3840 x 1024 Resolution

There are 14 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Ryleous Arkane (SA_ORION).

  • The Triple screen adapter from Matrox is awesome.

    See for yourself:

    Video Examples:


    RPG Examples:


    List of Hundreds of supported games:


    I use 3840x1024 in my MS FlightSim X and it is a totally different experience.

    I want to see Freelancer / Crossfire mod to be more that a great game, I'd like to see it as the best space RPG Mod ever.

    a resolution of 3840 x 1024 should not be that difficult since Freelance has a 360 degree view.

    I know there are modders out there that have thought about it. Look at the above examples and tell me it cannot be done and I won't being it up again.

    Can YOU imagine 3840 by 1024 over three screens.

    I see my flight sim that way. With the Logitech 5.1 audio I'm in RPG / SIM heaven. That is until my grandkids come over and want to play on granddad's game computer. Like that will ever happen :-)

    My Seitek Foot pedals, Yoke, Throttle and Joystick make most games realistic. I want that for Freelance/Crossfire.


    Virginia, USA

  • Dewd! The triple screen Matrox adapter setup is awesome Franco! Kinda jellyous! :D I remember years ago when it first came out, I just hope the support for it is better now. At least I've gone wide screen now on my setup at home at a nice high rez. I'm pretty happy with it right now since I've setup Freelancer for the rez with wide screen support/adjustment. I have no clue if Freelancer can even work with a multiple monitor setup, I think that question can best be asked to OP and if he can even add support for it as I doubt MS implemented it into the game.

    Yes, the Logitech 5.1 setup I too have at the house is awesome for gaming, however due to issues with the 3D sound in Freelancer, it's best to leave it disabled as per Microsoft's suggestions to solve various stability issues. I will have to try to re-enable it sometime after Crossfire 1.8 leaves beta and see if it's stable enough to use on my computer.

    As for your controls Franco, I think that all depends on if it's supported by MS (the appropriate drivers) and can be mapped(or even recognized) to certain controls in Freelancer. Playing Freelancer with a joystick is tricky as it's orignally programmed with a mouse and keyboard in mind. But perhaps with the proper tweaking, setup and training yourself to adjust to the new controls, I'm sure it can be done. There will be some quirks mind you, such as z pitch rolls(barrel rolls) are only used while out of mouse flight mode, i.e. cruise/autopilot mode, which will effectively make your foot pedals of little use. Not sure what the yoke controls, but the throttle and joystick will most likely be able to be applied to it, as I have a nice Saitek flightstick myself that works well for flight based games.(and even games like Mechwarrior 4, my favorite to use that stick with)

    Anyway, you've got an awesome setup there Franco, however I'm afraid it may be overkill or worthless for the most part for Freelancer due to it's own set of issues sadly. Best of fortune to you with getting it to work like you want in Freelancer though!

  • I did get the 3840 x 1024 to work once, but Juni's outfit was stretched across one full screen. Nothing sexy about something that wide.

    Although...somethings were meant to be seen in ultra-wide view...like a 14 point buck with a 500 gr slug closing in on it at 300 yards. With ultra -wide view you can see the look on its face and the crap shoot out its butt at the same time.

  • For what you need that horrible resolution, you'd need two screens/monitors for that. With that res, all ppl would be like walking rockets. | :D
    Still, something like 3800 x 2600 would be great...:D

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Michael
    For what you need that horrible resolution, you'd need two screens/monitors for that.

    LaL... it is obvious the man used three screens

  • woooooooooooooooooooooooooo...w!
    and i wondered how big corporations make money from making expensive stuff like that cuz nobody buys it :P

  • omg



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • and juni looks fat then



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I used to think that spending money on big toys was a waste of time. Then, I realized that life is too short not to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I've worked hard at every job I've had and now in my later years, my body is just about worn out. It's the milage - not the years that kill you.

    My Flight Sim display is awesome. However, the total number of display I could have with my system is six. But, that is a wee bit too much, even for me. I did see the nine screen display at the Matrox website...gave me goosebumps.

    Right now, I'd like to play Freelancer in multiplayer with three screens, but I can wait until someone smarter figures it all out. Even Microsoft refused my requests for the display source code to expand my game play. I think they have written off Freelancer. Too bad for them.

    I must say that the efforts put into the Crossfire Mods has been the best I've ever seen. Even some of the game companies could not acomplish what has been done. SWAT Rules it all!!!

  • yeah and it would be the sweetest if you could make the ship take up only the central screen, otherwise it would have looked stupid

  • I heard back from Matrox and they said I could get the game to work if I used the nine screen solution.

    Had to laugh at that one. They just want to sell me more stuff. Maybe when I retire for good.

    My old 32" plasma monitor was great, but it was too warm in my game room with that thing running all the time.

    I had a image of an Outcast lady who was standing sideways. Her "equipment" covered one full screen. I'll keep trying to get the images to merge. It would be easy if the controls had a left-front, front and right-front views.

    The image below is a Winter sceen from my flight sim.

  • I just remembered something Franco! This will result in sinking more $$$ into your system bascially, but you should really check into ATI's newest offerings utilizing "EYEFINITY".

    The Matrox setup is indeed awesome, but I feel ATI's driver support is far more up to the challenge of what you seek, not to mention the graphics muscle thier current DX11 series cards offers... (not that Crossfire needs that kind of muscle, but the more the merrier I say)
