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    Prolific model maker Klavs doesn't just build Wing Commander models. He's also well known for his military aviation and space creations. We're not sure if the Ghost of Kyiv is real, but the concept has gone viral this week. Their MiG-29 has become an inspiration to Ukraine's defenders. Klavs has put together this design as a tribute. He's also donating profits from his web store relief efforts in the region. Great job to everyone doing their part!


    Here at Hangar B we usually try to stay away from modern political discourse and let the airplanes and historical documents speak for themselves. Recent tragic and horrific events in Ukraine, have moved us off the sidelines.

    Inspired by the story of "The Ghost of Kyiv," we present this image without watermarks in the hope that it will be shared freely in order to bring some small comfort, and perhaps inspiration to the people of that embattled nation in

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    Game developers are starting to step up and support the humanitarian needs emerging in Ukraine. I just learned about a very cool looking space strategy game called Slipways being developed out of Poland. Their team is currently donating 100% of profits to the Polish Red Cross, which is gearing up to support an influx of refugees., also based in Poland and the primary purveyor of digital Wing Commander, has already donated a quarter million dollars to local aid agencies assisting with the crisis. This is in addition to a other high profile support drives set up by 11 bit studios (This War of Mine) and Bungie. Supporting these efforts may not fully relieve the pervasive feelings of helplessness out there, but small efforts do add up!

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    The news of Russian's invasion of Ukraine has been a big distraction today, so our previously scheduled Wing Commander news is momentarily on hold. We recognize how lucky we are that it's only a distraction for us and not a life-or-death struggle as it is for people on the ground on Eastern Europe. We have friends and know Wingnuts in both countries, and we hope all remain safe. If you're looking for fellow WC fans to discuss the situation with, feel free to visit the #Wingnut Discord. With that being said, consider that it may be less stressful to focus on topics other than the war!

    I am at least encouraged to see that Russian citizens have already started to speak out against the violence - even at their own personal peril. The more we realize our shared interests and how much we have in common, the sooner peace and stability can be restored. As such, here's a set of Russian videos about the WC

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    The Alliance Assembly has delivered an official rebuke to its prime minister following the recent skirmish in the Reorte system.
    There have been heated debates following the conflict between Reorte Mining Coalition and Sirius Corporation. This was triggered by the megacorp's unpopular attempt to establish a presence in the system as an anti-xeno defence partner.
    Councillor Nakato Kaine led a motion to censure against Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, which successfully passed with a plurality of votes after some abstentions. The strongly-worded reprimand focused on 'disregarding the Alliance's principles by unilaterally forcing cooperation with Sirius Corporation'.
    After Mahon formally accepted the reprimand, Councillor Kaine addressed the Assembly:
    "This body does not have the right to govern its member systems without their consent. The strategic defence pact must become civil legislation rather

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    Last month we reported on capi's slick Morningstar model made in Kerbal Space Program. He was also putting together a cute video to introduce the craft, and we're happy to share it now! It's presented in the style of a classic mission briefing starring the Kerbs. We also get to see some pretty acrobatic flying. The landing is a bit rough, but you know what they say about any landing you can walk away from!

    Featuring the F-95 Morningstar, we fight like it's 1992.
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    emu_sketch82t.jpgEmuMusicFan is working double duty this week! To the right he's got another Kilrathi sketch for his growing portfolio. It's his interpretation of a Kilrathi officer from Special Operations 1, Captain nar Raktha.

    Even more exciting is a new group read project that EMF is getting started for Wing Commander Freedom Flight. We've done a number of these over the years, but it's been quite a while since the last one. It's kind of crazy to think about, because this is a perfect pandemic activity! It's always nice to get in early on these, so dust off your copies and get ready. If you don't own one, it's easier than ever to purchase a digital edition. It goes for $6.99 at Baen, Apple or Amazon. Discussion will take place on the CIC Forums and #Wingnut Discord, but it's not necessary to engage in any deep analysis. The most important thing is to have fun!

    First, please allow me to talk about plant-based
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    President Zachary Hudson's proposal to remove the eight-year limit on his term of office has led to public unrest on many Federal worlds.
    Supporters of Shadow President Felicia Winters have taken the lead in protesting against the Hudson Contravention, which is currently being debated in Congress.
    The situation has been extensively covered by newsfeeds across the Federation:
    Federal Free Press: "As always, Felicia Winters is the only grown-up in the room. She has rightfully objected to the sitting president's attempt at throwing away the rulebook. Repealing the 77th amendment would be a fundamental blow to our millennia-old democracy."
    Sol Today: "What's the choice here? Retain Hudson for a few more years until things calm down, or hand power to Winters and watch the Federal government weaken and collapse under a weight the shadow president cannot possibly bear?"
    The Federal Times: "Moderate

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    Variety recently did an interview with Matthew Lillard where they talked about the original Scream movie's 25th anniversary (and release of Scream 5). There's one small part where he compares his excitement with Scream to starring in Wing Commander, and it's something I've always appreciated about Lillard's involvement with the film. This isn't a new off-the-cuff take - he usually reflects fondly when talking about making the Wing Commander Movie. Last year he even put together an awesome table read for April 1! You can find the full Variety article here.

    When “Scream” first came out, did you ever think you’d be here 25 years later discussing its legacy?

    Matthew Lillard: The short answer is no way. I think we’re surprised, but we love it. It holds an emotional place for all of us because we were so young and had an incredible experience shooting the movie. Going into it, none of us had any idea,

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    Today we're taking a look at the Wing Commander patches being sold by SciFi Geeks. The company specializes in cosplay patches for a very wide range of franchises. I've seen their promotions around in various forms for years, but I don't think we've highlighted them here before. There is a certainly sketchy Web 1.0 quality to their operation, but the fact that they seem to have been around for almost 20 years also lends some amount of credibility. Each of the patches below is listed for $11.99, and there appears to be a 15% coupon with the code "SAVE15." Has anyone ordered any of these before? How did they turn out? Send us your pictures if so!


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    Actress Dana Delany, who voiced Gwen "Archer" Bowman in Wing Commander Academy, had an unfortunate accident this week. She had a bad fall down a flight of stairs and came out of it with a black eye. Many news outlets are reporting how she was a longtime friend of Bob Saget, whose recent death appears connected to head trauma. As such, Ms. Delany took the incident seriously and got it checked out. Fortunately it appears that she'll be fine!

    You should see the other guy.

    Thank you all for your concern. I fell down some iron stairs head first (totally sober!) & all I could think of was poor Bob Saget. So I grabbed the handrail with my face. I was afraid it was fractured but thankfully, no. The folks at St John's emergency took great care of me.


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    While doom scrolling through the latest global crisis I got to wondering why what I grew up calling Kiev is now written as Kyiv. Here’s an NPR article that explains it. Interesting, but what people really want to know is: how did Wing Commander do it? WC2 has eight missions (4 winning, 4 losing) set in the Confederation-settled system of “Novaya Kiev”.

    kiev1t.jpg“Novaya Kiev” seems to be a case of wanting the system to be New Kiev (like New York) but just picking a word for new from the dictionary. A Russian speaker on the CIC Discord says it should be “Hовый Киев” (Novyy Kiev) and confirmation would be welcome!(Very very early on I named I think a weapons company in Star Citizen Novaya something in reference to WC2, but it was corrected by someone who actually spoke Russian somewhere along the line!)

    There’s also a second Kiev reference in Wing Commander’s lore: per the WC4 novelization, Maniac was assigned

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    GBGames has been getting back into the original Wing Commander, and this has inspired him to create a pretty awesome piece of Wing Commander art. He's put together a pretty slick Bengal class blueprint poster in the style of WC1's fighter blueprints. It's very nice - and high res enough to print or make your wallpaper image!


    I've been playing Wing Commander for the PC, which is very different from the SNES version I played when I was younger.

    And I decided I wanted a poster of the Tiger's Claw, so I made one.

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    The Wing Commander Movie is seeing is biggest and broadest sale yet. The film briefly dipped down to $5 at Microsoft last year, but now we're seeing the same sale repeated at both Amazon and VUDU/Fandango (which have recently merged). At this point it seems like MS - as well as Google Play/YouTube are still at the $10. All of these are part of Movies Anywhere, so buying them at one storefront gets you access at all of them, which is great.

    For a while after 2017 when the rights were changing over, the movie was hard to buy in any format, including streaming, but it's nice to see that it's more readily available again now. Apple/iTunes appears to be the last major platform that doesn't have a digital purchase option, but it can be rented. And buying it at the other places does deliver a purchased copy to your iTunes account, so at least that's an option. It's hard to go wrong for $5!


    Based on the