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    President Zachary Hudson's intention to remove the limit on his term in office has caused a deep rift among congressmen and voters alike.
    Political correspondent Sofia Trevino analysed the situation in The Federal Times:
    "Ever since the 77th amendment to the Federal Accord was ratified in 2594, no president has remained in office for longer than eight years. This is why the Hudson Contravention, as Congress officially refers to it, has turned up the heat on the simmering political division within the Federation."
    "Members of the Cabinet and other leading Republicans have argued passionately that only Zachary Hudson has the experience and fortitude to guide the Federation through this eventful period in history. His supporters point to successes such as curtailing the secession crisis, ending the NMLA threat and introducing greater security via the Proactive Detection Bureau."
    "However, others

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    We've got an update on capi's entry into the Kerbal Space Program competition we mentioned last week. He got lots of good feedback from fellow Wing Commander fans, and the design has been nicely tweaked and finalized. Now work has shifted to an entry video that showcases the design. This has been dubbed "Wing Kerbmander," and it looks like it'll be something special! We'll be sure to share when it's ready.


    Started putting together my video today. Going homage, but Kerbal-style. Anxious to share it with y'all but it's nowhere near complete yet. Just bits and fragments.
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    Happy February 12, known in certain circles as December 8. (Wing Commander 4 turns 26 today! Happy birthday!)


    The first image fans saw of Wing Commander IV was the teaser below, showing Tolwyn and Blair on opposing sides with a shadowy figure between them. It's a compelling image on the surface, but it's also problematic--since there's no actual reveal in the game itself. The shadow figure is just Seether, an entirely new character who is actually Tolwyn's henchman. The biggest problem, though, was that the first run of ads had a date promising the game on December 8, 1995. That would come back to haunt Origin when the title was delayed until February, 1996...


  • 12


    Alek Specner has kicked off an attempt to create a Wing Commander conversion for the Traveller role playing game. It's in Spanish, but the test cards should still look pretty neat no matter what language you speak. I'm sure it's a lot of work to get everything balanced and coherent, but tabletop "mods" like this always strike me as pretty fun and doable projects. We'd love to see more!


    Nostalgia attacked me and I got entangled in the construction of a game of #juegoderol #Traveller on the setting of the great pioneer of space simulation. #Hornet , #Scimitar , #Raptor , #Rapier ... Do they sound familiar to you? The call of duty enrolls us in #WingCommander .

    The game of #Traveller in the universe of #WingCommander is taking shape. The Travelers will be members of the Navy of the Terran Confederation and in several scenarios of the plot they will have the opportunity to pilot two of the emblematic

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    Brian demodulated has posted a wonderful throwback to 1991. He found his old vintage copy of Wing Commander 2 recently, and as awesome as that is alone, it also still had the faded original store receipt. Sometimes unique little bits like that can tell their own nostalgic story - and Brian has one to go along with this buying experience below! If you have an old '90s tale to share about finding WC in stores, drop it in the comments and share. You can find more of Brian's classic gaming stuff at


    I found my old copy of Wing Commander II at my parents' house this weekend. A truly beloved artifact. I can't begin to tell you how immersive this game was for little me. The box includes my very faded original receipt from Steals Direct in Toronto in November, 1991!

    Looking at this box again reminds me of the experience. My dad took me to this enormous PC and software superstore, I picked

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  • 09


    AD found a neat article in the December 2021 issue of Custom PC. It's a piece on the history and origins of VGA. It's a good story, but Wing Commander doesn't actually appear in the text of the article. Rather, a screenshot from WC1 (with its 320x200 256 color graphics) is used as the headliner - and most notably - on the cover of the magazine. It's not too often these days that you find professional print mags with Wing Commander on the front, so we thought it was worth pointing out. You can actually order a copy for £5.99 here. If you're not in it for the collectible, you can also find the whole article here and even download a PDF of the entire magazine.


    VGA didn’t put the PC at the graphics cutting edge, but it did put it back in the race. The new hardware supported resolutions of up to 640 x 480 with 16 colours, or 320 x 200 with up to 256. What’s more, those 256 colours could be
  • 08


    The recent battle in the Reorte system has caused Sirius Corporation to question the terms of its partnership with the Alliance.
    The Alliance Tribune's political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported:
    "When Sirius Corporation megaships arrived in four Allied systems, it's fair to assume they anticipated a degree of public resistance. But being directly attacked by the Reorte Mining Coalition clearly wasn't part of their risk assessment."
    "Li Yong-Rui has urgently sought assurances from the Alliance that such conflicts will not happen again. The megacorp's CEO claimed that he has a duty to protect his employees from aggression by their own clients."
    "In response, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon personally guaranteed that this unfortunate incident was a one-off, stressing that Sirius personnel have been welcomed in the Alioth, Arimpox and Di Jian systems. He added that the Alliance Defence Force is

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    capi is participating in a Kerbal Space Program competition, and his entry is the Morningstar from Special Operations 2. He's limited by elements within the KSP engine, but the results so far look pretty good. He's very much looking for feedback on how to improve or tweak the model any further. If you'd like to help him and get more representation for Wing Commander, hit the comment link below!


    Alright, y'all - I need your opinions. Livery aside, is it passable? Is it a Morningstar or not? If not, where am I off?

    I'm currently participating in Season 4 of Scott Manley's Runway Project - aerial combat in Kerbal Space Program. This week's challenge was to make a replica of something (and it could have been anything) that would fly and fight. I don't care about the color - I'm interested in whether or not the airframe looks right.

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    Each year we talk a lot about the CIC Discord chat room in the lead up the CIC Birthday Party, but that's not the only time the place is hopping. In fact, it's a great place to hang out year round! The service suffered an unusual outage a week or so back, and it really drove home how much we missed everyone while it was briefly unavailable. With this invite, you are able to log in via the web or the native phone/table/PC app. While we do talk about Wing Commander all day long, we don't just talk about Wing Commander. There's lots of chatter around video games and sci-fi in general. There's also space for focused topics like modding and fan fiction. Hope to see you there sometime!


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  • 05


    Here's something you don't see everyday. You don't really see them much at all anymore now, but long before Tik Tok was a thing, "music video" remixes with random visuals and someone else's music were a pretty popular YouTube pastime. They got extra bonus points if the visuals and the music actually sync'd up and loosely conveyed some narrative. We've got one such video today by Peter Plum. It takes a variety of scenes from the Wing Commander Academy television show and puts them against "This is War" by Thirty Seconds from Mars. It's not a bad combination!

    The classic space-shooter Wing Commander spawned a short-lived television series entitled Wing Commander Academy. This video features clips from that cartoon put to Thirty Seconds from Mars' "This is War".