There are 49 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Gast.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Diablo
    Silly... have you any idea how much time and PMs a discussion like this would take?

    Thats the wrong question because it would take the same time as here in the forum. With the only big difference that we all are not bothered with your concerns with Saxon and vice versa

  • Quote

    Originally posted by {LP}SaxonRaider{X}
    I would like to publicly appologise for the harsh words i have said of SMG in the first post. In future, yes, PM's are enough, and appologise to everybody for having to read all what is here.

    SMG have my full support. And i wish SMG good will and luck with their endevours on CF.

    Very decent of you Saxon - Respect


    Staff Sergeant KhohnJao

    GwaedGiardiau - Atal Amddiffyn Ymateb
    BloodGuard - Preventing Protecting Responding


    Fuck it all, Fuck this world, Fuck everything that you stand for, Don't belong, Don't exist, Don't give a shit, Don't ever judge me!

    I push my fingers into my EYES!!!

  • Yes, we can officialy call this incident closed. I think it's time to let this tread die.

    SMG_myric, SMG_RDaneel, SMG_MULTIVAC

    Interested in joining SMG? PM me

    Those people who think they know everything
    are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    - Isaac Asimov

  • an interesting topic indeed...

    well, as a free man now, I let anyone say what I did to them and what they want, if they want a shot at me go ahead, I'm always for action, if they want me to stop killing them because it was not their original idea to fight, but to hunt npc like a sissy with a partially equipped char, that is not my problem...
    we are all playing on the same server, the server where you can (by rules) enforce roleplay on any player outside safe zone systems and kill them accordingly
    saxon...seeing your late apology to SMG makes me wonder, did I ever do something not allowed by the server rules? NO. And for this gossiping you will burn in hell whenever I get a chance while I am a freelancer, and even after I am perhaps not (just to clear it to any silly clan who might want me although I doubt it - turns out clans do not want good players and fighters, but friendly goodies full of jokes and optimism - probably to make them forget every day problems cuz it is only important what you write here on forum, and it doesn't matter at all you can't say 2 words in english or know how to engage rapid fire or fire a missile and defend the honour of your clan in combat, and assist your allies whenever you can)

    P.S. saxon, notice the irony, in the thread start you declare hostility (not "war") with SMG, and in a reply on pg 2 you say "what? i never declared kos to anyone"
    P.S.S. if anyone tells me i'm flaming i'm gonna blow their brainz out

  • you're dead meat man... may us never meet in space for your sake