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    Beginning on August 8th, 2019, the combat trials of the Arena of Sompek will be returning as our next Featured Task Force Operation, with many changes to make the Arena easier to face on a daily basis. While this TFO is available, Captains may participate daily to earn progress towards a brand new Featured-TFO reward, as well as earning Coupon Progress toward a Tier-6 Starship Coupon. This is the third and final FTFO in our Free T6 Ship Event. Don't miss this chance to finish your progress and get a free ship! Continue reading for full details! Reborn For a New Era In anticipation of the Arena’s return as a long-running Event, and in response to player feedback received during previous runs of this challenge, we have made a number of alterations to the structure of this Task Force Operation. The minimum level for participation has been reduced from 50 to 10. Romulan and Jem’Hadar

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    Roberts Space Industries is celebrating the seventh anniversary of Star Citizen's launch today as Cloud Imperium continues to grind away on a number of difference fronts. A playable alpha is up to version 3.6 with a handful of playable first person, space combat and racing arenas. The SC community continues to stay highly engaged with frequent global 'bar citizen' get togethers and their annual Citizen Con, which will take place next month in Manchester, England. Their well known crowdfunding machine continues to take in surprisingly steady revenue. The project took 6 years and 1 month to amass its first $200 million in contributions, and they've managed to generate nearly $37 million more in just the past 11 months. That's a slight uptick compared to the average in prior years, which is kind of amazing. Last year they released a flashy Squadron 42 trailer, but the news there is slightly more

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    We have exciting news! Captains on PC will be able to enjoy a bonus on purchased ZEN! Is there a ship in the C-Store that is tempting you? Now is the perfect opportunity to grab ships, keys, and whatever else has caught your eye. From February 13th at 9am PT to February 17th at 9am PT, Captains will earn an extra bonus on purchased ZEN when you charge through Direct Credit Card, PayPal, Skrill, BoaCompra, Xsolla, Paysafecard, or Steam. *Please note that this Charge Bonus offer is ONLY available for the following payment processors: Direct Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover) PayPal Skrill BoaCompra Xsolla Paysafecard Steam .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0;

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    microsoft_wcm_salet.jpgThe Wing Commander Movie is seeing a rare digital discount this week. The Blu-ray and DVD went out of print after the film rights reverted back to Chris Roberts, and digital copies were slow to pop back into the various storefronts. It's starting to appear again more now though, and Microsoft has it on sale for just $8. It's then playable on Windows PCs and Xboxes. There are different storefronts for different regions, but it appears the discount applies in multiple countries. VUDU, Fandango Now, Google Play, YouTube and Amazon also carry it once again for $10 now.

    On the gaming side, Solstice may be a few weeks away yet, but the GOG summer sale is in full swing. The Wing Commander series generally gets about a 75% discount, but there's a small bump to 80% if you buy three or more games at once. That's a whopping $10.24 for all of the original DOS and Windows Wing Commander games, including

  • 08


    Last month we posted a video of an old Tandy playing Wing Commander, and it was surprisingly popular. I admit I was also captivated by it. There's just a magical feeling associated with those chunky beige boxes. Marco Plays DOS Games recently took a similar crack at it and got everything going on a trusty old 386 DX33. Compared to the last video, this one has a lot more narration and Marco also shows off the game's box contents. Plus, he's armed with a vintage CH flightstick and uses it to dutifully pilot his viewers on a trip down memory lane. It's fun watching him have fun! Give it a view below.

  • 05


    We've got a really cool crossover to share today. Tomorrow, Bonkus_Maximus' Twitch stream will be broadcasting a retro playthrough of Wing Commander Privateer. But it's not just any Priv livestream! He'll be playing the game as an in-universe tie-in to the events that have recently occurred in the Gemini Sector RPG. That's some awesome collaboration and sounds like a lot of fun! You can watch the action starting at 5pm US Pacific / 8 PM Eastern time on Tuesday evening, January 5, over on Twitch. You can also read up on some of the recent RPG logs that set the stage for tomorrow's event.


    Hey all! The ever entertaining Bonkus Maximus will be hosting the greatest crossover in the history of mankind. Mark your calendars, January 5th, assuming we survive this year, will feature Bonkus in Palan, avenging the losses that the team of the TCS Majestic took 10 years earlier in the Gemini Sector RPG. Let's
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    Plywood Fiend has a new video inspired by Google Translate memes. When you translate a string of text from one language to another and then back again to the first language, the results can be bizarre. While there are a handful of hilarious results, it's also almost as interesting to see how much lines stay pretty close the original despite the double translation. See what happens when the first Enyo mission gets wrung through the wringer below:

    Earlier I chanced upon some google translate parody videos and, ever a slave to my passing whimsies
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    If you're looking for something to help pass the long weekend, the WC-inspired shooter Absolute Territory has gotten a big graphical upgrade and support for VR headsets. On top of the improved visuals, there are also practical improvements to help with travel between waypoints, the user interface and with the simulator. There's a new trailer, and more info can be found at the game's Steam page. centaurianmudpig has the details below!

    Allow me to introduce you to this huge title update bringing all-new VR mode! For those without VR headsets, there is a host of visual improvements and upgrades to pleasure your eyes.

    VR provides a first-person experience piloting every starfighter available to fly. Each fighter has a 3D modeled cockpit to look around for improved situational awareness.

    Warp to new horizons

    • To keep you firmly seated in your cockpit, warp speed has been invented for transitioning to new
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    Today we celebrate off-centered spaceship cockpits: the Tarsus and Galaxy from Privateer and the Kor-Larh from Wing Commander Armada! Now we'd be able to display these double cockpits head on with a fancy widescreen monitor.

    offcenter_cockpit1t.jpgoffcenter_cockpit2t.jpgoffcenter_cockpit3t.jpgoffcenter_cockpit4t.jpgoffcenter_cockpit5t.jpgoffcenter_cockpit6t.jpgThere was a question on Twitter:

    Marc Callan: Interesting that in the Privateer side-by-side cockpits, they put the pilot's seat on the right. Wonder what influenced that decision?

    LOAF: Wow, interesting question! Odd choice as planes are typically flown from the left seat. And a US-based team so it’s not based on a car. I went back to the concept art to check and found it was originally a single-seater and that the double seat idea originated with the Galaxy!


  • 13


    We've got an update on capi's entry into the Kerbal Space Program competition we mentioned last week. He got lots of good feedback from fellow Wing Commander fans, and the design has been nicely tweaked and finalized. Now work has shifted to an entry video that showcases the design. This has been dubbed "Wing Kerbmander," and it looks like it'll be something special! We'll be sure to share when it's ready.


    Started putting together my video today. Going homage, but Kerbal-style. Anxious to share it with y'all but it's nowhere near complete yet. Just bits and fragments.
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    Got MALF?

    MALF! You know, the common human expression that exists in plenty of other contexts all the time, “malf”.

    malf1t.jpgmalf2t.jpgThe meta-malf of the MALF! cards is that their art is cropped so close that you can’t tell what ships they are. Thanks to the original art, it’s clearly an Arrow and a Darket!
