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    Origin founder Richard Garriott has reached another personal goal. This past week he completed a successful dive to the Challenger Deep at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the lowest known point in the ocean. This makes him the first person to reach both the North and South Poles as well as travel to outer space! Fewer people have been to the bottom of the ocean than set foot on the moon, so this is no small feat! Deep sea veteran Victor Vescovo served as guide and pilot. The oceanic trip coincided with World Book Day, so Mr. Garriott recorded several reading videos during the adventure. He was also recently elected president of the Explorers Club and has no plans for slowing down. He ultimately hopes to reach Mars!

    garriott_challengerdeep1t.jpggarriott_challengerdeep2t.jpggarriott_challengerdeep3t.jpggarriott_challengerdeep4t.jpgFrom the Daily Mail:

    From the expedition ship Pressure Drop Mr Garriott said: 'I've been to the bottom of the Earth – you can't go deeper than that. It was a descent into darkness
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    rebelgalaxy_outlaw15t.jpgThe space sim Rebel Galaxy Outlaw was released on GOG this week. It was first released on the Epic store a year ago and made its way to Steam and consoles just a few months back. Some of the game's prime developers are huge Wingnuts, and the game is absolutely chock full of Wing Commander easter eggs and familiar references. It's also been one of the most popular non-WC space sims in recent years since it's just a lot of fun. The core experience is pretty similar to Privateer, but it has the fit and finish of a modern game. We know a few folks who were holding out for a release on Good Old Games who are having a blast now. It's also launching at an introductory price of $20, which is 33% off. Grab it quick if you want a deal!

    The PC version also supports customization options, and fans have made some pretty awesome designs!


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    Cherno wanted to share a review of the 5150 Fighter Command ruleset as the backdrop for a tabletop Wing Commander game. The Javier at War article dates back a few years when there was a real boom in 3D printed miniatures, but the fun is just as current as ever. Check out the writeup on the experience here. If this gets you thinking about starting up your own games, and you're up to the challenge of painting your own awesome ships, stop by the Dream Foundry to pick some up! These just never get old.


    I loved the PC game Wing Commander and I played all its sequels. I loved it so much that since then I wondered about the possibility of playing it with miniatures on a board. I wanted to play it solo as with the PC game, but I never could find an appropriate ruleset for this.But then 5150SA was released, and I bought it and played it, and I realised that its campaign system was so good and robust, that I
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    Today we've got a new video of the awesome 2017 Mountbatten Festival of Music concert where the Bands of HM Royal Marines performed the Wing Commander Overture. A few clips have been posted over the years, but this is a nice capture posted by their official YouTube account relatively recently. It's been five years since this first hit the news, but it's no less thrilling today!

    The dramatic, high impact piece Wing Commander, which proved to be the perfect opening fanfare for the Mountbatten Festival of Music at the iconic Royal Albert Hall London.

    In 2018 the group performed the piece again at the Beating Retreat parade.

    The TV theme Wing Commander composed by Kevin Kiner & David Arnold, arranged by WO1 Ivan Hutchinson RM and performed at Beating Retreat at Horse Guards Parade.
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    The rolling demos for WC1 and WC2 have been around for as long as the games themselves, and have always been a part of the CIC's


    section. But when was the last time you watched them? Thanks to modern technology, it's now possible to run the demos within DOSBox right here within your web browser! It is quite a power-hungry process so unless you have a very fast machine you are likely to experience a bit of stuttering sound, but there is no easier way to revisit the demos that got us so excited all those years ago.

    Give it a try



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    It's been a while since we've shared Matthew Cushman's awesome SciPubTech cutaway poster, and it's fabulous, so we take every opportunity we can get to put it front and center. The project was officially commissioned to support the Wing Commander Movie, but like the Wing Commander Ride or action figure vehicles, it was never officially released. On the bright side, the gorgeous art is available right here for all to enjoy. Mr. Cushman recently reposted it on Behance with a little blurb. There's no new info, but it's nice to see his 'official' statement on the piece!


    Wing Commander’s Tiger Claw Cutaway ArtThis diorama was created with the help of the film’s creator. Reference for this piece was supplied by the movie studio to create an accurate depiction of this vessel, but eventually this was not sold as a poster.
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    AD found a couple of nifty vintage mid '90s magazine scans from a Portuguese publication, Super GamePower. The topics are slightly different than your usual fare: this time they cover WC1 on Sega CD as well as the 3DO edition of Super Wing Commander, which are both lovely games with some unique features compared to your typical Wing Commander. Both articles are also heavy with screenshots, so you can enjoy them regardless of whether you speak the language!


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    Review 2016 / Preview 2017

    Just about a week ago I announced another update that I want to release end of December 2016 or beginning Janurary 2017 (depending on how fast I can finish the development and how much extra content I decide to put in). This new update will introduce the "Dynamic Universe" feature to Crossfire 2.0. Some people might remember that we had a similar feature in Crossfire 1.83, long time ago. Due to the complexity of such a feature and due to other priorities, the "Dyniamic Universe" didn't make it