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    It's only been a few days since Klavs released his new Rapier collection, but Mac has already eaten it up and built four dazzling 4K wallpapers around the ships. Each of the variants gets their own atmospheric scene that plays with light, shadow, angle and perspective. The high resolution allows you to really soak in all the glorious detail, and any one of these would make a fabulous wallpaper image.


    Klavs finished his revamp of the Rapier line from Wing Commander. So I, being me, dropped what I was doing to play with the new models and get some nice looking "Glory shots" using them.

    I present for your consideration, The Angels-44 series.

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    Klavs has updated his official Rapier Sketchfab model with the four major variants that he’s shown off this year. He’s also provided a link to material that will help aspiring artists make their own custom paint schemes. This is a great resource for everyone from aspiring modders to people getting into 3D printing! Although the models are available to purchase in order to help with his family’s ongoing medical bills, Klavs has also made the files available for free to CIC visitors unable to pay. Have fun!


    Hi everybody, the F-44 Sketchfab model has been updated to include the A, C, E, and G model Rapiers. If you purchased it previously you should be able to download the new version at no cost.

    Also, here is a link to a bunch of different high resolution (8k) liveries, including generic grey ones, as well as the substance painter file, so you can create paint schemes to your heart's content!Also also, I

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    Today's we've got a meaty new article with some exciting content updates for the WC4 Fan Remake. The team is currently working on recreating the WC4 demo, which is notable for including a Stormfire cannon pickup floating in space. Unlike in the full game, this gives the Hellcat a unique special weapon for the mission. They've also spent considerable time working out how the spaceflight physics will work. It will incorporate some interesting inertial cues from WC1, WC2 and Prophecy. You can read all about it at here.


    As we work towards the demo release there are three main areas to focus on:
    • Applying all the now-known stats values to the game objects
    • Running the mission scripts for all of the objects
    • Improving the AI
    The first of these is largely done and has driven a lot of new work; one piece of which is implementing the stormfire gun.
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    Following a referendum by the Marlinist Colonies, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has formally recognised their autonomous status.
    Prime Consul Kayode Tau of the Marlinist Consulate reported on his latest meeting with the Emperor:
    "Her Majesty was clearly uncomfortable with the democratic way in which the ex-Imperial citizens in the colonies now govern themselves. But she gracefully acknowledged that the Marlinist population had declined her invitation to become an Imperial protectorate, and would thus remain independent."
    "However, there was a proviso to Emperor Arissa's acceptance of the decision. She insisted that the Marlinist Colonies must work with the Empire's intelligence agencies to prevent any resurgence of the NMLA or similar terrorist groups."
    It has since been agreed that Imperial Intelligence and the Marlinist Constabulary would collaborate on identifying Neo-Marlinist extremists.

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    Today we've got a fun Lego Scimitar to share. This is the second in a series of Lego fighters put together by John Nelson, who built an Avenger last month. The Scimitar has a pair of fairly recognizable acceleration absorber pods jutting out the top, which helps make this design easy to identify. The back profile with triple engine exhaust nozzles is also pretty spot on. Like the previous model, this one also fairly closely mimics the appropriate color scheme. Just getting the shape right with Legos is a feat, but doing so in the right squadron colors is really something!


    My next project was Confed's very own gun heavy slug - as Iceman called it - the Scimitar. Again color and proportions are a guess from the models used and other art. Hope you enjoy it. I’m planning on maybe the Dragon or Epee next.
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    Here’s an example of stretching the art budget on the Wing Commander card game: one painting becomes two cards! Mag Force 7 knew they needed to publish fast during the CCG craze and coming up with art to cover the 300-odd cards in a base set was the biggest expense going in.

    ccg_cropping_fun1t.jpgccg_cropping_fun2t.jpgccg_cropping_fun3t.jpgAnother one: different crops of the same image provide two minefields instead of one!


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    We're always up to take a break from posting sci-fi craft and instead share some real life spaceships. This weekend gave us a great opportunity with the first Axiom launch. Last year was big for space tourism and new companies launching their pods and planes up to the edge of space, but this represents the first time a fully private crew has traveled to the International Space Station. Four people launched yesterday aboard a SpaceX Dragon and docked this morning to join seven ISS crew members. This brings the total aboard to 11, which makes for quite a group photo! If that wasn't enough, another Dragon crew mission is scheduled to launch in just over a week. There are six vessels attached right now, including three crew vehicles and three resupply ships. It's really quite a spectacle!

    We also need to mention that the first two images below show both the Axiom/SpaceX rocket as well as the Boeing

  • 09


    Veteran Origin designer Paul Hughes has worked a little bit of his magic on a classic piece of Wing Commander art. He's touched up a scan of the iconic SNES WC1 cover painted by Mike Winterbauer. It's such a gorgeous piece that we didn't want to miss an opportunity to share it! The scene in question was actually at the heart of multiple crowdfunding campaigns led by Mr. Winterbauer in 2018 and 2020. You can find copies of the art books that came out of these endeavors at his eBay store here. Learn more at his official site: Winterbauer Arts


    Cleaned up scan of Mike Winterbauer's Wing Commander artwork for the SNES - an iconic cover image...
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    Here's a nifty French find that dates back to 2009. It's a retrospective clip about the Wing Commander series that aired on the Nolife TV channel in France. They cover the main entries from Wing Commander 1 through Prophecy, plus they mention the movie and spend a few minutes on WC Arena, which was relatively new at the time. It would have been really cool to catch this on television! The channel went off the air in 2018, but Génération Nolife has been putting old episodes online. If you don't speak French, anyone can use YouTube's built in auto-translate feature to add captions in their preferred language.

    Released May 5, 2009

    A great classic of space opera.

    Retro & Magic (or RaM for short) was a retro-gaming section retracing the history of video games. The section was presented and mainly written by Julien Pirou, the music of the credits is taken from the game Rock'n'Rage and the design is by

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    DOSBox has been the gold standard for running classic '80s and '90s games on modern computers for quite some time, but it's definitely not the only player out there. FreeDOS is another solid OS emulator with an established history. They've just released the long anticipated version 1.3. Folks like PhilsComputerLab have been running tests, and the results are promising. Check out the video below for a sample of what to expect. Privateer and Strike Commander show up in the 1:00-1:30 point and WC1-3 appear around 4:30 (along with the tip to select the second boot option to get expanded memory). This still may be more of a tinkerer's method to get the games going as DOSBox is more broadly compatible, but it's great to have options! I remember during the Windows 98/XP transition being very upset that future generations wouldn't be able to readily play the WC games, and I'm very happy to have been