Crossfire 1.9 Download problems

There are 6 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by DcnWlf.

  • Hello, I been tryin to download the crossfire 1.9 mod and when it gets done it says that its broke, im tryin it now with firewall off jus to be sure. If i get the error again i will post it via lightshot screenie. It says something like "the integirty of this file does not allow installation. please contact your developer to issue you a new one. :(

    Anyone ever have this problem, or know what i need to do? Please help :)

  • Hello, I been tryin to download the crossfire 1.9 mod and when it gets done it says that its broke, im tryin it now with firewall off jus to be sure. If i get the error again i will post it via lightshot screenie. It says something like "the integirty of this file does not allow installation. please contact your developer to issue you a new one. :(

    Anyone ever have this problem, or know what i need to do? Please help :)

    Hi Pilot, having trouble installing CF 1.9, problem solved.

    Just PM me your postal address and I will send you a copy on DVD, FOC.
    Virus free, so no need to worry. ;)



  • Hello DcnWlf, ... this message mean that your download was corrupted while downloading. I suggest use any download accelerator which allow intermittent downloading (like is integrated into Firefox)

  • Hello DcnWlf, ... this message mean that your download was corrupted while downloading. I suggest use any download accelerator which allow intermittent downloading (like is integrated into Firefox)

    Ok i used Firefox and got it now installed into FLMM turned it on and went to main menu, no text on buttons. (Looks like it may be there jus VERY VERY small, any help? Thanks :)

  • overwrite the fonts.ini with the _fonts.ini
    both located in ..\Freelancer\Data\Fonts\



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Ok i got it working i had to install the downloaded file and open the mods folder and copy the crossfire 1.9 mod into FLMM mods, although the start video was all black and the intro movie's voices were messed up it works good as i can tell. Was playing for a min on laptop dont have a mouse so its hard. I did notice the tracer to shoot them wasnt there, that sucks but ill get used to it. Thanks for all the help hope to play through SP with little to no problems then join MP ;D