I'm a beginner with some questions.

There are 6 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • Vanilla Freelancer is a great game. After completing the SP campaign (years ago) I installed a mod that added new ships, etc. I don't remember the name of the mod but I do remember completing the SP again in a vintage B-Wing from the Star Wars universe.

    Well, ever since I heard about Crossfire I wanted to reinstall Freelancer and give it a go. So, I did. I'm not much into MP space games so I started the SP campaign again in the Crossfire universe.

    So far, I'm a little underwhelmed and disappointed. And here are some of my issues:

    1) I would have liked to fly the new ships in the original campaign but they're way too expensive for my budget. Unless I'm missing an easy way to make lots of money it appears I'm stuck with the original ships until well after the original SP campaign is over.

    2) I'm a bit perplexed about the general lack of help from this forum (apparently the only place one can get help with the mod). When someone asks a question about a ship location, trading run, etc. it's usually answered with "meet me in the game" or "send me a PM" etc. And this is even in the "Spoiler" section of the forum.

    For instance, I decided I would like to make a lot of money through trading so I could try out the new ships in the SP campaign yet nowhere could I find where one could purchase a larger freighter to carry the goods. No "location guides" "hints", etc. Maybe I'm missing it but I cannot find it.

    I would just like some help. I will accept a "tough it out" answer if that's what I have to do but please let me know so I can quit searching for information that is just not available.

    I have some other questions but those can wait. Besides, I'm not even sure if they can be answered.

    Thanks in advance,

  • CF was created with MP in mind. By playing SP you miss a lot of RP features which bring a whole new feel to the game.

    If you insist on playing SP - the just go hunt for pods & sell them at prisons. It might get a bit dull after some time - but that`s SP for ya.

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

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  • Quote

    1) I would have liked to fly the new ships in the original campaign but they're way too expensive for my budget. Unless I'm missing an easy way to make lots of money it appears I'm stuck with the original ships until well after the original SP campaign is over.

    you can make lots of money during the SP campaign with trading, doing missions, selling escape mods, mining and looting wrecks
    more than enough money to buy new ships


    2) I'm a bit perplexed about the general lack of help from this forum (apparently the only place one can get help with the mod). When someone asks a question about a ship location, trading run, etc. it's usually answered with "meet me in the game" or "send me a PM" etc. And this is even in the "Spoiler" section of the forum.

    i can understand your wish to gain information about the mod
    but from our point of view the situation looks different, many people try to get information from sites in the easy way, they try to find the best ships, the best trade routes and the best equipment. The idea of the game is exploration and we are interested not to spoil what is in the game because the best way to find something is to play the game.
    It is not that we hold back information, we just dont publish it openly. Request for info of course will be answered via pm.
    For us it makes no sense to hand out all the information in public just to notice one week later that the players stop exploring the game and leave bored.


    For instance, I decided I would like to make a lot of money through trading so I could try out the new ships in the SP campaign yet nowhere could I find where one could purchase a larger freighter to carry the goods. No "location guides" "hints", etc. Maybe I'm missing it but I cannot find it.

    a big source of information are the rumours on the bases, they tell you about ships, systems and hidden locations

    This community is a very friendly one and most of the members are willing to help if they are asked to.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Hello mizzer, and welcome in Crossfire 1.8 m8y :)
    I will try to repeat some things previously stated, but without smart ass looking.

    Some ppl like to play and explore game, i am 1 who like to explore all by my own.And i know there is a more ppl like me.But, on the other hand, i know there are the other type of players who like help righter then to lose time for exploring.However i respect both sides^^
    Imagine what will happen if this man-OP who create this Game, put all data in public, about new ships, wreaks, weps, equipment, NPC factions, bribes rumors etc.
    What will happen then?
    Like you presume many ppl will lose their interest for the game, and leave.
    Idea of community is to help but not to force anybody.Think about other ppl who have different sense for playing, and u will figure out, why we use PM and in-game help.
    After all where is the point, if u finish the game for 1 day or 1 night :(

    So..do not be surprised to much, if some of Elders here, beam ur ship up and pull Your newbie ass in unforgettable and scary adventure^^
