
There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by thelostone.

  • Excelent , I thankyou for replying to me. I have tried many different fixes but nothing works to get onCrossfire . I can play Discovery 4.85 with no problems. and other Mods as well. I'v got to think that Crossfire must have a Glith that prevents regular Ehthusistast to get on. thought it was My machine or techniques BUT If its gotten this complicated the average player MUST be having trouble getting to the place where they can enjoy your incredibly hard work. My question: Did the Crossfire Elite get to the place where they are too good or above the regular patawan getting off their mundane jobs , that they are disconnected subconciously from the "HAVE FUN" original Reason to develop this product line..

    I know where you are and I would love to visit there like on a real vacation (Holiday ) {probably ain't gonna happen }

    Phillip From Texas

  • the problem is as being discussed the flconfigdatabase in combination with your hardware
    and it actually should work...its an issue that makes no sense

    i personally would suggest that if other mods work then you take this file from these mods



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • On a personal scale from 1 to 10 I would rate you as a 10+. On the other hand I am probably a 0.7. although on the same scale of enjoying the mod you developed I belive im close to your level. WhenI wa son line I always helped noobies if they wanted help short of giving them too much Info that might ruin the fun of discovery , You know , like whers this or that . I played for several weeks before anyone offered me help . Im one of those people that didn't get it . Persistence is my only atribute. Im asking if somone on line in the us can help me by looking into my Computhers files to "maybe fix it " trust Chrestron, Firedragon, forlon, any one from the BG , SA , ECT .... to help. My Ph number is 1-940-779-2007, my E Mail is storman618@yahoo.com. as the girl in the 5th element said PLLeeass Hallp. I can get anyone into my computer using Crossloop free

    PS this is legitimate thelostone (teardrop) waaa

  • Try write PM to Gunny ... he was yesterday back on server and he is really good with PC stuff.