New roleplay, new missions, new ships with weapons and many new ideas for FL

There are 11 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Huor.

  • input is always appreciated but i fear your ideas may come a little late. OP is already trying to wrap things up and adding new stuff will not help get the mod done. But you got the right to suggest your ideas so propose it anyway, TO OP (not in public). It happened too often before that ppl proposed great ideas but it turned into debates and violent talks on this forum. We need to avoid this. So please, find your translator and give your ideas to OP first and if he agrees you can post it in public.

    Thank you ;)

  • I can say short about idea in 2 words(now i this is all write in word,then i send to admin to read the full idea)...thats can be the new style of game,when not admin gives story to players, where players do their story and game...admin only correct this. My idea has 3 stage:
    1. "colonization" (or expansion) - this level when clan (or houses) can colonize new system(and build them) for their control(like gurm,gladius, hieron and other in altair for Coalition, and from DK(who will play for them) - systems of warriors,or gurm and gladuis and others, in sirius - nomad systems or not used or new systems).
    2. Next level will be named "clan wars",its will be when colonization will be finished ,with this systems(what clan or houses colonize) will be new border with other clan.And some clan can to capture system other clan(details i will say later).
    3. "opposition". this is will final and the biggest part of game (but for pass 1 and 2 stage will be many time for playing). When players will be share on small clans,medium and the biggest clans - all territory will be under control some clans or houses(like in sirius - alliance, in altair - coalition, in inner core - DK and others). Will be new outbreaks of fights "clan with clan"(CvC) to get their territory or dont lose them.This we can do in first part of this trilogy(when coalition try to get gurm or hieron)...but this is will be not full, because hieron under NPC control...and not so many players can defense the DK from coalition or others to do "CvC".
    This part will do when old player can play for good idea to defense or capture border systems with others old and good players from enemy clan or house(this is will be good roleplay!).When the biggest houses or clans of houses will be have in control all their system(sirius - allianse,altair - coalition and other) - they will be fight with others borders clans(or houses).And the player can choose for whom he want play (coalition,alliance, Dk or others).This is will be interesting,because there is no end of game!
    Later i write all details of this idea.
    Sorry for my bad english.

    Reptile_ua is now - [CCCP]_Nikita_Ivanov1 -
    the founder of this clan (CCCP is on english - United Soviet Socialistic Republic)
    This is new clan will be register little later,when we will be full. in this clan play only russian speakable people. We will be based in coalition space.

    thanks for help!When i will finish write the new story - i show this to all players.

  • Basically we will get a "conquest" system for 1.9 which will allow for the clan wars and territory disputes... a "supply" commodity will be available at clan home system to be delivered in a system. With a certain amount the system will fall under one's control and clans will be able to fight for supremacy. What rewards it will give to the largest empire is not known yet (except for the honor ofc).

    However, despite building stations is technically possible (updates through the launcher like the economy), i am not well aware of the repercussions it may bring to the game balance. Plus, OP cannot spend all his time placing new stations all over the colonized systems either because this needs to be done manually when a faction decides to build a base. Also, all the details about what these bases will actually hold (commodities, equipment, ships, bribes) is a big headache. It is too complex for the benefits i think. but with the conquest system, clan wars will return for sure...

  • i say that this can be big mod...not little update in week. when clan want to place somethin in his system -he must to pay some credits(like the little station - 200 mil,medium - 400 mil, big - 600 mil or more,place the BS(if this house or clan of some house) - 500 mil, place Ion guns (for coalition) - 100 mil for 1 gun) to admin or other.... They can place this in some frequency... for building their system - clan must moving(trading,taxing and others)...this is will be stimulate all players to play their characters(!)....not only play for buy a good ship with weapons and PvP....
    To do some time interval for clan to buying something for their systems. Like this:
    clan play all june and july and collect 2 bil credits,then clan decide what where to ways or ion canons, or patrol way of their house...when they decide - they write to admin final result what where be placed in next mod...
    but i need show full idea,that you can understand the full range of this game..this is will be like the all known monopoly game. but with fights and roleplay =)

  • New:
    For capital ships:
    1.Give to capital ships rocket(universal like flak) turels. First target for cruiser - kill heavy fighters,but how he can kill they if has 2.00 recharge speed of turels. Look like in reality ships...they have heavy and light weapons,rockets,torpedo. Now 1 heavy fighter in game can kill cruiser...thats crazy. Give for capital ships some this
    (1) - very heavy(for cruisers and BS only) - range 3 000 m, powerful some above 3000 damage, speed - 1022, 2.0 recharge.( or 1.0 but more powerful) this guns must be use from other BS and cruisers(for cruisers only 1 or 2 this turels)
    (2) - heavy (for cruisers and BS) - range - 2444, power 2000, speed 1100, 2.00 or 4.00 recharge. Substantive weapon for cruiser.
    (3) - medium (for gunboat(can used on a bigger military ships) - range - 1500,power 1300, speed 1200, 4.00 recharge (or 5.88 but low powerful)
    (4) - light guns (anti-aircraft guns(can be mounted on bigger military ships) - range - 900, power - 500, speed 1500, 8.33 recharge ( or 10.00 if this possible but lower powerful) - wiill be good weapon for killing enemy fighters.
    (5) - heavy cruise missiles (for Bs and cruiser only) - range - from 3500 - to 3000, power some above - 15 000, medium speed, low recharge. (on this platform can be create "heavy rocket cruisers" for long range battle and protection from fighters,will be have light and medium guns - this ship will be deathly for fighters, but he need cover from BS to protect him from other enemy capital ships)
    (6) - other missiles (for cruisers and gunboats) - range form 1500 to 2500, power from 2000 to 8 000, good speed, standard recharge.
    (7) - heavy radar (only for BS and cruisers) - if possible do range some above 15 000 - 17 500 m
    ( 8 ) - can mount thruster on cap ships but only ( for BS - 8 thrusters,for cruiser - 4, GB - 2) - and give for them some acceleration - max - 150
    (9) - give for player choice what he can mount armor (+ 10 - 100%) or anti-radar cover (armor) (he will be have only his home armor, but all radars will be see he only from 70 - 30% of their range(if man has scanner 10000m - he will see him only in 3000m) this is will be like the stealth technology for ships. (on this platform can be create fleets of clan for big fights for control the system =)
    +bonus (10) if provide the the stealth cover for ships - can be create space submarines(!) - their target will be BS and cruisers,they will be have already (unmounted stealth cover and "phantom engine"(when he is included submarine will be invisible for other players but will use all energy and then player cannot shooting,and can only turn on cruise engines and run away from fight.Their mission will be only kill Bs and cruisers...with this high technology function they can go in the rear in enemy fleet and from big range kill some big ships in one or two torpedo shot. They must have some above 8 torpedo room and 3 - 6 light guns with recharge 8.33 or 10.00, because first who will shot to submarine - will be heavy fighters. Submarine will be have low armor from 20000 - submarine will be easy target for 2 or bigger fighters.

    P.S. will be good idea(if it real to do) to mount on BS,crusers and supspace ship(submarine) - jump engine.It to hard travel on capital ships in trade lines...give them some above 20 sec to charge them and set in map(border systems) where they must placed.

  • and....will be good added for military ships,subspace ships and torpedo-boat (like kamov) different types of torpedo.(like the coalition torpedo)
    For Coalition - hydrogen coalition torpedo (biggest power of all torpedo)
    For Sirius - Nuclear (if it possible) torpedo. (lower power than coalition,but after explosion leaves the nuclear trace of high damage (some above 20 seconds after explosion,radius - 1 k) all ships in this area will be damaged.
    But they must be strong and use them can only cap ships(without GB) and torpedo-boat(attack plane if they will be added in game like the type of ships(freighter,fighter,attack plane,torpedo-boat)

  • and also - military (capital) chips can buy only people with best rep of this house,where he want to buy cap ship.If rheinland BS - best rp with military rheinland,if liberty - with liberty, if will be added coalition - with coalition. Thats crazy, when pirate can buy BS of Liberty and travel on trade(!) lines and taxing people %))))))))))))))))))))

  • to do (if possible) different stock of weapons.Like:
    for light fighters - 30 missiles
    for medium - 40
    heavy - 50
    very heavy - 60
    gunboat - 100 (torpedo and missiles if will be added rocket turels)
    cruiser - 150 or 170
    BS - 250 - 300
    this implies all basic missiles and basic torpedo what have ship.Big ship needs more stock of weapons for long fight or long range operation.

  • i am not going to balance anything again
    all balances have been done and the players will have to live with it



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • there is only correction for the game and new idea. Off course,as i see, you will be nothing to change. sorry =\
    and if you have no time to do something for game - we can help you...only say what. many people in clan ready to help and work on specific programs.(im not bad use photoshop)
    we can help with russian wikipedia, because all people from ukraine, russia, bulgaria, georgia and other countries are speak on russian...thats will be good way for new players.