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    There is another universe, out there. One that is dark and twisted, like a cracked reflection on an ancient mirror. There, the brutal Terran Empire reigns supreme, and all life must either submit or rebel. There have been incursions into our universe from the Terran Empire before, most notably at the behest of the insane Admiral Leeta, but nothing like this. On January 23rd, the infamous Captain Killy finally makes her first appearance anywhere in Star Trek media, as Mary Wiseman returns to Star Trek Online. You’ll face off against this twisted version of Tilly, and much more, as part of our Ninth Anniversary update, Mirror of Discovery. Captains on PC (and soon on Xbox One and Playstation 4) will travel to the forest planet of Pahvo, to investigate strange readings from an Ion Storm. From there, a two episode arc will place you in a deadly race against time – and to determine whether this

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    We've just released the first patch for Nintendo Switch, bringing some new options settings, performance improvements and bugfixes. Have fun playing!

    New Features

    • Added Korean language support
    • Added special "retro graphics" option that is unlocked after finishing a hardcore mode run
    • Added an option to adjust the HUD marker size, and increased the default size of the HUD markers
    • Improved performance e.g. when flying through asteroids and colonial stations
    • Improved texture quality of explosions and the trading vessel
    • Fixed time speedup bug that occured when having Time Extender activated and either destroying Okkar frigate turrets or Outlaw Snipers or scrapping a Shock Rifle Pro that is floating in space
    • Fixed no manufacturer being set for Plasma Powered Jump and Destabilizer Missile
    • Fixed that the labels for Use Consumable and Confirm were switched in the Gamepad Schemes menu
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    A luxury star yacht belonging to famous actor Consuela Knight has reached its destination with nobody onboard.

    The incident was reported by independent newsfeed The Sovereign:

    "Consuela Knight's beautiful ship often attracts admirers when it arrives at a starport. But on this occasion it also brought security forces, since the custom-built private yacht was completely empty."

    "Investigators discovered that the ship was in perfect condition with all escape pods intact. There were signs of recent activity, such as unfinished meals and handheld equipment on the floor. Computer records confirmed the crew's presence until a few minutes before arrival, when all five people – including Ms Knight– simultaneously vanished."

    "Engineering and hyperspace experts have begun analysing data to unravel this mystery. But there is no reason to believe there are any survivors of this phenomenon."

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    Captains! An urgent message has come in from fleet headquarters! For a limited time, from January 10th at 8am PT to January 14th at 10 am PT, we’re putting all Discount Packs in the C-store on Sale for 20% off! Now is the time to get all the items you need in a bundle for an excellent price! Don’t wait! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .TW { background-position: 0 60%; } .share-footer .FO { background-position: 0 80%; } .FB:hover {

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    The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw The I.S.S. Discovery has jumped into the future and the Terrans have plans for the planet Pahvo. Now it's up to you to stop them -- and their ruthless Captain "Killy" -- before they threaten the entire quadrant. Visit the peaceful planet to discover what the Terrans have done and figure out how to break their link with the enigmatic Pahvans, who've never managed to establish successful communication with the Vulcan Science Academy's research teams. "Illusion of Communication" is the second episode in the new story showing how the accidental displacement of the Discovery has ramifications felt as far afield as the 25th century. This episode continues the storyline for existing captains after the events of the Gamma Quadrant and carries on events after the episode "Para Pacem."

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    has posted a video review of Wing Commander 3. This one focuses on the Playstation port. While this is decidedly not the best version of the game, there's some neat things such as color VDUs and other interface changes that are interesting to see if you're most familiar with the PC version. The author specifically cites inclusion of the Hobbes explanation clip as one of the reasons to play it on consoles and describes their exclusion on PC as a 'bug'. Amazingly, this was a conscious decision due to disc space limitations, but being able to see all of the extra scenes is definitely a plus here. You might consider going for the 3DO version if you're going to try a port out though. The game was actually enhanced in a variety of ways to better suit the console pacing there - in addition to the extra video content.

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    The Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) is currently reviewing Vitadyne Labs's nanomedicines, which the company has admitted are based on advanced technology developed by Utopia.

    Healthcare analyst Dr Himari Grey discussed the situation via Vox Galactica:

    "There are always ethical considerations when approving new medicines. But in this case the IHO has more to consider than usual, not least Pranav Antal's formal complaint that replicating Utopian technology without permission is tantamount to theft."

    "Many in the medical community argue that it is selfish of Utopia to hoard such revolutionary medicines. As these nanomeds are capable of treating many illnesses and injuries, surely the potential health benefits outweigh questions of ownership."

    "On the other hand, investors have already pumped millions of credits into Vitadyne Labs, convinced that profits will run into the billions if these

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    Political journalist Cassia Carvalho has reported on the current conflict with isolationist group Nova Imperium:

    "In recent weeks, Nova Imperium has become a genuine political force. Tensions have now erupted into open conflict in the Paresa system, with Imperial Navy auxiliaries attempting to destroy Nova Imperium's fleet."

    "In return, Imperator Mordanticus has called on the galactic community to fight for Emperor Hengist's long-lost grandson Hadrian Duval to be recognised as an heir to the throne."

    "Whether this is a one-off battle or the beginning of an Imperial civil war, the outcome of the Battle of Paresa will influence the future of the Empire."

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    LOAF has recently been accumulating some neat '90s hardware with a connection to Wing Commander. The first is a customizable keyboard device with different profiles for various sims. The Katt "Games Master Keyboard" also supported Strike Commander, X-Wing and a couple of Ultimas. He's also picked up a couple of Thrustmaster sticks with WC fighters on the box. The X-Fighter joystick sports a Dragon and the Top Gun has a Heretic from Privateer 2! Even without explicit tie-in features, adding a WC ship to your box was a good way to pick up some PC street cred back in the day.


    It's here! The world's first new product.