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    Can you believe it's been

    six years

    since Chris Roberts launched Star Citizen? The Cloud Imperium team returned to Austin today to hold an enormous

    Citizen Con

    bash for dedicated fans. A major highlight was a

    slick update

    to the current core game, but Wing Commander fans are also likely to have an interest in the story campaign game Squadron 42. The latest trailer for the game is heavy on the story and emphasizes the contributions of motion captured actors like Mark Hamill, John Rhys-Davies, Gillian Anderson and Gary Oldman. Looks pretty crazy! Check it out below.

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    Here's a double shot of retro for your 'spective! These come from the Rowan J Coleman channel on YouTube, which has more than 120,000 subscribers, so we're happy to see such a wide audience get a peek at the highlights of the WC series. The author notes that he was born after these games was released, so it can be hard to fully appreciate everything from that frame of reference. Nevertheless, he's become quite a fan. Although we're quite familiar with everything shown here, watching these always makes me want to jump back in. There is a little bit of salty language peppered throughout, so steer clear Wedge!

    Here's a look at one of the few FMV games which wasn't sh*t, Wing Commander III Heart of the Tiger.
    Returning to the Wing Commander series now. While I appreciated Wing Commander III Heart of the Tiger a lot, I had heard Wing Commander IV The Price of Freedom was even better. Spoiler alert: it
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    A long-standing enmity between two military leaders has escalated into hostilities in the Drevlyada system.

    Details were provided by freelance warzone reporter Karleen Troy:

    "The personal rivalry between General Kendrick of Namab Purple Brothers and Marshal Cooper of Drevlyada League has lasted for years. Each frequently accuses the other of incompetence and endangering the people of Drevlyada."

    "This grudge match has now spiralled into a state of open conflict. Both Kendrick and Cooper have asked the galactic community to provide support in crushing their opponent's forces."

    The two factions have set out week-long campaigns to take control of the Drevlyada system, which will begin on the 21st of February 3305.

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    Torval-Mastopolos Mining and Wreaken Construction have both established a presence in the LTT 198 system.
    Marlon Royce, business analyst for Vox Galactica, reviewed the situation:
    "It is highly unusual for two megacorps to set up new headquarters in the same place. But Mastopolos Mining and Wreaken Construction have always competed aggressively for mining and transportation contracts, so it seems a new chapter in their rivalry has begun."
    "This permit-locked system is controlled by the independent faction LTT 198 State Ltd. Insiders claim that it demanded a fortune from both corporations in return for granting passage to its ships and allowing construction of industrial complexes on the planet Dini."
    "This is the first significant move from Senator Zemina Torval's new company, an autonomous offshoot of Mastopolos Mining. It may be that Wreaken Construction's presence is an effort to crush

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    Priors World was, for many in the Federation, the true beginning of the war. In the weeks immediately following the Battle at the Binaries, the Klingons swept unchecked against outposts and colonies on the fringes of Federation space; it wasn’t a war, it was a slaughter. All of that changed at Priors World. The stakes got bigger. Far from a remote outpost, Priors World was a heavily populated world and hub. It represented best what the Federation was to all its members; peace and prosperity. It also represented the promise the Federation made to its members; to never abandon each other. The Klingon occupation of Priors World was short-lived. Operation Riposte was a daring Federation offensive that was launched in the hopes of catching the Klingons off-guard and unprepared. It worked. Suddenly the Klingons found themselves in a war and the Federation found the victory they needed to stay in

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    “That’s the whole point of Starfleet Security—to keep us secure. Because if we can’t protect people who need it the most, what the hell are we even doing?” —Commander Ellen Landry “Impossibility of Reason” is a new mission following the story and events of “Plausibility of the Possible.” After Klingon captives from the Priors World skirmishes escape from custody, it’s a race to get back in time to aid the Buran against further Klingon attacks. With Commander Landry and her security team along for the battle, it’s up to you to rescue Buran, save Priors World from invasion, and stop the attacks by the Klingon Captain Aakar! Experience the events that led Ellen Landry to become the hardened Chief of Security aboard the U.S.S. Discovery. You can access this mission from your mission journal. Captains of all factions will be able to play “Impossibility of Reason” when Rise

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    Captains, I am very proud to welcome you to the next story in Star Trek Online’s proud history, Rise of Discovery. We’re so excited to share this new voyage with you, and we’re even happier that we get to do it with Jason Isaacs and Rekha Sharma! We’ve been running parallel to a Star Trek TV show for the first time in our history, and Rise of Discovery tells the story of a pivotal moment in the lives of both Gabriel Lorca and Ellen Landry. You’ll get to experience the events that brought them both to the first episode of Star Trek: Discovery, and you’ll get to be a part of the story alongside them. But that’s not everything we’ve got for you. We wanted to make the experience of commanding a Tier 6 ship – the best ships in the game – a more inclusive one. Now, you can start commanding these ships at level one, and they’ll become more powerful with you. Be like Captain Picard,

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    It is once again I, Harcourt Fenton Mudd, coming to you from a very undisclosed location to offer you the greatest of deals. For months, the Khitomer Alliance has chased their tails trying to locate me and my shadowy operation, but my friends, you and I both know they’re just chasing their own tails. Rather like that Ferasan friend of mine after he had one too many jippers. But never mind that story, you are here for the deals! Feast your eyes, my friend. Straight from the very relaxed shipyards on Risa, I give you the fastest ship I have ever flown. A Risian corvette, they call it, and they tell me very strongly not to capitalize the “c.” Take a good long look at her, and take it all in, because once this baby starts going you’ll never see anything more than a blur. Of course, what’s speed without a little stopping power? My friends, I have done the impossible, and delved into the

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    The Rind Gold Electronics Org Campaign has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of research materials and mined resources were delivered to Wegner Market over the past week, allowing the Empire to proceed with the construction of a new pilot-training centre.

    A spokesperson for the Rind Gold Electronics Org released the following statement:

    "As the dangers facing humanity become more potent, we must not become overly reliant on technology. Instead we must seek to cultivate the human mind, and unlock its boundless potential."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Wegner Market in the Rind system.

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    Ever wonder why Righteous Fire had such an elaborate rendered intro focused on a mech you never see again? It was leftover content that was originally cut from the base Privateer game!

    The scene was created as a losing endgame which would play if you landed with a negative credit balance. To save space, the design was tweaked to make that case impossible. RF’s writer wrote a new script for the existing footage explaining your Steltek gun was stolen!


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    I’m working on a Righteous Fire walkthrough and while playing the last missions I noticed the Elite Salthi were firing fusion guns. But my increasingly old man memory was sure the big reveal was that they fired copies of the Steltek Gun. Was I misremembering because there’s dialogue about the gun being copied? I watched a dozen YouTube videos and they were all fusion guns. Huh!

    Then I realized: I first played the expansion when it was released on disk in early 1994, just a few months before the CD-ROM came out and that became the de facto version of Privateer. Could there have been an intentional change? I installed the floppy version from disk images and… sure enough!

    righteousfire_salthi_steltekgunst.jpgWHY? It’s not an accident as the Dralthi uses fusions in both versions. I’m guessing the support folks were sick of people asking how to get the gun back and decided not to tease players. Too bad, as it was a distinct enough moment

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