Vanilla FL vs. Crossfire 1.9 SP Question

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by sol_mate.

  • First, hello, and second, thanks.

    I have started replaying through Vanilla Freelancer (With HD Textures Mod) for the first time since college - I don't think I ever finished it then. I have only made it to Bretonia just recently. I am loving the game, got it working in Widescreen, and installed an "HD" texture mode (which is not exactly HD, but I digress).

    My question is this:

    In your opinions, should I restart the game with Crossfire installed and replay through the campaign - OR - should I finish the SP Vanilla story, then boot up with Crossfire and start from scratch - OR should I finish the SP Vanilla story, then boot up with Crossfire and start on Mission 14.

    I understand you may all have different opinions about why I should do which, I'm just really curious to hear some. I did a quick search of the forum and couldn't find any question exactly like this - particularly in light of the 1.9 release.

    This mod looks absolutely amazing, and will greatly extend my enjoyment of this wonderful game. Why Freelancer 2 was scrapped is something I will never quite understand.

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

  • Hello :)

    ... I suggest play vanilla story with CF installed. Space and also cut-scenes are much nicer playing with 1.9 textures and graphics improvements. This way you also will avod problems with starting 1.9 added missions (they started immediately after you finish last vanilla mission)

  • +1 @ Martind

    A good idea to play through the vanilla missions with CF installed. You will have the chance to see the differences in CF and experience the new missions as well. IMO, its about as close to Freelancer 2 as there has ever been attempted. You may run into a few bugs that haven't been ironed out yet, but the CF team is working hard to fix these. Also feel free to ask in the forums if you have probs.....most have been addressed if you try searching. After you play the missions, you might find that MP online play is even more fun. Good voyages pilot 8).

    BTW, love the name....I havent had a blue ribbon in many years.....cheers

    I roam space in search of adventure and treasure.

    {LP}Marauder{X} of the Lost Prophets

    MARAUDER n 1: someone who attacks in search of booty
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    FYI: Lost Prophets are currently recruiting, please talk with a representative online :D

  • I would play the entire campaign through on Vanilla. Then install CF and get ready for a much bigger challenge. Your tactics will have to be very different, so in many ways, it's like playing a completely new game. Although the vanilla game is flawed, it is still a great game. You said you never finished the campaign; so I highly recommend doing so in vanilla first. Have fun!

  • I've played both the vanilla campaign and the campaign in Crossfire in the last fortnight. I also recommend playing the vanilla first. That way you get to see some of the changes that make the Crossfire version of the campaign both a challenge, and as it allows you do "things" you can't in vanilla, a whole lot of fun.