The ASF/CSF issue

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by RGHawk2000.

  • ok guys... currently we dont have ASF or


    the question now is if we should keep it up and try it again... or just drop this


    ur oppinions plz



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  • i would like them 2 return and I believe a lot

    of other peeps do.

  • id say give it another chance but we

    need to make sure that all clans will be avaliable to have a meeting like the last tinme we

    set it up there needs to be an even numbner of clans and if in the instant my clan stays

    doesnt want to join either due to RP roles can we still participate in the events


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  • restating the asfand csf is a great idea but if i may i have a few


    1/ as well as the asf and csf perhaps there shud be a middle party for

    mercs that can refferee and observe and join in if one side is numericly superior at events

    as well as participate

    2/ there shud be a RP council comprised of members from each

    clan to discuss potential difficultes and to organise events

    3/ for RP purposes one

    out of the way little used system could be set aside each week on a rota for a combat zone

    for police to fight pirates etc

    4/ the sense of fun must be always maintanied if

    someone feels they are begining to take things personly the onus is on them to have a break

    and reasses things

    5/also i feel a kind of gentlemans agreement should develop as to

    matters of honour regarding things such as honour and ROE because fixed rules do work but

    you cant make a rule for every single thing for example in fights dont gang up on 1 person

    in freindly pvps it doesnt happen because of unwritten consent so in asf/csf combat because

    it is freindly the same shud apply

    6/ i think independnt observers to fights and

    meetings may be a good idea and a transcript of meetings should be published so all involved

    know exactly whats been said to avoid any uncertainty

    well i hope these ideas will be

    considerd some may be impractical or may simply be a bad idea but plz consider them

  • I have not participated in an ASF/CSF event & I do understand I can not

    participate until I m member of a clan or make a clan renting my own system. I think that

    rule should stay (eventhough doesnt benefit myself) Plus, from what I heard here, this was a

    good ideat. We should keep it and the major clans should get toguether and disscuss

    modifications that could help to improve it. Plus, everytime a new clan get into group, they

    should get meetings to hear the voice from the new members.


    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it