Any chance CF devs will ever allow windowed?

There are 3 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Faaby.

  • I still have yet to find any good reason for why they disabled this. "Causes problems in multiplayer mode" is not an answer. Does it make your client crash occasionally? Are their weird video problems? These are all things that it should be up to the player to deal with if they so choose, a hardcoded "no windowed mode" is retarded when the original game itself supports it fine, and other mods also support windowed mode fine, multiplayer or not.

    Is there any chance that the CF devs might bring windowed back to FL? I can't play it in fullscreen because FL doesn't seem to play well with dual screens, and alt-tabbing makes freelancer crash more often than not.

  • Hm - dont know if we can make this window mode working. As far as i know its not on our agenda in first place. So let suprise yourself ;)

    Second my FL does not crash in dual monitor view and i can alt tab as often as i want with no affect to my system -> so might that be player related problem? What other mods support is only halfway relevant as other mods are most likely not half as complex as this mod (not related to window mode but other features). Just saying...


  • we did not deactivate the window mode
    it just has become incompatible with other more important features
    giving users the option to use the window mode again is based on an incredible workload which would throw back the current mod development badly

    on a side note:
    it is not our job nor a matter of possibility to make everything working perfectly on all the different hardware configurations out there
    I am sorry, we have created a mod which is running under the normal conditions and within the limitations that the original creators of the game have layed down 8 years ago.



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  • Just throw away one screen if it causes problems ^^

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