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    Nenid opened her eyes, only to see the worried face of Centurion D’mev staring down at her. “Status report,” she said hoarsely, having taken in a lungful of smoke during the last exchange of fire. Coughing, she got to her feet with the junior officer’s assistance and took a seat in the command chair. “Preferably before the Tholians manage to find and destroy us, if you please, Centurion. “ D’mev blanched before speaking. “Commander, we are under cloak, per your orders. A Tholian fleet is massing within the Azure Nebula; it seems we encountered their vanguard during our investigation of the temporal anomalies there.” Nenid nodded as she called up tactical data to the main viewscreen. And in a moment, a mission of science becomes a mission of war, she thought silently. “Engineering,” she said as she activated her command channel. “What’s our situation? That volley from the Tholians

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    It's been a while since the Cloud Imperium team has shown off new Squadron 42 material, so they've put together a striking teaser of the game's visual effects. The new graphics shown off here are intended to highlight advancements made in the past year. There's definitely some pretty space environments to see! The Wing Commander-style single player campaign associated with these visuals will star Mark Hamill, John Rhys-Davies and many others. It's currently scheduled to advance to beta state in the later half of next year.

    As a special holiday gift to all of you, we put together this visual teaser reel, highlighting some of the work we’ve done on Squadron 42 over the course of 2019.
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    It's been more than fifteen months since we last reported on the progress of Star Citizen and Squadron 42, so as 2020 winds down I thought it'd be nice to check in and see how they're doing. It was just last week that Roberts Space Industries posted a new roadmap on the future of the games' development. We previously reported that the team was projecting the storyline campaign to enter beta late this year, but that will not come to pass. Chris Roberts has just announced that it's "too early to discuss release or finish dates on Squadron 42." The new roadmap shows elements like art and level design will continue as far as the projection goes into 2021. Chris has drawn parallels between Star Citizen and Cyberpunk 2077, which was in development for about 9 years before being released to a mixed reception, so there is clearly no rush to the finish line imminent. And with that being said, it'd been a

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    We spotted a classy

    Italian WC3

    last month, and this time here's an original Italian Wing Commander courtesy of

    Dennis Mull

    . This is one of the European

    Hit Squad

    rereleases, and in this case it was published by Jackson Libri. It came with a similarly stylized version of the manual/Claw Marks as well. We salute everyone going around collecting all these uncommon variants - there are tons of them out there and it can be hard to hunt them down!


    Mail Day: Wing Commander from Chris Roberts by Origin Systems in 1990. The Jackson Libri company published the 'Hit Squad' version of Wing Commander in Italy.
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    Last week we shared a cool Australian promotional shirt for Wing Commander 4, and now LOAF's found one from Singapore. The design is markedly different with the Black Lance symbol over the WC4 logo on the front. Classic Blair, Tolwyn and Seether art is featured on the back side on a lightly stone washed background. Very nice!


    Scored another great find on southeast Asian shirt sorting Instagram
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    Popular video blogger


    recently dedicated his live stream gaming show to Wing Commander 3. He's dabbled in Wing Commander stuff over the years, so it's interesting to see his take here. Perhaps even more interesting are the live reactions from the audience. It's a credit to WC3's engaging FMV and spaceflight engine that it still holds up remarkably well nearly 25 years later. This also speaks to the pace of advancement in the early '90s. This came just a few years after WC1&2, yet it's often a significantly easier point of entry to the series due to how much more it resembles a modern game.

    We can also help clarify one mystery in the vid. At 1:30:30 he encounters a 'bug' where he appears to be zooming away from his target backwards. It looks like what happened was that he accidentally engaged auto slide (with the / key), which temporarily disables the atmospheric flight style and throws

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    Found a pretty neat Wing Commander IV preview from the November 1995 issue of PC Power. Lots of cool set photos and a great one of Mark Hamill as Colonel Blair...

    pcpower_1995november1t.jpgpcpower_1995november2t.jpgpcpower_1995november3t.jpgpcpower_1995november4t.jpg... but even more fascinating, look at that gameplay shot on the last page! That's the earliest build of Wing Commander IV I've ever seen. What's going on with the radar?!

    pcpower_1995november5t.jpgpcpower_1995november6t.jpgpcpower_1995november7t.jpgApparently the September 1995 issue (21) has a Privateer 2 preview which I'd love to see! Anyone out there have back issues of PC Power? I believe it's from the UK.

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    Yesterday we talked about WC4 rumors in the press, and today's the whole big preview. A lot of magazines got in to glitzy cover stories on Wing Commander 4 like this, which was fabulous to see on news stands in game stores in the mid '90s. Based on the success of WC3 just a year earlier, editors weren't going to miss out on this, and the January 1996 issue of X-Gen is a prime example of a flashy six-page preview of the game. They gush about the production values and technical benchmarks that the game sets. They also talk about how it was made with Playstation development in mind (WC3 was actually the first PSX game, shortly after PC WC4 shipped). The article also has some nice storyboard art and set photos, which can be somewhat uncommon for this shoot. Good stuff!


    Blair, Maniac and Admiral Tolwyn return in the biggest games production of all-time. Wing Commander IV is the most expensive, most
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    posted this video of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 in action. The game allows a wide range of clothing customization options, and he observed that this outfit results in the Asuka character bearing a striking resemblance to Spirit in her Wing Commander 1 duty uniform. This just makes us imagine how incredibly awesome a Wing Commander fighting game would be! Can you imagine beating up on Maniac? Or fighting a Kilrathi as a Firekkan? You could have stages like the flight deck or in the bar. That would be amazing...

    Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Asuka cosplays as Spirit from Wing Commander

    Yes, this is Asuka playing as Mariko Tanaka. The idea actually stemmed from playing around as Anna and thinking that dressed in a fighter pilot outfit the similarities.

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    Today we've got a pair of compilation videos by Michael Jean that showcase the European boxes of the Wing Commander series. It's pretty simple, but it's a nice change of pace if you're used to boxes from other regions. I do appreciate the charm of just recording a parade of Wing Commander like this. It's a nice and thorough rundown too with games like Academy, Armada and Privateer 2!