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    The former heiress to the Ambrose Foundation has confessed that she lost her family's entire fortune through excessive gambling.

    Lady Talitha – now ordinary Talitha Ambrose – provided this statement to Vox Galactica:

    "Everything you've read is true. I attended a lavish event hosted by Jokers' Deck, staked the entire Ambrose estate and lost it all. But I don't regret a thing."

    "The gambling problem I've suffered with for years has finally been cured. I believe my addiction was fuelled by having far more wealth than any individual should. I now plan to use my connections to raise funds for addiction support charities."

    "I don't blame Jokers' Deck for my situation, since I knew the risks when I joined. And frankly, it could have been worse – I've seen corporations won and lost over a hand of deadlock poker."

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    A new research megaship and relay station constructed by the Distant Worlds II exploratory fleet have become operational.

    Project leader Erimus Kamzel made a statement on behalf of those involved in the expedition:

    "We are very proud to announce the launch of the DSSV Distant Worlds megaship, dedicated to the DW II fleet who built it. We look forward to its maiden voyage as it embarks on a journey of scientific study around the galactic core."

    The DSSV Distant Worlds will follow a circular route between six systems in the Galactic Centre region, with scheduled hyperspace jumps every two weeks. It is currently based at Explorer's Anchorage.

    The relay station, Event Horizon, has also become operational in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system. This installation will gather scientific data on the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*, and provide research facilities and residence for scientists at the

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    We see so few clips of modern YouTubers and streamers trying their hand at Prophecy for the Game Boy Advance, so I'm always eager to share the ones that I run across. Here's a mission from fastrun14. It doesn't really sound like they enjoyed the experience - the game controls take some practice to get used to - but it's wonderful to appreciate the technical aspects here. Check out the 3D autopilot effect and the paint scheme on those Piranhas! And wow to the "mission accomplished" spoken audio at the end. It's hard to avoid comparisons to the 3D accelerated PC version, but the game is running on something less than a tenth as powerful as the minimum PC specs here. What Raylight achieved never ceases to amaze!

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    Necroware has posted an extensive video about a project to create a more capable USB to Gameport adapter. Plenty of basic dongles already exist, but they are apparently limited in function with some of the more capable old school sticks. This experimental device uses an Arduino Pro Micro to emulate/pass along some of the more complete functions. A full rundown is available in the video. The creator is a huge WC fan and uses various WC games to test the device. Scroll to the 28:00 mark for a few minutes of WC3 and Prophecy in action with an old MS Sidewinder. You can read more about the project here.

    How does it work?

    The adapter is built around Arduino Pro Micro, which uses the same ATmega32U4 microcontroller as Leonardo. This microcontroller has built-in USB HID capabilities and can be used to build HID input devices, like joysticks. The adapter itself is super simple, the main brainwork was

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    From across the quadrants, Captains of all species and creeds understand the value of occasionally pushing themselves to the limits – to find out just how far their equipment, and their willpower, can take them, and just how much fight they can muster when the situation is at its direst. Screw your courage to its sticking place, and dive headlong into these classic tests of mettle – dare to face the No Win Scenarios. This Event will include multiple TFOs previously featured individually in a combined Featured Event that will allow players to choose their preferred test each day, while earning Daily Progress toward a new grand prize reward. Defend the Kobayashi Maru in a starship-based simulation in a hazard-strewn space environment, or take on wave after wave of randomized enemy encounters within the dangerous confines of the Arena of Sompek. Participating in this Event will give all players the

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    After a yearlong battle fighting for humanity, Docteur J has wrapped up his epic French language playthrough of Wing Commander 4. Through his YouTube channel Oldies Games TV, J is a prolific gamer and Wingnut who has long been helping spread appreciation of the WC series to an underserved audience. He's even covered the translated version of Prophecy for the Gameboy Advance. While most of our visitors may not understand exactly what he's saying, the emotion, excitement and fun come across in his vids very well. It's also really cool to see what the game's like in a different language, and WC4's high quality sets and videos are always a joy to watch. You can find more of his vids here.

    C'est avec une certaine émotion que nous voici arrivé a la fin de cette incroyable jeu :-)

    It is with a certain emotion that we have arrived at the end of this incredible game :-)

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    Document Archive

    is where we try to collect and categorize all the neat finds related to the development history of the various Wing Commander products so you can more easily research your favorite titles. These might include storyboards, early product shots, art sources, and draft scripts that we've featured in one of our daily updates, but otherwise risk falling by the wayside. With Secret Ops turning twenty this year, the time was right to expand the archive's coverage of that game. The project was more limited in scope than Wing Commander: Prophecy, but we've still uncovered a few interesting items over the years:


    • Secret Ops Scripts: 30 items added, including the lost web fiction.
    • Secret Ops Artwork: Six art pieces added, including the backstory of the Plunkett design.
    • Secret Ops Ads: A contemporary print article providing some fascinating insights on the impact of a burgeoning internet.