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  • 25


    It's been an excellent week for Excalibur models! The Wing Commander community has its own version of the twin movie phenomenon where it seems like fans develop similar items in totally separate bubbles. As is often the case, the result here is that we have double the amazing eye candy to enjoy! In his latest masterpiece, Defiance_Industries designed a slightly beefed up Excalibur based on the Secret Ops version as a bridge to the concept version meant for Wing Commander Arena. There are some very handsome shots of it parked in the Victory's flight deck - plus pics alongside a classic Excalibur and Midway megacarrier. Last, but certainly not least, Defiance has mocked up an entire virtual history of this variant in an ICIS style recap. You can read up on that in a PDF here.


    While Pedro is providing quality digital entertainment to the masses, I needed something to keep my skills sharp. So I
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    Youtube and Twitch streamers ValiantClan have hosted a big interview with part of the WC4 Fan Remake team, ODVS and DefianceIndustries. The conversation spans a full hour, so it covers a lot of interesting topics! They start out casually talking about the Wing Commander series and then get into the details associated with the remake project. There's plenty of technical discussion mixed with fun anecdotes from the Wing Commander series, so it's a good listen. Check it out below!

    To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Wing Commander we invited the developers of the Wing Commander IV - Remake Project. We had a nice little chat about their project, the franchise, Star Citizen and Star Trek. The project is a fan attempt to allow owners of Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom to enjoy a more modern experience by loading the files from the original game into a new engine, complete with specially
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    Today we have a trove of nifty Wing Commander line art made by Autofire1979. He's created numerous designs that run the full spectrum from Wing Commanders 1 through 4. A varied sampling of his creations are below, but you can find a whole bunch more at his DeviantArt page - including different paint schemes for certain ships. They're broken out into two galleries: Terran Confederation and Kilrathi. It's one thing to make the popular dreadnoughts, and I included them below for obvious reasons, but he also drew the Drayman, Kilrathi Starbase and Caernaven. That's dedication!


  • 20


    Did you miss the Cryptic Extra Life 2019 Stream? Check out some behind the scenes pictures or you can watch the VOD for each game available on the links below! Day 1 Events .mySlides {display:none;} Star Trek Online Star Trek Ascendancy Dungeons and Decorators (D&D) Magic Commander Day 2 Events Neverwinter The Carcass: Ceti Alpha V Board Games Krampus (D&D) Extra Life 2019 ❮❯ var slideIndex = 1; showDivs(slideIndex); function plusDivs(n) { showDivs(slideIndex += n); } function showDivs(n) { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("mySlides"); if (n > x.length) {slideIndex = 1} if (n < 1) {slideIndex = x.length} for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } x[slideIndex-1].style.display = "block"; } Note: Codes for in-game rewards from donations have

  • 20


    Did you miss the Cryptic Extra Life 2019 Stream? Check out some behind the scenes pictures or you can watch the VOD for each game available on the links below! Day 1 Events .mySlides {display:none;} Star Trek Online Star Trek Ascendancy Dungeons and Decorators (D&D) Magic Commander Day 2 Events Neverwinter The Carcass: Ceti Alpha V Board Games Krampus (D&D) Extra Life 2019 ❮❯ var slideIndex = 1; showDivs(slideIndex); function plusDivs(n) { showDivs(slideIndex += n); } function showDivs(n) { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("mySlides"); if (n > x.length) {slideIndex = 1} if (n < 1) {slideIndex = x.length} for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } x[slideIndex-1].style.display = "block"; } Note: Codes for in-game rewards from donations have

  • 04


    Cryptic Studios is proud to participate in the Extra Life Charity Gaming Event once more! On December 7 and 8, from 10am to 10pm Pacific Time, Cryptic Developers will be playing video, tabletop, and board games live to raise money in support of UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals! You can tune in on Cryptic’s Twitch Channel, win in-game prizes, and donate to help children in need! Take a look at our schedule and see below for more details on the event and prizes! You don’t have to wait for the event to donate! Click here to donate right now! PRIZES & DONATIONS During the livestream, players can donate in support of Extra Life. For Neverwinter, there are 7 donation tiers where players will receive in-game codes for the tier they donate in and any tier below. Please note that prizes are subject to change and can be replaced by an item of equal or greater value.

  • 04


    Thank you for helping us reach AND surpass our goal! Because of your generosity, we raised $12,325! Those who qualified for rewards have been contacted via email. If you donated anonymously, please go here for further instructions on how to claim your reward. Cryptic Studios is proud to participate in the Extra Life Charity Gaming Event once more! On December 7 and 8, from 10am to 10pm Pacific Time, Cryptic Developers will be playing video, tabletop, and board games live to raise money in support of UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals! You can tune in on Cryptic’s Twitch Channel, win in-game prizes, and donate to help children in need! Take a look at our schedule and see below for more details on the event and prizes! You don’t have to wait for the event to donate! Click here to donate right now! PRIZES & DONATIONS During the livestream, players can donate in support of Extra Life.

  • 09


    There's another nifty release of the WC Toolbox for all of the tinkerers and modders out there. Today UnnamedCharacter took the wraps off some new extraction abilities. The package now lets you extract raw video footage from Wing Commander 3's game files. There's also enhanced support for the WC4 subfiles embedded in that game's archives as well. This adds on to the long list of incremental features that have been steadily added to a number of WC games. You can grab the latest update here and learn more at the CIC Forums.


    More extraction support for WC3, this time adding the ability to extract movies. The result is in the AVI format using uncompressed frames; therefore the file sizes can be quite large, especially for the opening movie: about 1.5 GB.

    This release also includes all the reversed hashes for WC4 tree file names. Thankfully, the hashing algorithm used for WC4 was improved, and therefore

  • 06


    UnnamedCharacter has extracted some fantastic images from the core files that make up Wing Commander 3! He has been experimenting with the programs in his WC Toolbox package to dig deep into the game. While exploring some of the background scenes used during game flow, he has come across a variety of alternate settings that appear to be preliminary prerelease versions of most locations.

    The barracks are smaller with beds lining the walls. The bridge has significantly more glow from the various screens and safety lighting around the edges. Its framing has also been pulled back farther to reveal the central captain's chair as well as steps to the upper level. Flight Control pulls in closer to Rachel's terminal, and the loadout screen has been replaced with a video feed of the hangar. TrainSims are also not yet present. We see the flight deck from a more central viewpoint that looks out the bay

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    Last week we reported about a custom arcade cabinet that appeared to be configurable with an emulated copy of Sega CD Wing Commander. That drudged up some deep memories in gr1mre4per of a 1994 Lifetime movie Children of the Dark. At the 57:50 point, it shows someone flying a WC2 Sabre in an a fake arcade box. Pretty wild! And I can't believe he was able to dig up such a deep reference...

    Seeing this has reminded me of a film. It is a film from 1994 called Children Of The Dark. The story revolves around two girls who have a genetic condition that means exposure to the sun is fatal for them. They are forced to leave their town, but during their travels they can be seen playing on an arcade machine. Check out what they are playing!
  • 29


    Chronocidal Guy is back with a new update on his impressive 3D printed Excalibur model. He's not quite ready to share changes on the actual fighter, but he's got a new display stand that's custom fit for the design. I have a few impressive WC models that fans have made before, and figuring out how to best display them is always a consideration. It might seem like a minor detail, but it makes a big difference!


    I did manage to print a stand for it, which was a quickie I did at lower resolution, and it resulted in a little bit of a rough finish, but it's enough to tell it's a good design. Still need to build up the detail panels. I might not print them myself, but I want to fix them so they're a part of the model, rather than the current blank spots.

    I should be getting the details started sometime after Memorial day, so will try and get some updates here soon.

  • 24


    This is the Kobayashi Maru... nineteen periods out of Altair Six. We have struck a gravitic mine and have lost all power...our hull is penetrated and we have sustained many casualties. Prepare to face the most infamous Starfleet test! The Kobayashi Maru, the “original no-win scenario,” comes to Star Trek Online as a limited-time challenge for your captains. How long can you hold out against ambushing enemy ships? Can you keep the Kobayashi Maru intact while facing down waves of hostile attackers and space hazards? What would Kirk do? The Kobayashi Maru event will come in two forms: timed and untimed. In each case, you will fight to keep the freighter intact while destroying successive rounds of enemies who will become more and more dangerous as the simulation continues. The longer you last, the greater your rewards! Once everyone on your team is defeated at the same time – or when the timer runs

  • 16


    Here's a fun rendering by Cybot of various Privateer ship upgrades. You've got things like guns and missile launchers, radars, engines, shields and ECM countermeasures. If this piques your Privateer interest, why not head over to the CIC Wiki WCPedia? LOAF and team have exhaustedly detailed out everything you might want to know about the game's ships, missions, weapons, equipment, commodities and more!


  • 06


    Mac from Mac's Lore has created a new YouTube channel dedicated to explaining the deep backstory behind less famous sci-fi franchises. This style of exposition has gotten popular for series like Star Wars, Halo, Destiny and other AAA titles, so it's great to see it trickle down a little bit further to our neck of the woods lately. Mac's prior videos have been about the Starsiege universe, but he's kicked off the first in a lineup of videos about Wing Commander. Part 1 is all about the False Armistice as presented in Fleet Action. He's done a good job digging up an appropriate collage of images to fit the narrative as he retells the story, which makes it a fun watch as well as a good listen. We're looking forward to part 2!

    The events of The False Armistice are a key point in the Terran-Kilrathi War depicted in the Wing Commander series. Humanity is lulled into a false sense of security by an
  • 05


    Rear Admiral Tarsus' propaganda seems to be working, since his latest round of Gemini Sector RPG posters seem oddly captivating. Perhaps that has something to do with the stars of his new drawings, the CIC Staff. The first image features LOAF surfing on the back of a Ferret as it roars through space. Dundradal is in his element


    lecturing the tech about torpedoes. Then #Wingnut regular Scout is shown getting tractored into the back of a Longbow after ejecting. Last but not least, it looks like I've been designated as a member of TCN News' press corps. Apparently flattery will get you somewhere! Read all about the Gemini game here and visit the team on their friendly Discord server.


    • Here is a poster with the mighty bandit surfing on a ferret while holding a shield with the crest of the confederation. Important note, his beard is generating oxygen, he's OK, I promise!
    • Here is a poster
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    Eagle-eyed ship spotter Doug Lee has found a squadron of familiar Wing Commander designs in an unlikely place: a mobile game called Stellar Patrol: Galactic Conflict! The top-down space game features a host of familiar Wing Commander designs... and even uses a Rapier as its app icon! This is likely not a case of licensing the IP from Electronic Arts as Stellar Patrol also includes a number of other familiar science fiction ships like Battlestar Galactica's Viper, Star Wars' A-Wing and Firefly's... Firefly. It's a fun little phone shooter reminiscent of Subspace. If you'd like to check it out, you can download Stellar Patrol for free on Android or iOS. Better hurry and get to it before the lawyers!


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    Another kind gift from the @XwingGameSeries account: great scans of the CGSP article that announced Privateer 3 in spectacular fashion!… days before EA killed it. You’ll laugh and then you’ll cry forever. If you've followed our news in the past, you've probably seen these before - but maybe not at this level of quality!

    computergames_strategyplus_privteer3_1998may1t.jpgcomputergames_strategyplus_privteer3_1998may2t.jpgcomputergames_strategyplus_privteer3_1998may3t.jpgThat chart of guns, though! There ain’t no justice.

    computergames_strategyplus_privteer3_1998may4t.jpgcomputergames_strategyplus_privteer3_1998may5t.jpgIf you want to feel a LITTLE better, everyone would’ve hated the story (about the Kilrathi trying to resurrect Kilrah using a a Steltek time machine).