, who race all

    the way from stuggart to be part of the event but due to some extenuating circuntances they

    had to leave. New faces showed up, Canoso, Dimitris[A], Sleepy, and R39_Mhawk, who also

    have to race to be part in the event. Also, [HUN]_Nomadkiller make his appearence a to make

    a total of 14 people in the arena. As usual, before the event managers pick the team,

    BG_Petrus state the rules of the event which are posted above. A 1 to 1 pick was made by

    each team leader, like old high school days, to assembling the teams

    When the meeting

    at the arena was over, each team took its side on their respective home planet. As usual,

    Team 1 had Segema as his home planet (Southern side of the Colleseum system) and Team 2,

    had Tyrus as its home planet (Northern side of the Colleseum system) the fight started with

    the main objective in mind, to destroy the enemy roid miner.

    The first few minutes of

    event were taking for each team to layout their strategy. Team 1 choose a defensive strategy

    by just sending 1 team member at the time through the enemy front line on his first attack.

    Team 2 choose an agressive strategy by sending out all his players to enemy lines but 1.

    First attack was made by BG_Zikron, who may I say has improved his battle skill

    since last event. Zikron did pretty much damage to the hul of team 2 miner but it was

    overpower by the skill of team 2 defensive pilot R39_MHawk. Team 2 fleet were taking

    position ir order to obtain a massive multirole attack. Each member of team got his mission,

    destroy the enemy roid miner over and over again. Well, that paid off. Team 2 open the score

    and keep getting sucesive points up to 3 before Team 1 could make a move and get his first

    point. Team 1 scored his first point by individual of attacks from [HUN], Sleepy, BG_Zikron,

    and Dimitris[A] finishing the job that Zikron almost got done first time. At that point, the

    score was 1 x 3. No one could know what was going to happen next. Team 2 keep doing massive

    attacks taking both corridors (right and left) in the colleseum. It look like team 2 has

    more than twice the number of players attacking Team 1. Pia_Darkstalker, BG_Laser6jet,

    Wing_[94], and Pia_Illuminatus (aka "The Bulb") kept scoring up to almost 4 points in a

    row. However, Team 1, by their sporadic attacks from BG_Zikron, Sleepy, [HUN]_Nomadkiller,

    and Dimitris[A] also acomplished their goal of killing the enemy miner twice, making the

    score 3 x 7 after 35 min of competition.

    Everybody who has participated in the

    Assault Event knows that a 4 point lead is not enough. The score could flip over easily in

    the next 20 min. Therefore, Team 2 decided to keep up the momentum by keep doing

    consecutives massive attacks to the enemy roid miner. Only R39_MHawk and Pia_Fallen_Angel

    were left in the defensive lines of team 2. The outcome of this strategy was a 5 cosecutives

    kills of the enemy miner. Team 1 had changed his previosus strategy to an agressive one by

    making an attacking wing of 3 pilots. Sleepy, BG_Zikron, and [HUN]_Nomadkiller did a great

    job by working toguether. After another 30 minutes of competiton, the score was 4 x


    The next 30 min where passing by massive attack on each side. R39_MHawk and

    Pia_Fallen_Angel from Team 2 didnt have an easy task. Sleepy and BG_ZIkron were incidious in

    their attack on Team 2 so MHawk and and Fallen_Angel showed extraordinary skills by holding

    the enemy off. R39_Mhawk took out several times sleepy while He was trying to destroy the

    Team 2 miner. In time, Sleepy wouldl accomplish his task by himself giving another 2 points

    to Team 1. But, Team 2 players, DArkstalker, Laser6jet, Wing, and "The buld" held to their

    word to keep their momentun by killing Team 1 miner another 12 times leaving the score 6 x


    The next 21 min you would think that with a lead of 18 points Team 2 would go

    easy. Well, think twice cause team 2 wanted this victory so bad that they didnt stop

    scoring. Even Falling_Angel took his chance to be in the front lines. Time after time, team

    1 roid miner went down without any mercy making a total of 9 kills. But Team 1 never lost

    its honor in the battlefield and despite the lead by Team 2, Sleepy, BG_Zikron, and

    [HUN]_Nomad killer kept coming over and over scoring 3 more points. If it wasnt for the

    extraordinary defence skills from R39_MHawk and Pia_Fallen_Angel, plus a little help from

    the other team 2 players, Team 1 could have scored twice as much as they did.

    In the

    last 4 min the score was 9 x 33. Then, one of the event manager decided to give an extra

    prize. The team who could kill first an enemy roid miner in the next 4 min would receive a 2

    million credit prize. Team 2 did it again. They got Team 1 roid miner for last time leaving

    the final score of the Assault Event 9 x 34.

    It was a good fight where every team

    player put their best and took the chances they had. Team 2 have won the Assault Event but

    we would never forget the corageus Team 1 players.

    That´s all folks for today´s

    assault event, I hope to see you again at the same place and time.

    Saying bye from

    the arena,


    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it