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    Following months of setbacks, the Holloway Biology Centre has finally opened in the Colonia system. The research centre will focus on the study of newly catalogued lifeforms.
    Dr Roy Casimir, chief researcher at the Holloway Bioscience Institute, held a press conference at the opening ceremony, and discussed the delays that followed a successful campaign to found the centre in February this year:
    "Our study of the lifeforms discovered over the past year formed the basis of the research centre's designs. As the volume of scans provided by the galactic community continued to grow, it became apparent that we lacked the laboratory space required to study it all."
    "As a result, the Holloway Bioscience Institute committed to several months of investment and redesign, to ensure that a wide variety of material could be analysed. We are confident that this decision will prove more than worthwhile, and

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    Here's an interesting comparison between a new Star Wars ships and the familiar TCS Midway. Anxiety recently spotted the Onager class star destroyer, which was recently added to the nifty Star Wars miniature tabletop game. Hammerhead shaped designs are quite common in sci-fi, but the Midway's iconic "pair of pants" silhouette is slightly more unique. A pants ship that has a giant gun in the middle is even more rare. They're obviously not perfect twins, but from certain angles, such as the two pictured below, these two ships do bear a striking similarity. We've talked with Midway creator Sean Murphy about how he goes about designing space ships, and it's a fascinating process, especially when it organically leads to similar results like this!


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    The Tzenkethi are not known for making idle threats. They promised that they would return with better weapons, and return, they did. The Tzenkethi Red Alert is a space-based 5v5 Red Alert-style queue in the Alpha Quadrant. The Tzenkethi have found a new way to Protomatter-bomb planets and it’s up to you to stop them. The genocidal Tzenkethi will be unleashing a new super weapon at unsuspecting planets while you and 4 allies will have to do everything you can to prevent the catastrophic destruction. If you don’t work together, the deaths of billions will be on your hands. The event is for level 50-60 players of all factions. Like all Red Alerts, this TFO rewards 35 marks, and has no cooldown. It will be available from December 12th at 8am PT to December 16th at 10am PT. Good luck, Captains! It’s all up to you. Ryon “Melange” Levitt Staff Content Designer Cryptic Studios

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    EmuMusicFan was recently inspired to draw the characters from Wing Commander Action Stations. We don't actually know what most of them look like, so he's based his interpretation off the limited descriptions and cues from the text. The result is a really cool simplified brushstroke design that looks quite sharp. Visit the CIC Forums and let Emu know what you think!


    I am not a professional painter. Actually, I haven’t been serious about drawing for a long time. My past experiences mainly came form graffiti on the notepads and class posters when I was a middle school student. I really love some scenes of Action Stations, and this book gave me the enthusiasm to pick up the pen again. Due to my lack of basic painting skills training, it is not surprising that these portraits have some technical problems. I would be grateful if you could give me criticism and guidance.

    "My Emperor, my brothers of the

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    The WC Toolbox has grown once again, and the latest expansion adds the very first preliminary support for Wing Commander 3! WC3 is a drastically different animal than the earlier WC games, which presents some major challenges. As a hardcore dedicated Wingnut, UnnamedCharacter is of course excited by these challenges and jumped right in despite also recently introducing support for Wing Commander Armada. There's still tons to learn about Heart of the Tiger, which will be gradually discovered and dissected in the months and years to come. The first feature now available is a tree archive extractor for the game. This is an early step to make manipulation of the complex data files more accessible. You can read up on exactly what this means and how to go about tinkering yourself here. You can grab the new WC3ToolsCmd package here.

    Although there is still work to be done for Armada, I have decided to
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    Artist Mike Winterbauer, who now has several successful art-driven Kickstarters under his belt, is in the midst of a new campaign for the work he did on Powerblade. The original Nintendo game Powerblade box features a futuristic dude wearing sunglasses in a tank top while holding a gigantic power blade. Until this point, I had no idea that Mr. Winterbauer was the actual power blade guy! He posed for the scene in 1991 and then painted it accordingly for the box cover. I never played the game itself, but I do very much remember it on store shelves in the early '90s. For any fans of the game out there, a handful of cool prints will be available in a similar fashion to his Wing Commander portfolio project. You can learn more and back the campaign here.


    This Kickstarter is raising funds to create awesome collectible prints for the iconic NES game Power Blade and show the process of repainting the
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    And that's what we have for tonight! While we're still digesting all of the wonderful things everyone put together for today, there's also so much to look forward to on the horizon. Since this is technically a birthday type of event, I've also got a birth of my own to share. We welcomed Georgianna Belle Reid to the family recently. Everyone is healthy and we are having a blast!

    chrisreidbaby3-1t.jpgchrisreidbaby3-2t.jpgchrisreidbaby3-3t.jpgWe know this has been a devastating year for many people. Even for those who haven't lost a loved one, not a single person has been spared from the strife and stressful impacts that 2020 has brought. But despite the coronavirus and everything from wildfires to floods and civil unrest, there is new life and hope for the future. The CIC's tiny role in all of this is to be a small island of stability in a tumultuous landscape. Throughout all our efforts, we've made great friends and encourage each other to keep moving

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    Here's a super retro mag shot from Super Retro Gamers. It dates back to the February 1993 issue of Nintendo Game Zone in the UK. Some of the edges are cut off, but you can get the gist of it. What I really like about these old timey Nintendo previews is just how unabashedly bold and colorful they are - just like the original Wing Commander itself! We get some nice screenshots here, which would have been really eye-popping back in the day. It also really sells the game well. Based on these descriptions of the game's features, I'd definitely want to play!


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    Today we've got two pairs of scans from Maxi de Sokar. They once again come from the Spanish language OKPC magazine circa 1994. The first is a review of Privateer and Righteous Fire from issue 21. It talks about the challenge of starting out fresh and building your ship but then says that unraveling the game's mysteries is rewarding. Issue 28 has a preview of Wing Commander 3. As expected, they focus on the game's amazing evolution with SVGA graphics and live actors. It also features the cringeworthy doctored Spanish WC3 art that we've seen before. Weird!


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    Achilles Aerospace have begun mass distribution of their own Frame Shift Drive modules, capable of what their marketing is calling an 'Overcharged' Supercruise.
    This news follows the corporation urging pilots to gather Titan Drive Components from the dangerous remnants of destroyed Titans. The data gathered from the components seems to have been the catalyst to finalise what were previously only theoretical designs.
    The new modules are capable of incredible speeds, much like the Titans themselves. The power of this new Frame Shift Drive does, however, put immense pressure on a ship when used.
    In a speech at the private launch event for the module, held at Achilles headquarters, Achilles Aerospace chairman Maxine Patro said:
    "As of right now, our new modules have been distributed across the galaxy, and we fully expect that this will not only be a turning point in history for Achilles, but for

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    From now until 9/3/19 at 9 AM PT, you'll be able to unlock bonus currency on the Arc platform for Perfect World titles! The bonus you can expect is listed in the chart below: This Charge Bonus is ONLY available for the following payment processors: Direct Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover) Paypal Skrill (Formerly Moneybookers) BoaCompra Xsolla Paysafecard Steam (Steam Purchases receive the bonus but do not receive extra ZEN for buying in bulk)