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    It's finally spring for the majority of Wingnuts, and GOG is welcoming the season with a big discount on Wing Commander games. The series is marked down a customary 75%, so that means all DOS/Windows games are available for less than $12. It's a steal for easy digital access - even if you already have physical copies! Also, we know there's quite a bit of overlap between Star Trek and WC fans, and GOG has recently added a slate of Trek games to their catalog. Those additions are all 20% off too.


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    Various Imperial allies, ambassadors and nobles have been summoned to Capitol for a series of meetings with Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.
    Political journalist Cassia Carvalho provided details for The Imperial Herald:
    "There are rumours of many behind-the-scenes changes among the upper echelons of power since Emperor Arissa returned. But this latest event was mostly in the public eye and seemed designed to reassure the citizens of her physical presence."
    "Members from all echelons of the Imperial aristocracy arrived at the palace with their entourages. Court ceremonies were held to reaffirm their fealty to Emperor Arissa, all with as much spectacle and grandeur as possible."
    "Less public were Arissa's closed sessions with representatives from the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. Laurentin Sharpe, the Empire's senior ambassador to the Alliance, said: 'The purpose of these briefings is to update Her

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    klavs_models381t.jpgWe've recently seen Klavs model a couple of early (WC1&2) era Rapiers, but there are a handful of intermediate designs implied in between those. Based on popular designs cues from some of his previous designs, Klavs has filled in the game with hypothetical Rapiers that might have flown before the workhorse version we're familiar with on the Concordia. The results are below! And he's definitely not finished with the Rapier here... You will be eventually be able to find these variants on Sketchfab.

    I was thinking about the front intake version of the Rapier, I've been very humbled by how many other Rapier designs have included it over the years, I figured I would make it an option! So here's, I guess, the Rapier E, Wider Body, front intake, upper intakes deleted, extra engines like the G model. Extra hard points, extra gun positions.

    Maybe the EF versions were license built by another Aerospace firm?

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    Surprise! Most diehard Wingnuts know the movie takes place from March 15 to 17, but the novelization has an epilogue that happens the next day. It's a dark scene that takes place on Mylon III. This sets the stage for the events that unfold in Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars and are concluded in Pilgrim Truth. There's some wild stuff in those novels!


    Day 4 - 1900 Mylon Time - BREAKING NEWS: The supercruiser TCS Olympus has fired on Confederation forces in the Mylon System?! MORE
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    Enough time has passed that I think we can finally share this spoiler content in the news. A recent episode of The Book of Boba Fett features an AI-enhanced CGI-esque Mark Hamill along with similarly artificial spoken lines. Respeecher was the company involved with doing the voices, and Klavs has nifty WC tie-in anecdote to share. He had the opportunity to work with them in the past, and he made sure the team was aware of Hamill's Wing Commander performances to power their machine learning engine. In fact, it was literally ODVS' video packages that they used for easy access to all of FMV Blair's lines! You can read more about this process here.

    The Respeecher staff also used the High Resolution video packs from Wing Commander IV and III by Owen Davies. A veritable treasure trove of ~10 aby Mark Hamill audio! I know because I provided it to them during a collaborative project last year.

    Here are

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    The megaship Trobairitz has arrived in the Reorte system to support the efforts of the Reorte Pro-Alliance League.
    In recent weeks, the Reorte system has forced the expulsion of Sirius Corporation and refused to accept the strategic defence pact. Since then, there have been proposals from its controlling faction to renounce Allied membership and declare independence. But this has galvanised others to campaign for Reorte to remain in the Alliance.
    Louisa Leblanc, chief administrator of the Reorte Pro-Alliance League, gave a statement to The Alliance Tribune:
    "The proposed partnership with Sirius Corporation Is restricted to increasing defences against the Thargoids. We do not believe this will be disruptive enough to justify losing all the myriad benefits of membership in the Alliance."
    "The Reorte Pro-Alliance League is pleased to be supported by the Alioth Independents faction. A megaship,

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    prem09.jpgToday marks twenty-three years since the Wing Commander Movie was released! It's hard to believe it's been so much time since we - and many of you - lined up at theaters. A lot has changed since then. Sure, there are still plenty of snarky podcasts that do their thing with it, but I've also noticed a big shift in the last few years. Lately, a lot of people have given it a second chance and can appreciate it for what it is. While the film remains hard to find on physical disc, it's also nice to see that it's once again easy to rent or buy on various streaming services. If you're checking it out again, let us know. We're always down for a rewatch or discussion!

    Also if you missed it from a few weeks back, I wanted to point out Klavs' clean-up of the movie's universe map. It's pretty slick!


  • 14


    Whenever you see an F-44A cruising around these parts, it's a good bet than an F-44G is somewhere nearby. Klavs has rolled out his WC2-style variant of the popular Rapier. This time he's spending extra time to line up markings and design with the version seen in the game. All of his modern variants will eventually be available at Sketchfab for folks who need the full fledged 3D version!


    F-44Gs of TCS Concordia! I'm being more faithful to the game markings than I ever have in the past. It's tough, but I think, worth it to make a decent homage.

    The C model is up next, that'll be very close to the previously established Tarawa Livery I came up with previously. I'll also be providing some blank, grey liveries so you guys can come up with schemes to your heart's delight!

    I should note that all these versions will be updated into the existing Sketchfab link, so if you purchased already, the upgrades and all

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    Look what ChrisReid caught in the new episode of Picard: Seether’s knife in Picard’s collection!

    startrek_doubleshadow7t.jpgvlcsnap-2018-09-02-21h25m58s673t.jpgI’m joking, it’s not really a Wing Commander reference. It’s a Gil Hibben Double Shadow knife which has been used in all sorts of sci-fi productions including Star Trek Nemesis as Shinzon’s knife. Here’s a cool history.

    The Double Shadow also showed up last season on Picard as a Romulan dagger! They’re readily available for about $50 if you want a cool space knife that serves no practical purpose.

    startrek_doubleshadow2t.jpgFAQ: the reason the WC4 novel calls it a “laser knife” is because it’s based on the script which describes “a mean looking instrument known as a laser-blade (a curved handle with a lethal thread of light that pulses from one end of the handle to the other)...".


  • 11


    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has ordered the Imperial Guard to provide increased security to surviving members of the Duval dynasty.
    Many Imperial Family members, including Prince Harold, were assassinated by the NMLA. Sources close to Emperor Arissa state that she is determined to preserve the remaining Duval bloodline as well as deter any future attacks.
    The Imperial Guard is a legion of elite warriors under the direct control of the Emperor. Although typically seen performing ceremonial duties, they are a highly trained fighting force. It is understood that their numbers have been boosted by a focused enlistment drive from other areas of the Imperial military.
    A cohort of Imperial Guard has been placed at the service of Princess Aisling Duval. She has gratefully accepted their presence and integrated them with her existing security team.
    Similar squads have been posted to the households of

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    Here's a neat commercial for the Wing Commander VHS appearing for rent at Blockbuster. It mostly uses recycled footage from the various trailers, but it's interspersed with "rent Wing Commander this week at Blockbuster and go home happy!" style voiceovers. This makes it kind of a double time capsule. The clip dates back to July 1999, so it wasn't so easy to just look up the release date for every imaginable media product back then. TV commercials and in-store rolls were how we learned about things like this!

    From Blockbuster Video, here's a commercial about their latest rental, 1999's WING COMMANDER starring Freddie Prinze Jr and Matthew Lillard!
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    We only just recently got a good look at Klavs' new Rapier, and now we've got a new variant. It originally launched with cool post-war orange checker highlights, and now we get to see it in popular Vega Sector greens and grays circa WC1. These appear a little bit more weathered, which makes sense - not as much time to polish those hulls at the height of the war! You can play around with the model further at Sketchfab.


    F-44A In Black Lion colors coming along!
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