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    Today we're taking a look at the Wing Commander patches being sold by SciFi Geeks. The company specializes in cosplay patches for a very wide range of franchises. I've seen their promotions around in various forms for years, but I don't think we've highlighted them here before. There is a certainly sketchy Web 1.0 quality to their operation, but the fact that they seem to have been around for almost 20 years also lends some amount of credibility. Each of the patches below is listed for $11.99, and there appears to be a 15% coupon with the code "SAVE15." Has anyone ordered any of these before? How did they turn out? Send us your pictures if so!


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    Docteur J has hosted epic playthroughs of Wing Commander 3 and 4 over the last couple years, so in 2022 he's taking on Prophecy over at Oldies Games TV. He's been streaming Wing Commander for a long time, and his dedication is a fantastic example of how Wing Commander fandom transcends all languages and cultures. At first his content would have been geared towards French speakers, but with YouTube's auto translate feature, anyone can turn on captions in their native language and follow along with the fun! The first few new Prophecy chapters are available now:

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    Last year we mentioned Plywood Fiend's alternative take on a Wing Commander playthrough. Rather than just add typical commentary to the stream, he spices up the episodes with his own animations, supplemental dialogue and unique captions. After winning the Vega Campaign, he's moved on and is now well into the Secret Missions. You can find a few samples below or check out his full Wing Commander playlist on YouTube here.


    Woe, calamity and me, for I have returned with more stuff. Specifically I've gone back to do a play through of Secret Missions 1 in my own peculiar fashion; the playlist can be found here (scroll down for the new material, I'm currently up to the Gwenhyvar mission.) Below are a few samples of the added extras I've twisted in, most notably is a pixel art animation I made showing a fateful distress call from the TCS Johann which, suffice it to say, was not the luckiest of vessels, as
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    Out of Print Archive has posted another vintage Wing Commander scan, and this one's a beauty! It dates back to the May 1993 issue of CVG in the UK where they highlight the Super Nintendo release of WC1. The graphics design here is wonderful. It features solid blue tones, "high tech" beveled thumbnails and plenty of caution striping. As was common at the time, we get a cockpit overview, missile rundown and fighter identification chart. I would have loved this as a 13-year old. A really cool review!


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    AD has done a little digging and found some interesting new aspects to a wild Wing Commander 3 promotion. We've previously reported about the contest to win a flight aboard a "Russian fighter jet" that was part of the WC3 marketing campaign. It was apparently an even larger event than we knew with French adverts to fly a MiG rather than the Su-27 called out in English fine print (despite them using the same fighter jet image). They do seem to refer to separate trip rewards, however, based on slight differences in what the prize packages entail (different date ranges, mention of spending money, supplemental US trip details, etc). The images below also show how there was a red box sleeve band around certain copies of the game to advertise everything, which is pretty neat. These copies are still listed on eBay for collectors out there! English & French

    wc3_fighter_promo18t.jpgwc3_fighter_promo13t.jpgwc3_fighter_promo14t.jpgwc3_fighter_promo15t.jpgwc3_fighter_promo16t.jpgwc3_fighter_promo17t.jpgwc3_fighter_promo19t.jpgwc3_fighter_promo20t.jpgwc3_fighter_promo21t.jpgAnd here's more detail from our previous posts!


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    True to my word, I will play these missions LIVE tonight! Tune in at 8 PM Eastern to talk Academy and fly some Origin-made Wing Commander missions for the first time.


    The search for the 'PC Player' Wing Commander Academy missions continues... but it HAS spun off something even more exciting: a set of five demo missions that Origin made in house and posted to their BBS in September 1993?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    I've also collected about one hundred fan made missions from old BBSes and Warez CDs during the hunt! Except a feature with downloads soon.


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    Here's a new news feature! Kind of. Thanks to some back end enhancements of our content management system, we can now more easily assemble

    News Collections

    to package up thematic series of news posts. This will allow us to assemble these stories into an automated type of article for easy consumption or research later. Here are a few examples!

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    At long last: the original sources for all four alternate German Wing Commander novel covers! Baen didn't own the Sam Yeates' cover paintings for Wing Commander III and IV so they couldn't license them to the German publisher directly. So instead they used 'slush' art that they already had the rights to reprint starting with Heart of the Tiger!


    The Stars at War is by David Weber and Steve White. No author names on the front though?

    I was curious about that too; it turns out its an pen-and-paper game sourcebook based on the novel!

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    Delta Patrols Update Now that you’ve had a chance to experience the new updated patrol system, we’re bringing three more patrols on-line! We’ve reworked three of the Delta Quadrant patrols and added them to the new UI. As part of this treatment, they also gain the bonus experience, updated rewards, and improved functionality of the system. In addition, we’ve modified the patrols to make sure that they’re fast and straightforward, with the occasional twist to keep you on your toes. New UI treatments and objective markers make them even easier to understand, too. For this round we’ve updated the following: “Tempting Targets” (Kinbar system patrol): The Hierarchy has a trade outpost in orbit over a resource-rich planet in the Kinbar system, and various Delta Quadrant groups come there to trade. Of course, bolstered trade draws in smugglers, pirates, and brigands, with nobody to