Elite: Dangerous Newsletter #61

  • Greetings, Commander,

    Welcome to Newsletter #61. This week, Jaques Station is mobile. The long-lived cyborg barman Jaques from Frontier: Elite II is about to fulfil his dream and embark on a journey across the galaxy aboard his own mobile starport, and you're invited to join him for the ride. While the team is taking your feedback on board for next week’s 1.1 update, we’re here reporting the latest on Elite: Dangerous for Mac, launching our affiliate programme and sneaking a look at March's Update 1.2 in our Peek Of The Week. As always, check out our Forums, Twitter and Facebook for the latest from the Elite: Dangerous galaxy, and stick with us at the Elite: Dangerous Newsletter for your weekly roundup on what’s going on.

    [heading]Contents This Week[/heading]

    • Jaques Station
    • Peek Of The Week
    • Affiliate Program and PAX East
    • Elite: Dangerous for Mac
    • Comms Chatter
    • GalNet

    [heading]Jaques Station - You Don't Know Jaques[/heading] Jaques is a barman, a property owner and a cyborg. Back in the year 3200, Jaques had been running the same bar in the same starport for an inhumanly long period of time. His tale was recounted in the “Stories of Life on the Frontier” booklet included with 1993’s Frontier: Elite II, wherein we learn Jaques owns half the starport and plans on taking it on a voyage across the galaxy just as soon as he buys the rest.


    "I guess it will take me about another fifty years to buy up the rest of this place and another ten to fit it out with enough drive engines. I think I'll do what Augustus Brenquith did and fly off into the unknown and explore new systems. But I like people as well, so in sixty or so years time there will be an invitation going out: anyone who wants to come along can join me on a long trip.”

    22 years after David Massey wrote the short story “All That Glisters...” in Stories of Life on the Frontier, Jaques is doing just that. It took a little longer than expected (the old Coriolis Station wasn’t robust enough to take the drives he wanted…) but he got there in the end. You’re welcome to join him for the ride next week.


    Jaques Station is a custom mobile Orbis starport you’ll find in Elite: Dangerous 1.1. Modified to support drives, Jaques Station will jump to a new system from time to time as Jaques sets off on his course away from human space. His roaming starport will make a useful base for explorers, but if you're docked when he jumps you'll be taken with him. Jaques Station will also sell a special and rare trade good, so check the markets if you can catch him. GalNet will be updated with news of the starport’s route next week, and will continue to keep track of his movements as Jaques journeys across the galaxy.

    [heading]Newsletter Peek Of The Week[/heading]

    The largest player-piloted Federal ship in Elite: Dangerous: the Core Dynamics Corvette

    [heading]Join The Club[/heading] We have two new ways you can get involved with the Elite: Dangerous team.For webmasters, the Elite: Dangerous Affiliate Program launches on Monday. We’re looking for websites and gaming channels to join our Affiliate Program. As a member you can earn up to five percent commission when visitors buy Elite: Dangerous or other Frontier merchandise via your affiliate link.

    Joining is free, and we’ll back your membership with advertising materials. Click here for details on membership.


    If you're in the northeastern United States we’re recruiting Elite: Dangerous player Ambassadors for PAX East in Boston, MA between March 5 and March 8.

    If you'd like to volunteer to help us demo the game at PAX you must be over 21, free on the dates above, familiar with the game, US-based (East Coast preferred) and able to travel to Boston. You must also be contactable via email.

    To apply, please send an email with your name, age, address, and three brief reasons why we should choose you as an Elite: Dangerous Ambassador for PAX East.

    We will cover transport costs, accommodation and approved expenses.

    See details on the show here, and hit our forums for more information here.
    [heading]Mac Update[/heading] Work on Elite: Dangerous for Mac is progressing well and we’re still on track to enter beta by the end of March. This beta period will be longer than the short 1.1 Beta test and we’re anticipating a period of around six weeks for testing.

    We still have a whole bunch of optimisation work to get through so we’re not ready to provide a minimum spec just yet, but we can confirm it will be available as a 64 bit build.We’ll have more on the Mac release soon.
    [heading]Comms Chatter[/heading] In last week’s newsletter we included the template for Hawkjon’s papercraft Sidewinder, and so many of you posted pictures of the completed spaceship that we turned it into a competition. Here are some of our favourites.

    Dave Gomm’s Sidewinder gained attention from a strange alien lifeform.


    CMDR Modeselektor broke down beside a couple of furry companions.


    The competition was invaded, but for now we’re denying reports of Thargoid activity in this sector.


    And the winner of an exclusive print is Commander Manon, whose Sidewinder visited a mysterious mossy planet with giant fungi growing from the ground. We’ll be in touch about your prize!

    Elsewhere, Isinona continues his hunt for Commander Julio Montega in the latest video from his Flight Assist Off series.

    In other news: Elite Meet 2015 is an informal gathering of Elite: Dangerous fans arranged by the community. If you’re in the Birmingham, UK area on March 28 and want to meet other commanders, play a few games, chat about Elite: Dangerous and maybe have a drink or two, then swing by Elite Meet 2015’s Eventbrite page for more information and tickets, or visit the forums to chat about the day.

    And finally, a big shout to our friends in the Italian community at EliteDangerous.it where you’ll find the latest Elite: Dangerous news in Italian, a comprehensive players guide and a community forum of their own.

    Although Federal aid was deployed to the farmers of Panem in Kappa Fornacis, President Halsey withdrew the troops shortly after. Although Halsey claimed the job was done, the leader of the Farmers’ Association, Georgia Algeria, denounced their efforts as window dressing.

    75 percent of the population in the Dulos system voted to leave the Federation and become an Independent state. Despite these changes, there has been a resurgence of support for the Federal government – some are pointing towards the strong plans to improve the economy.

    The Dukes of Mikunn, a community-formed group, began sanctions against the dictatorial Law Party of HR 7327 in the system of the same name. The Law Party-owned Gabriel Station has since been under blockade until the regime change occurs. The Dukes of Mikunn have warned traders to stay away from the system and find safer routes if their route brings them near HR 7327’s space.

    The Sidewinder Demolition Derby was held last Sunday at Slough Orbital in Vesper-M4. The event will now be held every first Sunday of the month, and has pilots hurtling at one another in basic Sidewinders. Commander Rose told Galnet: "The Jet Transport Corporation lost a lot of trade last Sunday. No ships were able to enter or leave the station for almost an hour for fear of being blasted into smithereens by these lunatic pilots.

    "Civil War broke out in Balaikda between two of the system’s minor factions, HIP 43760 and Balaikda Ltd. The former is a Federally-aligned organisation, much to the surprise of the Empire. The Imperial Navy have set up checkpoints near a number of local planets as a direct response to the Federal Involvement in an Imperial system.
    That’s it for Newsletter #61.

    As always if there is anything in particular that you’d like to hear more about, or you'd like to ask a question, then please contact us at elite-newsletter@frontier.co.uk. Click for the latest game manual, quickstart guide and pilot training videos. Visit our Support team here and read all our previous newsletters here.

    Until next time, fly safe and Right On, Commander.

    The Frontier Team

    Frontier Developments