Dom'Kavash needs us!

There are 42 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • yes inertia is to big on full loaded train..f2 to RB and train stop cca 2k away from RP

    ... yes, but with practice it is much better :D ... I like how it is now (was much worse at beginning) bcs now you simply need practice if you want think about average flying with Train. And IC is simply worst environment for Trains operations and this is for me also OK. It is nice Challenge :thumbup: . We did in this mission too much small mistakes for expect success. I'm absolutely sure that in 2-3-4 next such type operation will be result much better.

    For example:
    In squad need to be 1-2 BSs for faster speed and as leading ship which will attract enemy fire and mainly as cover against doom BS fleets.
    Train must go first to jump (except Weth).
    Cloak is optional (if I had it, I had to survive).
    Better fighters coordination when every time must have train few ships close to do cover. To repair Train on rep.buoy was enough do close fly around (as I tested yesterday few times) and this will reduce risk being attacked when Trains are stopped (as happen also once)
    Will be nice have one repair ship in this type operation. This ensure repair all ships in safe areas and also BSs fast repair. (We have it all, we were only all too lazy or too convicted in our skills :D that we can do it with less commitment than was necessary) I take this as great experience for future. 8)