Anubis to weak for Chapter 3

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by ramses.

  • Hi,
    I have continued CS 2.0 story with vanilla save from last official mission.
    Chapters 1 and 2 were possible with Anubis and Order lvl6 weapons, since I was with Juni. (and I cheated with lowest difficulty settings)
    But in Chapter 3, after getting the datadisk from Stalin, I just can't kill those two Outcast with Rasors... their shields are unpenetrable for my lvl6 weaponry.
    If I go from scratch would I end up there with better ship/weapons? Or can I brake from the story some place between chapters?

    Any other advice?

  • You should get, at the very least, something that has lvl 10 weps. From this point on, it gets progressively harder.

    Level 6 weapons will not cut it, as they won't even kill the shields. There are plenty of ships available that have 2 level 9 weapon slots and 4 level 10 weapon slots. There are even some ships that have 6 level 10 slots.

    Here is the page to look for a ship that will suit your needs.…/377-Very-Heavy-Fighters/

    Good luck in your search.

    ~edited to answer second question~

    Yes, there are breaks in the chapters to allow you to go on a search for a new ship, equipment, exploring, etc. However, there are only a few of these breaks.

    Edited 2 times, last by Eight ().

  • Eight: Thank you for your suggestions.
    At this point where I am, there is no way of braking the story. That is why I asked if replaying from beginning would allow me to finish official part of the story with stronger VHF.
    Also, other people started like me, from last Vanilla save and somehow managed to finish the story.
    I have read on the forum that if you want to start crossfire story, you need to load at least last mission save (mission 11 or something). So I did, finished the main story, and immediately there was mission to go to New Berlin. Which must not be broken! After that there first planet landing is New London, where I can't buy better weapons or ship. After New London, I wen't with Juni to Sol, but had to go back few times in Dublin since after dying there autoload would brake triggers (Juni would stop 2.5 K from jump gate to Hyperion and gate was locked).
    Any more suggestions/ideas

  • Your travel to new berlin takes you through the hamburg system. Try to land on battleship westfalen and buy the Rapier VHF there (costs $8.356.701). It's a class 10 ship and will help you get started in CF campaign. (I'm not sure if landing is still allowed in 2.0 but it worked in 1.9, from anubis to rapier vhf is a good upgrade)
    If it doesn't work or you can't afford the ship by then, try getting a eagle from freeport 9 between mission 9 and 10, which is your last free break before CF story starts
    by the way, you can also try to get a Cayman between missions 7 and 8 but I decided to play the original part in my anubis so I went for rapier vhf