Freelancer Vanilla Ships : Stats about energy Output

There are 13 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Cresthen.

  • Hi everybody,

    Can anyone tell me where to find a file describing characteristics of vanilla ships , and more specifically their respective energy outputs (for comparison with weapon power consumption) ?

    I searched forum and webdisc unsuccessfully (or foolishly :S )

    Thank you in advance !



  • I don't know if such info got published somewhere, so it was a good question, yet, not the first to ask or try to find that info.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Well, you can find each vanilla's ship energy output by checking/reading a group of Freelancer encoded files. And you can even make such list if you wish others with your same issue to have it easier.

    Are you interested to do it this way ?

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Well, It seems that it's exactly what i am looking for. Thanks Cresthen.

    I'll check if this information is reliable, and give it to community in better format .



  • Well, yes, that file says the power capacity of each one, nice discovery Cresthen :D

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Actually, it may be missing important information. The power regeneration. I think it's linked to ship model and items (some of then exists in CF to increase energy output, i think).

    Without this information, hard to really know what weapons can be equipped without risking a huge loss of power during fight.

    keep searching (and testing).



  • just buy pow gen mkV and use wise that device!

  • This is vanilla Freelancer's section, not CF, so he don't have such item. (he also asked about vanilla ships, only)

    Iskander: Well , there is a way to see that as well, but why to know so many details about ships ? You have some plan for them, like a mod, or just want to know which is the best one, from the 3 options you have in vanilla.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Actually, it may be missing important information. The power regeneration. I think it's linked to ship model and items (some of then exists in CF to increase energy output, i think).

    Without this information, hard to really know what weapons can be equipped without risking a huge loss of power during fight.

    keep searching (and testing).

    To be honest.

    The ship flies without usage of power.
    While being in cruise mode, you can not use any weapons at all, since they are turned off automaticly (except the countermeasure).
    The power itself is only needed for firing guns which have power consumption, during the usage of regular guns.
    Turrets, missiles, torpedos, mines, countermeasure and cruise distruptors don't need generated power.

    There is nothing existing in CF or vanilla to increase the energy output.
    The only thing what exists is the power generator (not sure if its not there in vanilla already)
    The power generator is there to speed up/decrease the generating time/refilling time needed to refill the power cells. (visible as yellow bar on the lower middle of the cocpit)

  • Quote

    without risking a huge loss of power during fight.

    Not flight.

    Well, the Power Generator adds faster regeneration and capacity (max ammount of energy) as well, and it's a CF added item, not in vanilla.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

    Edited once, last by /V\ichael: . ().

  • Every ship in vanilla has a power generator, it's standard issue. All information regarding the stats for powergenerators is in the misc_equip.ini

    2779996489 = ge_fighter_power01, Starflier Power Generator
    2182579915 = ge_fighter2_power01, Startracker Power Generator
    2194637003 = ge_fighter4_power01, Hawk Power Generator
    2195423681 = ge_fighter5_power01, Falcon Power Generator
    2189918923 = ge_fighter6_power01, Eagle Power Generator
    2722014858 = ge_train_power01, Train Power Generator
    2911550017 = ge_large_train_power01, Large Train Power Generator
    2548337857 = ge_transport_power01, Transport Power Generator
    2573097859 = ge_large_transport_power01, Large Transport Power Generator
    2592524426 = ge_prison_power01, Prison Liner Power Generator
    2898311171 = ge_lifter_power01, Heavy Lifter Power Generator
    2454314894 = ge_liner_power01, Luxury Liner Power Generator
    2463997902 = ge_miner_power01, Mining Ship Power Generator
    2440416965 = ge_repair_power01, Repair Ship Power Generator
    2293659904 = ge_csv_power01, CSV Power Generator
    2660060175 = ge_armored_power01, Armored Transport Power Generator
    2180305863 = li_fighter_power01, Patriot Power Generator
    2968894153 = li_elite_power01, Defender Power Generator
    2896957829 = li_freighter_power01, Rhino Power Generator
    3040067276 = li_cruiser_power01, Liberty Cruiser Power Generator
    3009625668 = li_dreadnought_power01, Liberty Dreadnought Power Generator
    3139811086 = br_fighter_power01, Cavalier Power Generator
    2363039246 = br_elite_power01, Crusader Power Generator
    3038861450 = br_freighter_power01, Clydesdale Power Generator
    2726897037 = br_gunboat_power01, Bretonia Gunboat Power Generator
    2493026244 = br_destroyer_power01, Bretonia Destroyer Power Generator
    2869216321 = br_battleship_power01, Bretonia Battleship Power Generator
    2559049420 = ku_fighter_power01, Drake Power Generator
    2679297037 = ku_elite_power01, Dragon Power Generator
    2368349760 = ku_freighter_power01, Drone Power Generator
    2167106639 = ku_gunboat_power01, Kusari Gunboat Power Generator
    2895376654 = ku_destroyer_power01, Kusari Destroyer Power Generator
    2691043020 = ku_battleship_power01, Kusari Battleship Power Generator
    2217753024 = rh_fighter_power01, Banshee Power Generator
    2936819917 = rh_elite_power01, Valkyrie Power Generator
    2757078158 = rh_freighter_power01, Humpback Power Generator
    2644290371 = rh_gunboat_power01, Rheinland Gunboat Power Generator
    2968999115 = rh_cruiser_power01, Rheinland Cruiser Power Generator
    3220718660 = rh_battleship_power01, Rheinland Battleship Power Generator
    2421248832 = bh_fighter_power01, Piranha Power Generator
    2366526861 = bh_elite_power01, Barracuda Power Generator
    3208063555 = bh_elite2_power01, Hammerhead Power Generator
    2864006792 = pi_fighter_power01, Bloodhound Power Generator
    2336623689 = pi_elite_power01, Wolfhound Power Generator
    2891391439 = pi_freighter_power01, Mule Power Generator
    2946888966 = bw_fighter_power01, Dagger Power Generator
    2895354511 = bw_elite_power01, Stiletto Power Generator
    2733166601 = bw_elite2_power01, Sabre Power Generator
    2638301386 = bw_freighter_power01, Dromedary Power Generator
    2582876104 = co_fighter_power01, Legionnaire Power Generator
    2403646734 = co_elite_power01, Centurion Power Generator
    2514394563 = co_elite2_power01, Titan Power Generator
    3077351812 = or_elite_power01, Anubis Power Generator
    3015408262 = no_fighter_power01, Nomad Fighter Power Generator
    2853693445 = no_gunboat_power01, Nomad Gunboat Power Generator
    2765008393 = no_battleship_power01, Nomad Battleship Power Generator