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    In an interview with independent media outlet Vox Galactica, engineer Ram Tah has discussed the XG Project, which produced the recently released XG fighters.

    "Ever since the first Guardian ruins were discovered, I've been trying to combine their technology with our own. I drew up a blueprint for the original fighter, the XG1, before inviting other technicians to refine the design with a view to producing something commercially viable."

    "The seventh iteration, the XG7, successfully merged human and Guardian ingenuity. The XG8 Javelin and XG9 Lance soon followed."

    When asked what the future holds, Ram Tah remarked:

    "My hope is that the XG Project is merely the start of a whole new era of technological development. While the current focus is the Thargoid threat, the achievements of our galactic forebears might one day improve every aspect of society."

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    Attention! We’ve doubled our efforts to give Captains the necessary experience to deal with threats to the Galaxy. From Thursday, March 22nd at 8AM PT, to Monday, March 26th at 10AM PT, players will be able to enjoy twice the experience! During the event, content that provides skill points and expertise will reward a 100% (2x) Bonus above normal amounts – this bonus will be available for all content that rewards skill points and expertise. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT {

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    Each week we’ll roll out a new reward for the Featured Episode “Home.” The first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be level at least 60. In gratitude for your efforts in helping them sate their need for the Ketracel precursor, the Hur’q have worked with Alliance engineers to modify the Phased-Waveform Beacon that was once used to attract them to the Founder’s home world. With a slight change to the beacon’s frequency emitter, nearby friendly Hur’q

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    For a limited time, Research and Development packs will be available to Captains for 20% off! From Thursday, March 21st at 8AM PT to Monday, March 25th at 10AM PT, both Research and Development packs as well as bundles will be discounted. Research and Development Pack – Normally 300 Zen, Now 240 ZEN This pack includes: 15 Common, Uncommon, Rare or Very Rare R&D Materials 15 Uncommon, Rare or Very Rare R&D Materials 6 Rare or Very Rare R&D Materials 4 Very Rare R&D Materials 3 Mk 2 or Better R&D Components 3 Mk 6 or Better R&D Components 2 Mk 10 or Better R&D Components 3 Random R&D Catalysts 4 Random Upgrade Accelerators Research and Development Pack Bundle – Normally 1000 Zen, Now 800 ZEN This pack includes: 4 Research and Development Packs (You will receive 4 separate packs when making this one purchase, NOT 1 pack that unpacks 4)

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    A luxury star yacht belonging to famous actor Consuela Knight has reached its destination with nobody onboard.

    The incident was reported by independent newsfeed The Sovereign:

    "Consuela Knight's beautiful ship often attracts admirers when it arrives at a starport. But on this occasion it also brought security forces, since the custom-built private yacht was completely empty."

    "Investigators discovered that the ship was in perfect condition with all escape pods intact. There were signs of recent activity, such as unfinished meals and handheld equipment on the floor. Computer records confirmed the crew's presence until a few minutes before arrival, when all five people – including Ms Knight– simultaneously vanished."

    "Engineering and hyperspace experts have begun analysing data to unravel this mystery. But there is no reason to believe there are any survivors of this phenomenon."

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