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  • 07


    The retro game site


    has found another iteration of the Wing Commander 1 sell sheet advertisement. This one features a black banner with the words, "The award winning Space Combat Simulation. Available soon for the Amiga!" This poster-style image is a famous advert that actually predates WC - the earliest versions promote the game as


    with the famous words, "What you SEE is what you PLAY!" Other iterations exist, including variants in different languages. Although this minor wording tweak may not seem super exciting, from a collector's point of view, it's fascinating to see just how many versions exist!


  • 07


    Here's a couple of striking Wing Commander Movie concept images from around LOAF's previous Cloud Imperium office. They feature the Broadsword and one of its primary foes, the Fralthi. Look closely and there's some interesting notes about how the reinforced bow could be used for ramming. We don't often see this tactic employed by Wing Commander capships - short of a rare last ditch self destructing maneuver - but it would be an interesting dynamic to add in to capship battles. Star Trek Discovery had a pretty impressive

    combat ram

    last year, and it'd be neat to see more of that.


    Good old Broadswords; not fast, but they got you home safe.
  • 25


    The operation to recover survivors and salvage from a convoy that was attacked in the core systems has been brought to a halt. Search-and-rescue teams from United Carnoeck for Equality were assisted by scores of independent pilots.

    Security Chief Tal Woźniak thanked those who participated:

    "Many of the convoy's crew members owe their lives to the Commanders who brought them to safety. We have also recovered data from the attack, which will help us track down and wipe out the pirate group responsible, hopefully before they massacre more innocents."

    Pilots who contributed to the operation can now collect their rewards from Bacon City in the Carnoeck system.

  • 09


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    Do you have a favorite ship in Star Trek Online? The one that’s always carried you through, no matter how tough the fight? The one that you’ve lovingly built and rebuilt again and again, chasing that perfect set up, and just the right colors? The ship that you proudly call your home among the stars? We’re happy to announce that, starting today, Captains all over the world can begin the process of bringing that ship to life. You’ll be able to order a 3D printed, high quality collectible of your ship to keep with you at work, at home, or wherever you want to see the ship you love. Here’s how it works: Ready the starship you want printed, and head to the ship tailor. You’ll find a brand new button that reads, “3D Print This Ship.” Clicking on this will bring you to the option to learn more about this process, or to print this ship. Once you’ve chosen to print the ship, it’ll

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  • 02


    General: Resolved an issue that would cause the game to crash when playing Dabo mini-game. Resolved an issue that was preventing the Red Angel Suit from correctly unlocking in the Tailor upon claiming the Event Reward. Added an Account-Wide Costume Unlock for the Red Angel Suit to the Event Reclaim Store. If you completed the Season 20 House Divided Event before and did not receive this costume unlock, you may Reclaim this item for free to fix that error for all characters on your account. The Verity variant of the Odyssey Star Cruiser has had its left warp trail moved to its correct position. The T5 B'Rel Retrofit, Fleet B'Rel and T6 Kor Bird of Prey are now using the remastered B'Rel art. Resolved an issue in which the D7 and D7 Refit costume presets were not appearing in the tailor. Resolved an issue that was preventing the correct background from displaying in the Personal

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  • 31


    Here's an oddity from the August 1994 issue of Gamesworld magazine. Wing Commander Armada is previewed alongside System Shock, and while the text has little new info, that logo sure is unusual! It's certainly a very similar typeface to the real Armada logo, but has a 3D quality we don't normally see, and we've seen a lot of Armada logos. Either they got this cool design from a press distribution or had a very keen eye for making up their own. As for the prediction that "Wing Commander Armada is bigger and badder than it's (sic) predecessor and jam-packed with improvements and enhancements," sure.


    LOAF: Get ready for a weird logo. BRACE BRACE BRACE
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