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    Today is Goku's birthday. I'm not sure what you got him, but he got something for you! A couple months ago we reported on a clever script automation that helped players streamline the installation of Prophecy on Linux systems. He's now finished running through the rest of the GOG catalog and building similar scripts for each of the DOS Wing Commander games. Kilrathi Saga is also in work. If you own a copy of the GOG Wing Commander games and haven't gotten around to setting them up on your Linux rig, now's the perfect opportunity to give this a try. Download each program from the CIC Forums here and let him know how it goes! And Happy Birthday Goku!

    Got around to doing the rest of the series. Please try them out and let me know how it goes. They are written specifically for the GOG versions of the games. The DOS games have a custom interface to allow for multiple options and ease of use. Working
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    Event Campaign – Part II: This Featured Event will be the third of a series of upcoming Events that will participate in the second installment of our multi-event system known as an Event Campaign. No Win Scenario Event: Two existing activities will be participating in this Event: Arena of Sompek – Ground Task Force Operation Kobayashi Maru– Space Task Force Operation Each completion will reward a Choice of All Marks (replacing the usual Mark rewards) Each has a fixed duration during this Event. Prior to the designated ending point, neither can be failed. Both TFOs have had their Cooldown Timers temporarily disabled This event version of both TFOs can be accessed via the new Event UI, accessible within your Mission Journal by pressing on the “Events” Tab. Rewards: Players will be able to earn their Daily Progress once every 20

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    The Lobi Crystal Consortium is pleased to announce their latest featured sale! From Thursday, May 7th at 8AM PST til Monday, May 11th, at 10AM PST, shrewd Captains will be able to choose from their wide selection of wares, just by visiting the in-game Lobi store. All items in the Lobi Store will be 20% off for this entire sale! Now’s the best time to take command of a Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser, or get your hands on a Boolean Heavy Assault Cannon, or fly the stars in a Vaadwaur Astika Heavy Battlecruiser. But that’s not all – for the duration of this sale, the Jem’Hadar Recon Ship will be available in the Lobi Store! This powerful weapon of the Dominion could be yours, but only for a limited time. Find out more below: Ship Details Tier: 6 Rank Required: Rear Admiral / Brigadier General / Subadmiral Availability: Jem’Hadar R&D Promotion Hull Strength: 34,500 at level

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    When Star Trek Online enters the Age of Discovery, we will be introducing a whole new method of interacting with the PvE group content available to players. Same Great Content, Even Better Name! Alongside the new functionality we will discuss in this dev blog, we have decided to retire the rather bland moniker of “queue” to describe our PvE group content. Instead, we are going to begin calling them by the term “Task Force Operations” (or Task Force Ops, or TFOs). This update to the terminology is meant to relay context for how this content exists within the world of Star Trek Online, making it more obvious that the Captains you are playing are participating in actual in-world activities – skirmishes, strike teams, defensive maneuvers, simulations, and more. We also hope that this rebranding may generate a greater sense of excitement and engagement than what was evoked by the old

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    Stephane L has put together a nifty piece of music based on Privateer 2. It's a cover of the intro soundtrack. We don't see a lot of artistic works based on The Darkening, so this is really nice to see (hear)! It's definitely a more rich and fuller take on the classic, and we'd be very open to hearing more like it. I noticed that his Soundcloud name is "S Lev." I suppose it could be his own initials, but that would be quite a coincidence with Clive Owen's Ser Lev Arris. I know how to spot a P2 fan when I see one!

    In case the original tune isn't on the tip of your brain, here's a reminder of what it sounded like in 1996:

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    DefianceIndustries has another wonderful take on the Thunderbolt, and this one's destined for the WC4 Fan Remake. The game had a placeholder TBolt imported from the Secret Ops Model Upgrade Pack, but this one takes the fighter to the next level. You can see the new design in the first image below and compare it to Sean Murphy's render for WC4 promotional materials after that. The third pic is the original in-game model compared to today's version. Defiance details the process that went into upgrading the ship at a new article over at WCRespace. You can also provide feedback (and see a bonus render of the pirate version!) at the CIC Forums.

    Art department here. We've closed out the new and improved HF-66 Thunderbolt and updated the turntable animations in the media section accordingly.


    The original Tbolt (below) was a reskin from the Secret Ops Model Upgrade pack. The model was a fine workhorse
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    We’ve been through the Age of Discovery, and celebrated a Legendary Anniversary, but now it’s time to return to 2411 for good, Captains. Welcome to the Year of Klingon. Welcome to House Divided. In this epic new update for Star Trek Online, a brand new face is joining our stories cast – Robert O’Reilly, who played Chancellor Gowron in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, is joining the cast as Aakar, Gowron’s ancestor and a loyal servant of the treacherous Ju’la. Players have already met Aakar in The Rise of Discovery, but Robert O’Reilly brings a new dimension and character to the role. Gowron was a brilliant, crafty leader, and time will tell if those traits came from his Grandfather. In addition, an old fan favorite returns. J.G. Hertzler is stepping back into the role of Martok, rejoining our cast as our focus turns again to the Klingon Empire. With the

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    wcmtrailer_hd_remake-8t.jpgIt's been interesting tracking the evolution of Wing Commander Movie rights over the last few years. Elements of the franchise relating to the film reverted to Chris Roberts a couple years back, and this was timed with its removal from Netflix as well as the FOX DVD/Bluray going out of print. The movie disappeared from digital storefronts for purchase as well, but they have been slowly relisting Wing Commander more recently. AD spotted the film returning to European television this week with a spot on Polish TNT. We don't just pore over foreign TV listings, so it's entirely likely that we missed other showtimes in different places at different times, so this is by no means a first, but WC had been in frequent rotation through the mid 2010s. It's good to see it still making the rounds! If you'd like to check it out, tune in June 26 at 9:50 am.


    Ekranizacja gry komputerowej o tym samym tytule,
  • 09


    Here are this week's main stories.

    Admiral Frederick Yamamoto has revealed details of a conspiracy organised by President Gibson Kincaid to assume total control of the Alliance. As part of a plea bargain with prosecutors, Yamamoto confessed to a number of crimes committed on Kincaid's orders, including murder. The intent was to remove obstacles to Kincaid's acquisition of power.

    A large number of Imperial slaves have been purchased by Tilbery Construction to work on a building project on Eotienses A 3. CEO Garrett Kline explained that the company lacks the personnel required to meet the project's deadline, and was therefore forced to seek an alternative workforce.

    In other news, an appeal for materials has been issued by Sagittarius Eye. The faction plans to build a new starport within an excavated asteroid in the Millese system, and has called on the galactic community to support the