The greatest Mod I never Played

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by jacquesmail.

  • This is without doubt a great mod, sadly I have never been able to get any version to work, I have returned to this mod several times with several different versions and with several different computers over the years. Sadly this time like the last times I cannot get 1,9 to work. The one time it managed to work I got massive graphical glitches and severe white blooming. Now sadly it just crashes as I pick single player. I wish the answer were as simple as a reinstall of every thing all over again unfortunately I have installed the game the mod manager 1.3.1 and the mod about 25 times over the last week. I've updated drivers, changed graphics and a friend of mine who is trying to install the mod is having his own completely separate issues. I'm at wits end once more, if 2.0 is perfect as indicated by the developer I hope these issues are resolved so that you can just add the mod and not get a headache with the details :(

  • Right, run everything as Admin, and it should all work fine... as well as restarting the PC at each install part.

    Also make sure there are no save-games in Singleplayer folder in My Documents/My Games/Freelancer, incompatible save games crash the game at the loading screen, not where you said, but w/e, worht a try.

    It is a sad thing that you have issues installing it, but it must be something wrong on your side, as over time, nearly always the issues got fixed by the player and managed to come online, eventually.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I can run CF 1.9 on Lenovo office notebook (T420i which use very very crappy integratted GK) on max details if needed and also on. my home PC. White squares are related to textures and graphic card (this should be not issue in 2.0). There are for 1.9 crashes for launcher, but this is all.

    If there is crash right after you press SP it can be related to your PC video codecs and 'cf intro'. You can in activation select option skip intro movies and this will avoid this problem. Next problem can be old FL entries in your documents where freelancer save sp saves and game settings (see faq about this).

    Is also goood idea to check cf wiki (in my siggy is lin) in advices section for entry called 'How to avoide graphics problem while play ....'.

    last issue which is usually behind 80% problems is write protectin for FL old files. In faq is mentioned what is needed to do BEFORE mad activation.

    Few questions:
    How big is your Freelancer folder?
    What graphics card you have on your PC?
    Have you installed latest net.framework?

  • You need to reinstall everything, also. you need to make sure there is no residual files or desktop icons or anything in your trash bin. You need to go to control panel uninstall files and look to see if they are still there. if so uninstall them if cannot remove right click and delete. Look in and see if they are still listed in your start menu and program menu files. clear trash bin if all files are gone. then reinstall 1. freelancer 2. flmm 1.31 3. crossfire 1.9 let it download it will take awhile. once downloaded activate the mod. once activated. make sure you left click mod once if not already highlighted, then launch freelancer and let it download files and run throw its dog and pony show till you get to the final menu to play the game aftger the videos. EXIT out and then restart the game. ALSO make sure all updates for computer are good to go. like JAVA, Video card, ETC. Hope to see you around the galaxy. 8)

  • 90% are graphic problems - had problems myself.

    Step 1 : Un-Install Graphics Driver and install latest Update for your crad

    2: Must have 1gigbyte ram on card if using Intel I5 or I7 CPU

    3: Install DIRECTX 9.0c (Full Version) important Install after Graphic Driver - REBOOT

    4: delete all TEMP Files - All Frelancer Game Files .
    UN INSTALL freelancer then Must Delete manualy the Freelancer Directory and all its content

    5: Clean install of freelancer - DO NOT do ANY Updates of any Kind
    6: install mod as instructed

    Works for me all the Time :P