Insralling Freelancer on VMWare Server

There are 20 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Gast.

  • Hi, the only reason I keep a windows partition on my system is because of freelancer... I tryed installing freelancer on my virtual machine with Windows XP and 3D acceleration from the host OS (Linux NVidia Drivers, NX8600GTS)

    It installed well but when I try to run the game a popup says "Freelancer did not detect a 3D capable video card in your system. If you have a 3D capable video card please try rebooting. You may need to reinstall the game."

    So is there a way to overcome this?


  • he can't continue - that's the prob. I'd suggest trying other drivers or something... or maybe try a different [older] graphics card...

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  • well I cant change the drivers since they are installed by the VM software, they are basicly a link betwen the VM and the host OS drivers, I was wondering if theres a way to tell FL to use those drivers


  • First of all u need to install VMTools.
    Then u need to add these this to your [your_vm] .VMX :

    mks.enable3d = TRUE
    svga.vramSize = 32108864 (=32mb)

    I'd additionally add
    vmmouse.present= FALSE
    to have less issues leaving the window border with your mouse.


    Plastic surgery since 1500 AD

    This is Schäuble. Copy Schäuble into your signature to help him on his way to Überwachungsstaat.

  • wow almost got it, it plays the intro scenes and then stop with a white screen and some bg music and I cant do nothing more from there. Gonna reinstall the game

    edit: dang it didnt work, still the white screen :(


  • hmmm, the error u were getting before doom's suggestions refers to flconfigdatabase.txt file, which is 3d hardware definition file. it doesn't have an entry for ur card. maybe op could get this file updated for 1.8, and during update sequence in 1.7 launcher. op, plz, reconsider.

    now, about the troubles u r still getting: doom, r u sure that 32mb setting is good? try without it.

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po

  • 32mb ram is minimum needed to run Freelancer, u can use as much as u want though.
    I don't think your gfx card matters (how old/new) as long as it has more RAM, then the amount u assign to the VM (no problem in your case).
    Dunno where exactly the problem is, what version of VMWare are you using? What version ov VMTools, and so on.

    I think we should better discuss this directly, thats a lot less complicated.
    My MSN add is:
    or any other messenger, just let me know which one you use.


    Plastic surgery since 1500 AD

    This is Schäuble. Copy Schäuble into your signature to help him on his way to Überwachungsstaat.

  • I'm using VMware server, dont remember the version and yes Im using vmware tools, gonna check versions and post when I get home again, Ill be adding you to my msn DrDoom :)


  • Well if thats the only chance to play Freelancer on Linux, why forbid it?
    Besides it doesnt seem to work, since Linux has no DirectX support for 8.1

    Plastic surgery since 1500 AD

    This is Schäuble. Copy Schäuble into your signature to help him on his way to Überwachungsstaat.

  • I dont forbid it ,I say not to use it on CF ,especially any similar programme that enables you to have 3 or more chars online at the same time.
    Its not allowed and never has been.

  • since i said it



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • a few months ago



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • rly? i must have missed it. ok, i didn't even use it anyways, but it's good to know every not systemized rule there is.

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po

  • Its easy ,if it looks like an exploit or gives you an unfair advantage over others , its not allowed.
    If you arent sure ask .

  • wavey, if ppl would have had same ideas about what's fair and what's not, we would not have any need for rules rly. it would b best if some sp members would go through the forum and cf rules section to make a complete and systemized rulebook, post it and keep it updated, so there wouldn't b so much dilema about those, imho.

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po