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  • 08


    The Past Reborn: Europa-Class Heavy Battlecruiser to Join the Fleet Jayce’s Interstellar Editorial Staff On Stardate 87751.8, Utopia Planitia Starfleet Yards will host the commissioning ceremony of the U.S.S. Europa. The Europa is the brainchild of Advanced Starship Design Bureau (ASDB) Vice Admiral S.J. Hemphill, who has long advocated for experimental tactics and technologies when considering Starfleet’s defensive doctrine. Considering the recent spate of conflicts that Starfleet has had to weather, even those skeptical of her more radical concepts have come to appreciate the need for Starfleet to approach these types of problems creatively. The Europa’s primary mission is to be the vanguard capital ship for a division or flotilla. Its command and control systems are adequate for the sub-squadron level and can host a small flag officer staff, but analysts do not anticipate it to fill the

  • 22


    Today we'd like to officially announce our annual Birthday Party for the CIC's 20th Anniversary! This year we'll be observing the event on Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT). We'll be celebrating two decades of Wing Commander community at, and we hope you join us! As usual, the day will be chock full of site updates, news stories, trivia and fun times! There'll also be one significant change this year. For the first time, we'll be transitioning the online party from IRC to Discord. A large group of Wingnuts has been testing out the program for over a year, and we'd like to invite you to join us there. Although the shift away from our trusty IRC server is bittersweet, there are some very cool advantages with Discord. The program makes it very easy to join on both PCs and via mobile devices, there's enhanced support for attachments and even

  • 21


    Aegis has announced plans to build a military installation in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55.

    An Aegis spokesperson gave the following statement to the media:

    "After the recent occupation of Socho by a hostile criminal element, it is imperative that Aegis bolster its holdings in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55. The construction of a military installation will allow us to continue our fight against the Thargoids unhindered by external forces."

    Aegis Research has placed an open order for mined resources, promising to reward pilots who deliver these to The Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure those contributing commodities to the campaign can do so safely.

    The campaign begins on the 21st of June 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end

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    Today marks 20 years since the original Xbox launched, and Microsoft commemorated the occasion by restarting their backwards compatibility program as rumored last month. More than 70 games from the original and 360 eras were added as part of this effort, but Wing Commander Arena wasn't among them. It was and continues to be a long shot that it'll be added to Xbox One/Series X, but the fact that they keep committing to this effort is a really good thing. All of these 10-20 year old titles get HDR enhancements and many get resolution or frame rate bumps. And if they keep going, there's still hope for Wing Commander yet. In the mean time, the Xbox 360 remains the platform where you can play Arena online. If that changes, you'll hear about it right here!

    arena_rumor2t.jpgsplashbannert.jpgGamerScore7t.jpgYou can read more about Microsoft's latest backwards compatibility plans here and find the entire back catalog here. And if anyone's playing the

  • 04


    Rule of Acquisition # 74: Knowledge equals profit. Any wise Captain knows that when a sale this good comes your way, it’s best to take advantage of it. We’re pleased to announce that Ferengi Merchants are putting a 20% sale on Keys from June 4th at 8am PT to June 8th at 10am PT. Now is the best time for Captains to load up on your Keys and grab those ships you’ve been eyeing. Remember Captains, Rule of Acquisition # 22: A wise man can hear profit in the wind. Now is the time to act. For a limited time only starting today, players will be able to purchase the Key Ring Bundle! This special pack includes 20x Master Keys (used to open any Lock Box) for the price of 2250 Zen. As an additional special promotional offer when purchasing this bundle, every pack also includes a single Ultimate Tech Upgrade. Applying this item to any upgradeable piece of equipment will instantly set both its Mark and

  • 02


    General: Resolved a typo within the Delta Recruit promotional reward pack. Content: Resolved an issue that prevented engineers who were Romulan, Dominion, Discovery, or TOS captains from using the console necessary to complete the accolade, "Facility 4028" accolade "Hologram Master". Resolved an issue in “Drannur Gauntlet”, which could cause enemies in this TFO not to be hostile to players under certain conditions. Resolved an issue that would cause the final contact (and subsequent Depart System) to disappear and become inaccessible if you closed it with "Not Now" upon completing the Rhi System Patrol. Resolved an issue that was allowing the “A Message from the Lukari V” mission to be dropped. Removed duplicate text when hailing the Temporal Contact in the mission, “Ragnarok”. Resolved a typo with the Isolinear Chip reward description from the mission, “An Inside

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    has moved over to Kilrathi ships as he fills out his WC1 fleet, and the first two fliers are the Dralthi and Salthi. We've seen a hundred Dralthi variants over the years, and they just never get old. This one is as gorgeous as we've ever seen, so it's just a treat. The Salthi is also a lot of fun, and I especially love the light shining on its side. This greenish hue gives it a soft throwback to the Jalthi from SNES Secret Missions, which was essentially a

    green Salthi

    . Very cool!

    You fly like the apes that you are...


    Or my all time favorite: "Hmm, that ape squealed when it popped!"


  • 01


    Senator Caspian Leopold has announced that his appeal for aid, in association with the Niflhel Guardians Of Tradition, has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Biruni Port, and by protecting traders in the Niflhel system.

    A spokesperson for Senator Leopold made the following statement:

    "Thanks to the work of many brave pilots, a humanitarian crisis has been narrowly averted. Senator Leopold has expressed his gratitude to all those who contributed to the campaign, and has assured refugees at his rehabilitation centre that new homes will be found for each and every one of them."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Biruni Port in the Niflhel system.

  • 29


    Author Andrea Contato has a crowd funding project you may be interesting! He's written an in-depth history of Richard Garriott and the Ultima series and is raising the money to translate and produce a physical print run! Here's the introduction:

    Greetings, traveller!

    If you have played a computer role-playing game (CRPG), chances are Ultima played a part in its inspiration. Created by visionary Richard Garriott, and produced by his company Origin Systems, Inc., Ultima is one of the most important and influential CRPG series in the world. Through the Moongate illuminates the path of the Ultima games' history and the creative people behind this landmark series. It also covers some of Origin's other games, especially Wing Commander, and touches on several contemporary titles. Many of these tales have never before been told.

    Are you ready to step... Through the Moongate?

    The entire book sounds wonderful...

  • 07


    There has been a positive response to the campaign to fund repairs for starports in the Pleiades Nebula. Huge quantities of construction materials were received, which will be used to restore many of the stations damaged by the Thargoids.

    Senior engineer Lilith Galloway made a statement on behalf of Aegis Research:

    "We didn't expect so many of you to help. But that's the spirit here in the Pleiades – we come back stronger. Our thanks to everyone who supplied us with what we need."

    Pilots who contributed to this project can now collect their rewards from The Oracle in the Pleiades Sector Ir-W D1-55 system.

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    The ship art team is pleased to present completely remodeled visuals for the Centaur-class starship, a visual variant for Starfleet’s T1 Light Cruiser and T6 Advanced Light Cruiser. These new visuals, created by ship artist Ian Richards, are a free and universal update which will replace the original model of the ship for any Light Cruiser or Advanced Light Cruiser variant. These visuals will be updated automatically. If you are using Centaur parts on your light cruiser already and notice anything odd, simply visit the ship customization screen and re-apply the Centaur template to your ship. We hope you enjoy these updated visuals! -Thomas Marrone Lead Ship &UI Artist Star Trek Online

  • 28



    , the WC1 modder who added

    Hobbes as your wingman

    , is back with a special treat! He's created a mini Christmas campaign in the Vega Sector. Simply unzip the


    into WC1's gamedat folder to decorate the sets and enjoy a revamped Enyo series. There's a tree in Shotglass' bar, a sack of presents in the barracks and Christmas lights in your Hornet cockpit. Almost as good as


    (a "classy, mythical substance" in the Tri-System) in your stocking!


    The package includes new graphics and four new missions for Enyo System. Missions are optional for install.
  • 15


    The Lave Radio Network has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Lave Station, thereby allowing the network to broadcast its annual conference to the entire galaxy. A rival campaign from the Lave Jet Family was unable to destabilise the Lave Radio initiative, despite also receiving the support of independent pilots.

    As the campaign drew to a close, one of the organisers released a statement:

    "The signal is spreading. We would like to extend our gratitude to the galactic community for making this possible."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Lave Station in the Lave system.