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    If you haven't figured it out already, we've having a blast following the exciting progress of the orchestral album campaign this week! We would have expected things to level off a bit after the first few days, but it continues a steady upward beat. So with that in mind, George Oldziey has announced the first stretch goal. He's priced out what it would take to add a comprehensive choral arrangement to the album, and it looks like that will be possible with an additional $6000. That would come to a new Kickstarter target of $24,000. We've still got about four weeks, so I think we can do it! For another sample of what you have to look forward to, here's an awesome mix of Mr. Oldziey's previous live orchestration of Wing Commander music combined with ODVS' advanced video enhancements:

    Greetings all you amazing fans. We are already approaching the $14K mark in less than a week! I'm still keeping my
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    Switching gears today, LOAF found a Tumblrer named NMA Nekro who specializes in fan art of Matthew Lillard. That means we get to see their glorious take on Todd "Maniac" Marshall. It's pretty amazing that people are still making content like this after 25 years. The Buzz Lightyear-style action figure is also a nice touch. As a point of comparison, the actual action figure features Maniac in his shipboard uniform and not a flight suit!


    How you doing? Allow me to introduce myself. Lieutenant Todd Marshall!
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    Achilles Aerospace have begun mass distribution of their own Frame Shift Drive modules, capable of what their marketing is calling an 'Overcharged' Supercruise.
    This news follows the corporation urging pilots to gather Titan Drive Components from the dangerous remnants of destroyed Titans. The data gathered from the components seems to have been the catalyst to finalise what were previously only theoretical designs.
    The new modules are capable of incredible speeds, much like the Titans themselves. The power of this new Frame Shift Drive does, however, put immense pressure on a ship when used.
    In a speech at the private launch event for the module, held at Achilles headquarters, Achilles Aerospace chairman Maxine Patro said:
    "As of right now, our new modules have been distributed across the galaxy, and we fully expect that this will not only be a turning point in history for Achilles, but for

  • 09


    oldziey_volume2_2t.jpgWe were originally planning to mix up the news a bit to start the week off, but George Oldziey’s campaign is off to such a roaring start that it’s become newsworthy again! In barely over a day since going live, the campaign to create a new live album of Wing Commander music has hit the 50% funding mark! This means more than $8000 of the $16,000 target has been achieved. When combined with Matt Hiltner’s previously mentioned large donation, we are very much well on the way to making this a reality! Things are going so well that George is already starting to firm up plans for some of the hypothetical stretch goals that have been on his mind. No one expected to be talking about that so soon, but it’s a wonderful situation to be in. All of this is made possible by the ongoing support from so many dedicated Wing Commander fans. This is just the beginning; so we’re very anxious to see where

  • 08


    Today's the day! Origin composer George Oldziey's campaign to create a second album of live Wing Commander music has launched! Fans have been abuzz for the last few days as info has been released, but now there are a number of exciting additional details that can finally be shared.

    For starters, Mr. Oldziey has revealed that this is a combination effort! He's not only working with a new live orchestra to perform 40-45 additional minutes of his classic Wing Commander work, but it will also be available digitally, on CD and on vinyl. Both a new live recording and a collectible vinyl print have been high on the list of fan requests these last few years, but the road to get here has been pretty challenging. Costs have been up and down as the world has been in turmoil, but George has been working on new bids that look very promising in order to make this happen. Here's a video that explains how this

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    Origin composer George Oldziey is now counting down the hours to the launch of his second album of live Wing Commander music! What makes now the right time for a sequel? Check out the update below for some of the motivation behind the project.

    So, this is a big year for me for round numbers. I turned 70, and 30 years ago I scored my very first video game, Wing Commander 3. And 10 years ago I had the privilege of running a successful Kickstarter campaign, funded by the greatest video game fans in the world, that resulted in the first orchestral recording of 40 minutes of my original music from the three Wing Commander games that I scored for Electronic Arts/Origin (see the link to a video about those sessions 10 years ago).

    This Sunday I'm going to launch another KS campaign to record another 40 minutes of music from those games with a large orchestra!

    I've been blessed to have had MANY musical

  • 06


    I've updated my Wing Commander playlists on Spotify, just for you! First up: the movie score plus the licensed, diegetic tracks.

    Second, the Wing Commander Prophecy OST recreated from pieces. It's getting closer with each update... we're just lacking, you know, the Cobalt 60 tracks.

    And here's the big hot dog, everything Wing Commander-related in one place. They added the recent Wing Commander I go buy it anyway.

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    It's a good week for Wing Commander music! If all the recent posts have got you in the mood for more, Pekka Leppaluoto has just recorded a new extract of George Oldziey's iconic Wing Commander 3 tracks. He used AllTinker's Originator tool to pull the source .hmp files out of the game and then play them back on an authentic Roland SCC-1. This would have been one of the most incredible ways to listen to the game back in 1994. Give the soundtrack a listen below, and check back later this weekend for more info on what's coming next! You can already sign in on Kickstarter and get a notification as soon as the project goes live.

    Setup used: a real Intel 486 DX2 PC with Roland SCC-1 card's line-outs connected to RME Fireface 802 channel inputs. Recorded at 96/24. A rinse of Waves' L3 UltraMaximizer in post.
  • 05


    oldziey_volume2_1t.jpgWe've got an exciting preview to share today! One of the most exhilarating projects of the last decade was George Oldziey's spectacular mission to record his Wing Commander hits with a live orchestra. The endeavor was a resounding success, and fans around the world treasure the results to this day. Over the years, Mr. Oldziey has launched a couple of spinoffs that have delivered some new digital music and set the groundwork for a possible sequel. George has been carefully planning what he might do in a follow-up effort for a number of years, and now that time is upon us! Advances in technology and in the music market have made some new things possible... with your help! Stay tuned and check back at the end of this week for more details!

    Vinman: Hell yes, I'd been hoping for years that we'd get another chunk o' music!

    Here's a recap video of the original live orchestra project to help set the

  • 04


    Material gathered from the Titan Taranis wreckage has reportedly allowed Achilles Aerospace to complete the research on their prototype Frame Shift Drive.
    The recent initiative sponsored by Achilles Aerospace saw over 5000 independent pilots enter the hazardous wreckage of Titan Taranis, retrieving enough Titan Drive Components to allow Achilles to allegedly design a new type of Frame Shift Drive based on Titan technology.
    A spokesperson for Achilles Aerospace gave the following update:
    The Achilles Corporation would like to commend every brave pilot that responded to our request. The data we are gathering from the collected materials is staggering, and our work has progressed at an astonishing rate. Our teams are hard at work getting the prototype ready for production as I speak, and we are eager to show you all the fruits of our labour very soon.
    Sirius Corporation, the current sole

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    The Titan known as Oya appears to have deployed a large fleet of Orthrus vessels into star systems farther from their own territory breaking expected behaviour.
    Analysts noted that the locations in which Orthrus vessels have been tracked didn't appear to have any particular importance, instead suggesting that this may be a new tactic or possibly a simple panic response to the mounting pressure on its fleet.
    Titan Oya has been steadily losing territory to large numbers of AX-equipped human forces. These forces, spearheaded by coalitions known as 'AXI' and 'XSF' have been reclaiming ground from the Titans successfully for some time and were pivotal in the recent successful campaigns against the now-destroyed Titans, Taranis and Leigong.
    The Pilots' Federation have issued an alert to all independent pilots for each of the star systems where Orthrus vessels have been detected:
    "If Oya can be

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    It's April 1! Since before we even opened at more than 25 years ago, the CIC Staff has had some strict rules about April Fool's Day: Never announce a new Wing Commander game. Don't do anything that would get people excited just to let them down. Mostly err on just being silly. We've had a few good jokes, and joked about a few things that came true. But with so much of the current discourse dominated by propaganda and conspiracy theories, we're not really in the mood to celebrate a holiday dedicated to fake news.

    So anyhow, the regular news continus. There's two more days to get your discounted Wing Commander. Each game is 65-75% off. Hope you have a great day.


  • 01


    Adm_Maverick has a very cool new model project to share! He's souped up a printable model of the Vampire and is making some very cool modifications to it. It's much larger than the original source and the engine pods rotate. As you can see from the pictures below, he's also adding lights so that the engines even glow! The sections that are complete so far look great. You can see more of the subcomponents come together with step-by-step captions at the CIC Forums here.

    There comes a point in any project where you look at your in-progress work and you see the work coming together that you’re like “okay… this is looking friggen awesome!” Here is that moment with the Vampire model:


    I decided to something crazy and I took the Vampire figure from Thingverse, and upscaled it to produce a roughly 14" long model. Now because of the size of my resin printer, I had to break the model down into segments. But
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    Cybot078 has returned with several new environments for Privateer fans. He's recreated Perry, New Constantinople and Oxford. Each one has been filled out with more scenery and photographed from a wider point of view. They're pretty imaginative pieces of art and help you appreciate the original scenes even more. I never really noticed the cloud-like bulges in the Perry ceiling or thought about how large the Constantinople space might be. The first image in each set is the original. Take a look below!

    Perry Naval Base:

    priv_vehicles1t.jpgcybot_ships61t.jpgcybot_ships62t.jpgcybot_ships63t.jpgNew Constantinople:



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