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    Here's an unusual oddity. AD found an emulation cabinet that purports to play the Sega CD version of Wing Commander. Upon further investigation, it's not really clear if Wing Commander is actually included. Due to the dubious legality of these types of setups, the mix of games is always a little questionable. Nevertheless, the visual of WC in an arcade type box is pretty cool. The variable title header that displays the Wing Commander name is also a wonderful touch!

    legendsarcade_wct.jpgYou can find the product listing here. At $1400, it may be cheaper (and more legit) to build you own! AD looked up the base cabinet hardware here and digital display upgrade here.

  • 09


    AD found a neat article in the December 2021 issue of Custom PC. It's a piece on the history and origins of VGA. It's a good story, but Wing Commander doesn't actually appear in the text of the article. Rather, a screenshot from WC1 (with its 320x200 256 color graphics) is used as the headliner - and most notably - on the cover of the magazine. It's not too often these days that you find professional print mags with Wing Commander on the front, so we thought it was worth pointing out. You can actually order a copy for £5.99 here. If you're not in it for the collectible, you can also find the whole article here and even download a PDF of the entire magazine.


    VGA didn’t put the PC at the graphics cutting edge, but it did put it back in the race. The new hardware supported resolutions of up to 640 x 480 with 16 colours, or 320 x 200 with up to 256. What’s more, those 256 colours could be
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    Today we have a sketch from 213thBattalion on his take on the Dralthi VII. The "roll bar" feature might make some think that this was inspired by the Drakhri, but the VII has the same component and has its guns mounted on the inner wings rather than under the nose. He's got a first cut that's more of a 1:1 translation of the design, and then there's a bonus bomber variant as well. It's a beefed up version that makes room for more ordnance. If you're going to draw a Kilrathi ship, you can't go wrong with a Dralthi!


    Inspired by the Kilrathi fighter in "Privateer"
  • 02


    Here's a cool video for your leap day enjoyment. The theboredcyborg has put together a mega review of all the major US-based video game movies of the '90s. The list includes Super Mario Brothers, Double Dragon, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. He saved the best for last and also covers Wing Commander as well. Although he owns the film and was somewhat familiar with the game series, he just watched the movie for the first time recently. Based on general internet sentiment, he went in with low expectations, but was very pleasantly surprised. The cast gets a big thumbs up and the CG space battles are a particularly high point. He's reasonably impressed with Chris Roberts' directing ability and came to care about the characters. Overall, his verdict is that it's a fun film with a lot of heart to push its simple story. We couldn't agree more! Jump to 25:42 in the video below if the auto-start

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    Cybot is back with more wacky and creative Wing Commander designs. These were inspired by the Steltek craft that we see in Privateer. Cybot has taken those design elements and extrapolated them into a whole fleet of ships. If you're working on a project that needs a super powerful alien kick, check them out at the CIC Forums. His threads include download links for copies of your own!


    STELTEK fleet ships: have fun with all models in Obj format.
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    We've got great news for Wingnuts today! DaveO's extensive archive of Wing Commander videos has returned to the internet. Dave started this vast archive some fifteen years ago with playthroughs of most main story games and their expansions, but over time some segments became unavailable.

    There's all kinds of reasons why fans might want to have this at their fingertips. It's very helpful to be able to quickly check how something looked in a mission, consult a video for strategy or grab a certain screenshot. You get game flow, cinematic and gameplay here for a complete experience. A few samples are below, but you can find all of his various game-specific playlists here on YouTube.

    The CIC also has its own large scale WC video archive, but it's a little more focused on things like trailers, promotional vids, behind-the-scenes content, fan projects and similar material. The two archives complement

  • 27


    On July 11th, prepare your blood wine and your bat’leths. It will be a Day of Honor. In honor of our favorite warriors for Kahless, Star Trek Online, Eaglemoss, Modiphius, and the Streampunks are all teaming up to hold an all day streaming event, featuring some of your favorite Trek stars and a whole heaping helping of honorable battle. We’re excited to have you join us for the event, live on the Queue Times Twitch channel. Today, we're incredibly pleased to announce our next batch of guests. In addition to Modiphius bringing Rick Sternbach along, Aliza Pearl has gathered quite the crowd for her Klingon Culture and You panel. If they were related to Klingons in Star Trek Discovery at all, they're probably here: As our Klingon livestream "Day of Honor" approaches, we're excited to announce our panelists for the "Klingon Culture & You" hour, hosted by Aliza Pearl (Actor, Blood of the Void

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    On July 11th, prepare your blood wine and your bat’leths. It will be a Day of Honor. In honor of our favorite warriors for Kahless, Star Trek Online, Eaglemoss, Modiphius, and the Streampunks are all teaming up to hold an all day streaming event, featuring some of your favorite Trek stars and a whole heaping helping of honorable battle. We’re excited to have you join us for the event, live on the Queue Times Twitch channel. And now it's time to announce the guests for Star Trek Online's panel! We've recently release House Divided, our latest major content update, and we want to talk about it and answer your questions. Joining host Mike Fatum will be members of the STO Team: Lead Designer Al Rivera, Lead Environment Artist Scot Boyd, and Lead Ship and UI Artist Thomas Marrone. But they won't be alone - we'll be joined by the most Klingon of guests, as Robert O'Reilly (Gowron in Deep Space Nine,

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    Today we have something a little different. Dead Decks is a pair of hicks who review extinct collectible card games. The video shows them open up a Kilrathi starter and booster pack of the Wing Commander CCG. They know nothing about Wing Commander and just hate the cards - their favorite part is the back. It's kind of funny in a terrible way and not safe for work. If they can get ahold of a Terran starter, we may get to see them play. Just to be clear: the game is wonderful and these guys are just big dorks.

    Harry and Richard bore themselves and you with another lackluster video Another try to 1995 and another fly-by-night CCG: Wing Commander
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    randomthefox tipped us off about an absolutely stellar sketch of a Kilrathi and her Dralthi drawn by Heresy. The pilot's armor is exquisite with a wonderful mix of futuristic claws, ornamental plates and even a tail. The helmet is also reminiscent of Bhurak Starkiller's famous visage. A blur effect on the Dralthi and rest of the background complete the package nicely. You can find more of Heresey's work on DeviantArt or Patreon.


    A female Kilrathi pilot from the Wing Commander computer game series.