Sig 19 Declared War Zone

There are 182 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • Chaos Pirate Clan is declaring a 8k radius area around Liner Hawaii in Sigma 19 a

    War Zone.

    Neutral vessels are allowed thru transit and trading privileges, subject to

    possible taxing as usual. Allied vessels can do as they wish of course. Those who partner

    with BG in trade there can expect losses, u have been warned.

    BG-tagged vessels will

    be killed on sight in this area. Further, from now on if any BG trains use "ALT-F4" to

    escape being destroyed once in sight of a Chaos fighter, all particulars of the incident

    will be published here for the others on the server to laugh at.... we cant stop u from

    doing that but u wont want to next time after we get thru with you.

    There will be

    many brutal fights in this area. Pilots who wish to side with us in these fights are

    welcome, but note that BG will try to threaten and frighten to stop u from helping..... But

    there is CLEAR, documented precedents for u to help us so u cannot be banned or punished by

    admin for doing so. Pls report any such threats here or to me.

    We are Pirates. We

    have a Role Play duty to stop our RP enemies from trading..... its possible BG could declare

    war over this, they should understand we are fully prepared to fight a "total war" if

    necissary. They will then find Chaos is a much larger, tougher, and ruthless opponent than

    last time.

    Chaos will be pushed and threatened no more! Should such unpleasantness

    occur, all the worried ppl on the sidelines must understand this: U should Contact BG with

    your concerns for the server's future.... This time its not our problem its


    We will not be run off the server, we will not cowtow to bg arrogance, and if

    it comes to war, we will fight until victory or the whole universe is destroyed around us.

  • @ jib are you F***ING CRAZY why the

    hell would you do such a thing like that

    ps i think this will be fun to



    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • Chaos havent been threatened or punished Jib,not since ive been here

    BG dont threaten other pilots like you do .
    I see only 1 very arrogant person

    at this moment and it is you Jib.
    The only threats i saw last night were from you against

    a freelancer who killed you.

  • @Wavy: i have been threatened... so have many Chaos lately. And those

    who offered to help me in Sig19 yesterday were threatened, too. Btw the freelancer didnt

    kill me, just shot at me.

    Is it arrogant to defend the rights of my clan, (..and of

    the other clans here, btw), to run our clans the way we see fit?

    Is it arrogant to

    question the one-sided and high-handed actions of admins that we been seeing


    Is it arrogant to insure our enemies dont trade in peace? ... We are Pirates

    u know... The bg reserves the right to attack us "criminals" anytime because you are such

    "good guys"... ROFL. That is true arrogance! Ppl around here are starting to see the truth,

    those who are veterans of the server already know it.

    Well, this IS arrogant:

    Continue to deliberatly provoke us and u will get whats coming to u.... That i promise. But

    u should be damn careful of what u wish for.

  • I am agreeing with

    DC.....Crazy, but fun...I may even join...on what side though, I don't depends

    on what leader says.

  • Vlad, my advice is to stay away from these battles. Let

    us BG and Chaos settle this once more. Unless you are sure you want to face assualt after

    this is over for which ever side you choose.

  • You provoked BG by killing

    one of our trains Jib,no way did we provoke you.

  • come on guys, give jib a break. Killing a

    train? thats a usual occourance for a pirate like him; its his fuckin Job. Thats pretty

    pathetic for the BG getting upset about i train death.

    Fallen Angel

  • Thx, baldwin...

    Nice.... U see how he said "settle this once more":

    That's because the BG already voted for war with Chaos on Sunday. Op told me that

    himself on msn...... Now do u ppl understand why im upset???

    They would like to

    provoke us so it looks like our fault. Last night Nitro himself tried to deliberatly

    provoke me... Well i dont blame him for doing it himself i wouldnt expect him to rely on

    Baldwin for something like that, lol.

  • What u mean by saying give

    Jib a break?
    He killed a train then said no BG will trade in sigma and that he would kill

    us all.
    So we came and protected Sigma from pirates ,its OUR job
    I had pilots call me

    and ask if we would protect them in Sigma cos they were being killed.
    Oddly one of said

    pilots has now joined Chaos,funny that
    I never saw anything about a war mentioned on

    Sunday Jib and i was at meeting.

  • Same, we were put under orders to

    fly cautiously because of high tensions with Chaos and R-39.

    edit: And I

    meant "settle this once more" because it seems you call for a war every week or so. So it's

    into the frying pan once more.

  • For the record: I wasn't informed on the plans of a war; not by OP, not by grinder,

    not by another member. I have been online since sunday enough for them to relay it to me (I

    wasn't present at the meeting).


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • Ok how was the question worded then...? Some slight change in words that actually means

    the same thing, i bet... or op was lieing to me then. Think about your answer carefully this

    time, wavy.

  • At last, PIRATES that akts as PIRATES !!

    Jib it's about time

    you get awake !

    As freelancer/trader i'm on the side of the "good guys", the

    authorities ( BG ) but i think we all need some "bad guys" that will do everything in they

    power to illtreat the POLICE ! :D

    I dont preach WAR , hell no !! and it's not the

    intention of CHAOS to start one but they want to see more action in a mod full of potential

    but that is turning dull because of save trading !

    We all needed to explore, find the

    best ship and equipment in this new mod, certainly after the charwipe ! But now, i think

    it's time to get more action sinds we have even battleships. Let us use all this potential

    to finaly start a real RPG. ( and not a silly war ).

    Please, BG's, don't take this

    too personnal, if Chaos attacks you ( where its hurts) its normal, they PLAYING the pirates

    and you are there to protect us, the defendless, the traders in distress ....
    Of course

    we will complain and ask the autorities to take measures about this damned pirates that

    ruins the free entreprise but that part of the GAME, we are gaming folks, for FUN, yes just

    for FUN !!!
    Is there someone in this hall that still knows how it is to have FUN ? ( you

    know: " i'm the good, your the bad , i shoot at you and you die, no hard feelings ! " ? )

  • NewPol we do play for

    fun,somehow Jib seems to think we have ulterior motives ,none of that is real.
    If a

    pirate kills a train of ours of course we will kill them and we will also defend innocent

    traders.(Its fun :))
    We played the good guys against pirates then Jib makes his nice post

    I will not discuss anything else about our meeting Jib.
    I know what was said so

    do all BG and you dont.
    Now please stop this idea of war its not necessary

  • Jib, dont let go...
    We are with you... not because this is a pirate vs police

    thing... but cuz this is a server issue... BGs superiority gloatation is disgusting... OPs

    modding ability rocks, his admin and clan honestly sucks at this point... n0x is in to show

    then that happy players should be more important than server superiority... as leader of n0x

    i join Chaos in this war, Vlad as second in command seconds

    this... If

    "repercussions" after war are too much, we will leave, i hate the new rule making that

    closes doors to BG superiority... you run server, forum, rulemaking, and fun... fun is

    not fun with BG.

    Some of you BGs i respect and appreciate, and i am sorry

    that you remain in the dictatorship which you are in...

    Chaos & n0x remain allieds

    -- n0x is now at



    --> anyone interested in joining n0x, please contact

    me or Vlad for details, war stockpile funds welcome you :D



    if this war ends n0x@CrossFire it is well worth



  • Jib, there was no action discussed at the meeting

    concering Chaos. For the most part it was the R-39 issue. If OP did say something about that

    then it was his desision and we didnt know about....thats IF he did it. Can you post some

    chat logs from MSN? If you keep the history...