The Assault Event Every Saturday 8pm GMT

There are 48 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by RGHawk2000.

  • The

    Assault Event will be held every saturday a 8pm GMT at the colleseum (pass by the


    From now on, this are the only rules to be apply to the Assault Event after

    they had been disccused with the event managers:

    1st.- 2 Teams, 1 for each planet

    andeach have to dock at their home planets before the event starts.

    2nd.- Every team

    will have 1 BattleShip and the rest would be fighters. They would set the team layout by

    dividing them in 3 groups:
    a.- Scouts
    b.- Defenders
    c.- Attackers


    We will have several rounds during a time period of 90 min. The objective of each round is

    to destroy the enemy Battleship. When 1 Battleship is destroy, each team return to their

    started position and the next round will begin.

    3rd.- Players from each team can not

    dock at the enemy planet.

    4th.- Each BS kill will be count as 1 point for the killer


    5th.- PPCs are allowed to use just at Battleship range. Otherwise the player

    will be called it out.

    6th.- No nanobots neither shield batteries are


    7th.- BattleShips can stay out to a maximun range of 6k from their home


    8th.- No cruise speed for Battleship are allowed but they can change position

    at normal speed.

    9th.- It is not allowed for players to leave the sytem for


    10th.- The event managers will fly the Battleship for each


    11th.- The respawn will be unlimited.

    These rules were made after a

    careful consideration by the event managers and nulify any other rules posted before these

    ones. For now on, the assault Event will be held under, and only under, these rules until

    further notices. These rules will be repeated 15 min before the events begins. If a player

    gets late to the event, if his responsability to read the rules at the forum under server



    The Assault Event Managers

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Hi


    Don forget TODAY, Saturday 28th 20:00 GMT at colleseum (passing thourgh the

    arena system)

    The Assault Event

    The only rules

    will be the ones already posted here in the 1st post. So read them and make sure you know

    them tomorrow.

    I hope to see you there.




    PS: Event would star 8pm GMT, please, dont forget

    to check the rules here.

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Dear Players,

    First of All, I want

    to apologize to everyone who showed today at 8pm GMT, 29/10/2005. We have like 18 players

    just in the Assault Event at the Colleseum. at 9:10 pm GMT my broadband conection was lost.

    I call my broadband provider and they told me they were sorry but the main server could not

    assign any IP to the people on the area I live. They were working to solve the problem but

    it would take several hours. As for now, I still without internet at home so I have to

    connect from my office which I have another broadband company. I understand if everyone is

    $%&/% at me casue it seems that for some reason (maybe some one cursed an spell on me, even

    though i dont believe in magick) all doors are closing to my face to get this event


    Im not a negative person because from all adversity I always think I got

    something good. From last event, we got last set of rules which for the 1st round on todays

    event were working pretty good. There is only 1 rule that, if you still accept me, I will

    work on changing it ( Ill talk about that on another post) Todays events was going to be

    great, just 1 exception. Maybe in the heat of the Battlet you didnt notice, but you were

    shopting down an admin and major event manager. I told you not to shoot him who callsign was

    Event_team1 . Next time listen to the event manager or you will be call it


    Another point was PPCs, I dont know is my team didnt observe the rules on that

    (I will ask Petrus later) but 1 from Segema team were sitting out of BS range destroying my

    BS hull and nothing i could do cause my defender were busy shooting other enemies. On the

    other hand, I have to congratulate CZ_Falcon and CZ_Honda cause they observe the rules.

    Eventhough I could shot them down with my BS, CZ_Falcon came through again and shot the

    Tyrius BS :)

    On my team, I want to apologize to you again, DC and Pia are great clans

    and you fight well brothers. Also Serv did a good joob. There were other people without clan

    tag who did well but in the heat of the battle I could not pick right their names.


    the opposite team, congratulations, great attackers and cool defenders :) Petrus team always

    give his best. I apologize to you too guys. About todays battle, as soon I contact anyone I

    would be given the prize to the right winner (so Far was Segema team before I lost my adsl


    The Assault Event needs many thing to be improved and worked on.

    Especially on situation like the one happen today on me. We need to improve a lots of thing

    like the starting time of the event. It was 9:10pm and just 1 round. ABout the round rules,

    I could see beyond and share OP idea but we have to work on that in order not to become a

    respawn killer exploit. But I still see great things.

    So guys I hope you forgive me

    and sort things out so the next event would be better :)




    PS: I hope I get my adsl working tomorrow so I

    could share some input/ideas with you.

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Uhm sorry for the event ship, we saw the message after we


    Rank + Codename: Captain Blade
    Wing: Dragon Wing
    Organization + Leader: DragonCorps - DC_Hägar

  • the event just doesnt work

    from what i have seen there was

    pure chaos after "1st round" ppl standing around loosing the interest... starting to spam...

    sitting at the opponents base... not knowing what to do

    interuptions of fights are

    always crap coz it takes ages until ppl are rdy again to fight... its like starting all over


    also the rules are way too complicated... there is no space for


    but nvm - forget it.... i already said this 3 times ago but ppl dont

    listen to me



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • On the contrary m8, the event was pretty good on the first round. Besides what you

    think OP, the idea of making the event without rounds was being considered. There was just 1

    point that needs additional consideration and is the respawn killing of the battleship.

    That is why I send you the rules and ask you to give any input on each of them. SInce this

    is a big event, we do need two event managers but there is always problems out of control

    such what happen to me yesterday when my adsl was gone for more than 24 hours. Thanks God I

    got another adsl provider (just 2 in my country) at the office so I could apologize to the

    players. So far to much criticism but none much good self explanatory input. About the

    rules, they are always some complicated rules, eventhough I like to keep it simple

    (difficult in some rules) but generally, they were simple enough except for some such


    1.- Yes, round could be a problem but I need input how to avoid respawn killer

    (especially when those BS are buggy that you get stock at docking rongs - even the reliant,

    I get half of the hull down when the ring catch me and I get free from them. Some cases, no

    so lucky that i have to be kill to restart again - so that is why we have rounds for now)

    Therefore, if some issues could not be solved, I guess round would be the only way for


    2. PPC, on my first event, even when defenders were fighting, the BS could not

    do anything at all but flying away to avoid been destroy by the attackers. Why is that?

    Fighter have PPCs which by keeping enough distance and dodging enemy defender, they do real

    damage. So we have that rule, that really i dont like to call out people out of BS range in

    the fight.

    The other rules are simple, such infinity respawn for each round, no

    reload, no nano neither shield batteries, BS max distance, no docking in enemy planet, BS

    flying by event manager, team alignment, every BS kill = 1 point, No cruise speed from BS.

    As you could see, they are simple enough cause half of them applying to BS behavior which

    are flying by Event managers ( Keep it simple) But, yes, 2 rules there kind of difficult to

    control. So, what do we have to do? Positive input cause some just say do this and do that

    but no one has says you could do this in this way and avoid doing that


    Plus, so far, I do listen to everyone suggestion. We even has a meeting

    about that and then rules were posted plus email it before this 3rd event.


    thing, on the 2nd event we got more people that the 1st one. On the 3rd event we got even

    more. That mean that the event has appealing plus sor far I have been Honorable enough to my

    fellow players to recognize my mistakes plus compesate them out of my game pocket because I

    wont give up so easily.

    So understand this, either anyone give some positive input to

    do things better or dont. We must be doing something good cause Cf event are being holding

    by different events on other servers. Yes, I check not only how we are doing here but how we

    are doing in other servers cause I care about this mod and I put effort, game credits and

    time to make it happen. I also want to thanks people who has help CF, especially the EVENT

    MANAGERS by running other categories, because they has not only beem in their events but

    their brother events no matter what, They are always there. So thanks to you guys for being


    Finally, no matter what you think OP, but I also want to thank you for the CF

    mod. I have played and being invited to several other mod in FL community but this has been

    the best so far.

    Anyway, my email is there or you could pm, Im always open and

    available to suggestions and please explain why and how.

    Thank you in advance to



    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Normally I won't throw in

    my two cents worth, but why not..

    I had a blast (no pun) at the event.

    The two

    issues I saw;

    1. Petrus' BS kept getting caught in the DR.....5 minute delay.


    Solution. OP approves a docking ring mod just for that event?


    Difficult to identify friend or foe since there is no color id showing opposite team


    Solution to that problem is each team is entirely on one channel...and talk

    when you have too.

    Gunny out.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • ive explained the reasons for thing that

    rounds are bullshit and that rules are too complicated 3 times now (2 times on the server

    and one time here on this forum)
    but no there was no change

    im not going to

    discuss about this any longer... it seems to be a waste of time



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • @ op i have a question

    how can you be so negative on what we are doing here


    i mean we have, and are trying to help get the server back up and running again.

    we have gotten the events going again all i see is that you are being negative and im sure

    there are a few ppl that will agree with me on this.


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • Gunny

    Thanks for your input. The event was

    running in the old time by using the roid miner. I came with the BattleShip idea because for

    some reason we could not get the roid miner working. There is nothing we could do on the

    Battleship problem except for your proporsal of the docking mod where only the BS player

    would be allow to use it. However, the admin have to give us permission for doing


    About the player color, you use the channel group to identify your team players

    cause your team players would be in pink color. However channel groups can not get more than

    8 people. What I did on the last event was that my team defenders was on my channel group

    cause they were the one who were going to be close to my BS. Attackers and scout were on

    other channel group and 1 person was designated to give the info to my group on priv.

    channel. I dont know if we could increase the amount of people on group channel in the



    You stated your reasons why rounds are not ok and I understand and

    share your opinion. But I ask you how could we avoid two things from a no round event:

    Respawn killers at docking ring and the BS problem at undocking from the docking ring which

    is the main reason that respawn killing happen at the first place when we dont have rounds.

    As you could see, Im listening, but I havent got any answer to solve that problem. I do

    appreciated your input and thanks you for that. But, If you could give a solution to that

    would be helpful and I will be more thankful. What other rules besides rounds and PPcs

    rules are complicated??? I havent got an answer to that one either and If these are th only

    ones, I need solutions from the problem we confront when we dont use



    I dont get discourage by negativity m8. I take that

    as a test and obstacles that I have to overcome to get a good event going. I also want to

    take the change to thank you for your support.

    @ to the people who login in the


    I see you there, many people login and check the CF forum but just few of you

    really participate in it. I have seen people who were really active before that they dont

    even bother to write a few lines anymore. Remenber, a forum is the pillar of any game

    community and without our participation on it would make our community to fall and losing

    inerest on the game itself. I understand people dont like to take the time to read long post

    so I would be short on next ones. However I need your help, no just here, but in other

    thread that needs your attention and participation :)




    People, any input/idea is good enough for me to help me to get a good event going. Need some

    solution to the problem at stake.

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • i can be so negative to that coz of

    experience... ive been leading the assault events before... every saturday and ive been

    leading them in a way where we had 1 complete hour of pure tactical fights with 3-5 killed


    i can be so negative coz ppl tend to think im dont know what im talking about

    or such a shit... im also so negative coz ppl decide to go their way without asking me about

    solutions or just ignore solutions i offered to them

    its the same shit why this

    community went crap... and a few events wont help... maybe they are a beginning but if you

    guys are not willing to listen... and develop things then everything here is


    i can be so negative coz besides a few guys most ppl dont even think to do

    their part for the community
    i mean well yes i got some mails of ppl who offered to

    help... but if those few are all then its not worth it... i decided not to reply those




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I think the server is growing again, I

    see more new players everyday.

    Note for all: If people or individuals decide to

    address a situation/problem in a negative or positive manner, then use the information to

    make improvements, not continue the banter on a subject.

    You get absolutely nowhere

    by continuing an arguement.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • Quote

    i mean well yes i got some mails of ppl

    who offered to help... but if those few are all then its not worth it... i decided not to

    reply those mails

    So you just decided to ignore the people who did

    offer help?

  • as long ppl dont decide to be real part of this community and do

    something for it i wont waste my time and the time of those guys which contacted me



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • @ op i understand how u feel about it i feel the same about PiA

    at the moment and i would imagine its worse for you after all the years of effort and time u

    must have put into crossfire and the community only to have deal with betrayals and trouble

    makers. but this negativity is doing nearly as much harm op if only a few ppl offer help is

    it fair to shun them? if not many ppl want to help turning them away or ignoring them is

    just goin to drive them away as well, CF is going through a tough phase as is PiA but i sure

    as hell not goin to give up i have give up on things very rarely and im sure ur the same op

    to give in is a faliure and i do not forgive myself when i fail

    if u don not like

    the structure of the proposed evemts why dont you help the event managers instead of just

    sittin back and sayin thats crap, thats shit, thats not goin to work, nobody here questions

    your experiance or abilty op but just handing out criticisiam is not goin to put things

    right u need to activly take some aspects of this into hand and ppl im sure will follow suit

    noone is gonna help when all they get is criticisim

  • Hello fellow

    players :)

    Well, thanks to OP, we got the event ships (the roid miner) on line. I

    really appreciate your help OP. Now we can change some rules. The miner is smaller and it

    doesnt get trapped by the docking ring. PLus, the miner weapon range is good enough to

    confront those mean fighters with ppcs :)

    Therefore, now that we have the roid miner,

    some rules are goin to be reviewed and posted few days before our next event.


    miss it, I think we got the right package this time ;)

    See you in space and keep

    checking cause this thread will be updated soon.




    Shoot, Now that I reread my post I see that I sound like Jean Todt from the Ferrari Team. I

    was watching too much F1 ;)

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • i gave this miner to you 15mins before the last event (that was




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • :) COuld you believe if I tell you that I didnt see

    it. Even Petrus didnt know about cause he was at his BS as well. The importance thing is we

    have them now and with enough time to do some modification on the rule set.




    PS: Im practicing with the miner. Its handling is kind of difference

    from the BS but I like it so far :)

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • petrus has no miner.... coz the 2nd

    eventship is still on my account



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!