Wing Commander

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    Today we've got a Dralthi sketch by DingoPatagonico. I suppose I have no idea how long sketches are supposed to take, but this one apparently took under an hour, which seems impressive. It's really smooth for a freehand drawing, and by my eye, this one runs very close to the Claw Marks lineart. You can't go wrong with that as your inspiration!


    Done in 50 mins in the calm of the work. I think looks a quite good X3
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    Veteran Wing Commander artist Alan Gutierrez has updated his DeviantArt page with three of the astronomical paintings he created for the Wing Commander card game's nav points. One of them has even been repainted digitally for more detail! An in-depth look at Mr. Gutierrez's Wing Commander card paintings is available here. Check out his updated nav point paintings:


    • Alpha: From the card came Wing Commander, commissioned and published by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, 1995. One of the most striking cards of the 12 I did, it is one of the last astronomicals left in my archives. I had to recreate the art, as the scan brought up the printed pixels too much (very small image), so it is a digital version of the original trad. version. Part of a series that includes Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, and Epsilon.
    • Beta: From the card game Wing Commander, commissioned and published by Tracy Hickman & Margaret
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  • 01


    Wing Commander veteran Paul Hughes has posted a shot of some fabulous wall art he's had made. They're Photobox canvas prints designed to commemorate Starlancer, Elite and Privateer 2. The '90s space sims are based on the straight European box art while the Elite cover comes from the fancy Acornsoft release. Modern print-on-demand services make cool projects like these relatively easy, and the results are super sweet!


    Final home office canvases. Really chuffed how well they came out. Space games and I have a bit of a history. :D So many tales to tell... It was a fun project.

    We were lucky; the cover art and manuals were done in house by a member of the Dev team - Mr Paul Chapman. The Elite one is a Photoshop retouch of the artwork that I did, the other two come from the original hires artwork and were all printed on Canvas by Photobox.

    Loved Wing Commander (especially WC3) I was a tad star struck when

  • 08


    Wing Commander fans have dressed up as their favorite pilots and

    paraded around

    at a number of conventions over the years, but most have been associated with a CIC-sponsored activity. That makes st3lt3k's recent find a fun surprise. He spotted this image taken by


    at the 2011 San Diego Comic Con. Even more unusual is the actual outfit depicted here: a flight suit from the Wing Commander Movie. You don't see too many fans wearing these in the wild - especially a dozen years after the film came out! I don't think I've worn mine in public since


    . It looks to be an actual prop from the production due to all the small details that seem spot on. High five, dude!


    This was a fairly obscure costume. My initial guess was Kaneda from "Akira" until the person clarified.
  • 09


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    wcafun05at.jpgWe've got a new poll up now, and this time we're asking about the worst places to need to eject. The options in this survey are bit deeper lore than we usually include, so here's a fuller rundown of the choices available:

    • Planet Pisces is the place where Krulan nar Ragitagha is stalked by the infamous Arthrosquids
    • Angel is forced to eject after taking out the skipper missile bearing down on the Claw
    • Minx is in an escape pod poisoned by radiation after the destruction of Ayer's Rock
    • Vagabond loses a fight against a wing of Darket in the Kilrah System on the Temblor Run
    • This is the pilot that Seether executes if you stay aboard the Lexington
    • Hawk reveals to Casey that Iceman saved him in B'shriss, but he was found and captured by the Kilrathi - the remains in the pod retrieved by Blair weren't pretty
    • I can only imagine what new challenges Arena's Nephilim fluid-space presented to ejected pilots
    • The pilot of
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    recently shared the Galaxy merchant vessel that he created in the sandbox game

    Space Engineers

    . Players build their own creations and fly them through the cosmos. The outer hull looks pretty good, but the interior cockpit is where the design really shines. Privateer conveyed the fact that the Galaxy has a large two-pilot setup, but good use of windows and position of screens does a lot to enhance the atmosphere here. He's taking a break from Space Engineers for now but could come back for more with a future iteration of the game as it gets updated.


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    forums_upgrade_2019t.jpgFrequent visitors to the

    CIC Forums

    have already noticed that our message boards got a big upgrade this weekend. We first switched over to

    Xenforo 1.0

    back in 2011, and this brings us up to 2.1 (skipping right past 2.0)! There's a long list of basic quality-of-life tweaks that bring the forums in line with modern user interfaces. Graphical elements scale better to high res displays, a variety of post reactions are now available, more types of uploads can be added and the site displays much better on mobile devices. KrisV is still working on several additional features, including a more extended menu of emojis that will be available soon. We're also looking at a handful of neat optional upgrades that could be possible with the new setup - would people be interested in two-factor authentication? Check things out and

    let us know

    what you think!

    Xenforo 2.0 highlightsGreatly-enhanced mobile-friendly
  • 17


    Yesterday we were talking about collecting rare international versions of Wing Commander, and here's another prime example. AD found this awesome set of Wing Commanders 1 through 4 from South Korea. WC1&2 got an especially nice combo treatment with localized fighter blueprints and everything. We know it got a big promotional push at the time too from various artifacts that have cropped up over the years. The first package was done by SKC Soft Land, but I can't quite make out the details on WC3 or WC4. The originating post on this dates back to 2004, so the original poster is probably hard to find today, but if you've got experience with these, please share in the comments! It does appear that WC4 was censored in South Korea to remove the throat cutting, Telamon body and Tolwyn hanging to conform to local ratings pressure. This is a very cool find!


  • 07


    The ever-creative Tarsus has created another fun Wing Commander distraction to bring you some holiday cheer. With resources from the new Head Museum, he's created an automatic advent calendar with your favorite original WC characters as the daily reveal. It's a simple concept, but I can't wait to see who's queued up for tomorrow! Check it out for yourself here.


    I've taken the liberty of making an advent calendar out of your heads.
  • 19


    fringeaggressor recently came across this neat triangular piece in a group dedicated to real life military patches. It's pretty is unlikely to have been worn by any modern air force as it prominently features an F-103 Excalibur with a Confed star on the left wing. The origin doesn't immediately jump out to me either, but it's pretty darn cool nonetheless!


    The following showed up in a Facebook group recently related to the F-14 Tomcat, which fits given squadrons used a triangular patch style this particular item mimics. Never noticed it in WC3, figured it was perhaps a prop item.
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    Here’s why weird eBay listings are so much fun. I took a chance on this “NEC PowerPlayer CD Collection” which claimed to include Mechwarrior 2, Command and Conquer, Descent 2... and Wing Commander IV! I had never heard of this bundle and thought it might be a case of a PC owner storing his game discs in a random booklet. But worth a look for a few bucks. Then I saw the WCIV discs: “not for resale” with a unique EA number! It’s an OEM WC4. By searching for the included games, I discovered that it's a software bundle included with two models of computer in late 1996: the NEC PowerPlayer 2010 and the PowerPlayer 2020!


    are some very old stats for the 2020.

    nec_powerplayer_oem1t.jpgnec_powerplayer_oem2t.jpgAs I write about this, the postman delivered two more neat pickups! Here’s a German Wing Commander IV promotional mousepad with a second design I’d never seen before. And here’s the original painting for the Kilrathi “Ram” maneuver card