I Give Up

There are 15 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by R@F1_5Y5T3M.

  • Please take this as constructive.

    I have been trying to enjoy your Mod for the last two days and all I have gotten is a tummy ache from frustration.

    1. It is too hard to start. I have purchased the best fighter I can afford in New York with level 3 and 4 weapons, and I still get pasted. I cannot even get past the 1st mission you fly with Juni (in California). Our support is dead in seconds, and I soon follow.

    a. 1st couple missions. Several deaths, the enemies do too much damage and use regens too much. There is a fine line between realism and fun and this is missing it.

    b. I can understand wanting us to trade for money, a little boring in my opinion, but fine. I did that each time to get to the next level/mission (up until now where I cant survive)

    C. If I get my trade lane interrupted, its either they then run from me, or I use all my batteries, nanobots, then die. I can sometimes run away. Super fun.

    All I am suggesting, is you tone down the start ALOT. How is it fun to die over and over again on the 1st few missions?

  • Welcome to CF
    As you noted...the npc's are very tough at first because they actually try (improved AI) to fight back. There are features (such as) returning their pods for cash that more than offset the initial toughness if you play a bit more and find why it can help you rapidly resolve your issue. Feel free to ask around in forum and you will likely get good points to solve your initial problems ;)

    I roam space in search of adventure and treasure.

    {LP}Marauder{X} of the Lost Prophets

    MARAUDER n 1: someone who attacks in search of booty
    "marauder": Syn: bandit, buccaneer, desperado, forager, looter, pillager, pirate, plunderer, predator, raider

    FYI: Lost Prophets are currently recruiting, please talk with a representative online :D

  • Hi,

    How do I return the life pods? They only seems to sell for 1 credit.

    If I should be searcings outside the trade lanes for stuff, that is not very evident. Is there a place on this site to help me through these initial tough stages? I just want to play through the initial SP storyline and the extension this mod is supposed to have. I do not intend to play MP.

    Also, about your response. How do I fight them when they all attack me and rip through my shields and hull? My repairs items are gone within a minute. I am buying the best stuff I can find.



  • Escape pods you are supposed to sell at prison stations (Texas, Manchaster, Alaska are the closest systems with prisons)

    The equipment itself does not protect you from getting hurt. You have to use it and shoot back at the opponent ; ) j/k
    It will take a bit practise but you will get used to, how to handle the npc's. Just don't give up after dying a few times.
    It's a game after all. ;)

  • use shield-depleting guns (pulse-class weapons) and advanced flying capabilities such as strafing and engine kill for rapid turns. and dont even try to kill them by missiles, this is a waste of money and gunmounts.

    { Lonewolf(reborn)MkII / (KoH / Dr.AS. / Mr.) Ridley / Volition (godlike) / Lt.Col.John_Sheppard / BS-Project_L20εα }

  • sure CF is hard... but there are countless of new features which compensate this IF being used.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Mount 2 missiles , 2 guns for hull damage and 2 for shield damage. When you concentrate your fire on an npc and its shields are going down, hit the thrusters and fire the missiles (as soon as you get close to the enemy [ the closer distance the better chances of hitting it with missiles/torps ] ) and after that , do a break ( in this case , Engine Kill [ the default button is set to Z , so , choose a direction with the mouse and hit it and then slide away using the mouse as a direction guide. The enemy's missiles can't track you while you're in EK mode , except only for the cruise disruptors , they can stop your EK if they hit you ] ). You can also use thrusters while you're in an Engine Kill mode in order to manuevrer faster , to get closer to the enemy , to avoid enemy's fire and so on.

    That's the best way that I can explain it to you. Just practice more and you won't have any troubles with the npcs.

  • So its not just me, though my problem seems to be not dying but aiming, i can't hit anything more then a few times before they break and start flying around like maniacs.

  • This problem will get better when you advance in the storyline. I noticed that heavier enemy crafts cannnot keep up these crazy maneuvers.
    Sometimes i have more problems killng a bunch of corsair legionnaires then BH Hammerheads with Patriots and Crusaders.
    The legionnaires always get away from my VHF, while the heavy ones can be followed, their heavy armor isnt helping vs 4 lvl 10 guns.

    This leads me to a question: Are light fighters like the tiger worth it? Can they keep up with VHFs?

    And to the TS:

  • biggest problem ive noticed by analysing savegames from players which have problems with the difficulty is their weapon setup

    they use weapons which do not fit together and therefore can not hit anything
    6 weapons with 3 different projectile speeds are clearly a bad idea



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Why that a BAD idea ???
    Hmmm i want ask too ...........
    What will happen if we use 4 weapon that have DIFFERENT RANGE -------------> like 2 WASY PROPULSOR and 2 TIZONA DEL CIT ??
    is that will cause a problem too??

    BTW a love that game with HARD difficulty ----------------> EASY game IS NOT FUN
    this game full of mystery ^^ and hard to kill the NPC !!!
    i like it:D

    I want to know how it feels when becoming SOLO player

    He inspired me :ninja:

  • the weapon range only plays minor role
    most important is the projectile speed since you have to aim in order to hit
    the target lead indicator is only valid for the weapon with the highest speed.... projectiles with lower speed would miss the target



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!