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    ODVS and the WC4 Fan Remake team have a great new article on the technical process of remastering the gameflow rooms. It turns out that this step is a lot different than upscaling or even using the AI-techniques that have allowed him to significantly enhance the video quality so far. The animations and how they interact with each setpiece are their own unique puzzle. How did they solve this issue? Read the full article at WCRespace to find out! There'a also an example video of their impressive output below.

    As part of the ongoing Wing Commander IV Resmastered project (Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom – Remastered), I've upscaled and remastered all the game's rooms, environments and sprite animations using ESRgan AI/Deep Learning. These are a few samples, along with comparisons to the original 640x480 room visuals.
    You might think that remastering the rooms and sprite animations for Wing
  • 16


    PC Gamer has posted a new article about the coolest cockpits in gaming. There's a lot of new stuff in there, as you might expect, with some of the slickest UIs from Star Wars Squadrons, Titanfall 2 and Rebel Galaxy Outlaw throughout the piece. There is precisely one retro throwback though: the Hornet from Wing Commander 1. It's hard to argue it's not among the most iconic cockpits in gaming history, but it still doesn't show up in that many modern articles. The author chose a 16-color Amiga screenshot for the piece, which is an interesting decision, but they all look good. Wing Commander just has so many great choices. You can find the full article here.

    F-36 Hornet (Wing Commander)

    One of the all-time classic cockpits. Seeing your legs tucked under the console, and your hand wrestling with the flight stick as you fly and fight, gives you a real sense of being squeezed into the pilot's seat of a

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    It's hard to believe, but today marks nine years since the official unveiling of Chris Roberts' Star Citizen to the world. Due to the pandemic, the festivities have been virtual, but that means everyone has easy access to all the content they've prepared. The party is primarily being hosted over on Twitch and RobertsSpaceIndustries. I've posted one developers panel below so you can get a taste. Lots of SC fans are going into further the detail of all that, so I'll just leave you with a cool behind-the-scene pic from Sandi Roberts. It shows Chris in his Tiger Claw hat and WC crew jacket while getting ready for the reveal in October 2012!

    rsi_announcement57t.jpgHere's a couple more throwback pics - we were young!


  • 04


    Embarrassing discovery: “grimalkin” is a real word which means cat, often a witch’s familiar. This means I have been missing a joke in Special Operations 2 for THIRTY YEARS. Paladin renames a captured freighter the Grimalkin for the titular special operation. I always assumed it was just a second Kilrathi name because the cats knew the Gamal Gan had been captured!

    grimalkin1t.jpgAdditionally: I learned this not by noticing it in Shakespeare or Hawthorne but because ballroom_blitz got me PYEWACKET, an old children’s book about a gang of cats. We’ve been reading a bit before bed each night!


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    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Work on the Proteus Wave in the HIP 22460 system has concluded, according to an announcement from Azimuth Biotech.
    "This is Salvation. The core mechanism of the Proteus Wave is now fully assembled. Under my guidance, specialists are performing checks at the selected site on HIP 22460 10 b. Additional power capacitors are also being installed to improve energy transfer management."
    "Over the next few days, the Proteus Wave will be calibrated within one of the Thargoid structures, the unique properties of which will greatly amplify the weapon's signal. This breakthrough was only made possible due to decades of xenological research conducted by Azimuth, alongside pioneering theories on cross-species interfaces."
    "Commodore Halloran reports that even greater numbers of Thargoid vessels have arrived within the Proteus Wave's effective range. But it is now absolutely

  • 09


    ODVS has a nice treat for German Wing Commander fans (of which there are many!). With the help of Bernd Vollbrecht and Dr. Gerd Naumann, he's redone the audio for the WC4 Remastered trailer. It's a wonderful video, and now more people can listen to it in their native language! You can download the playable demo for the WC4 Fan Remake yourself here (900 meg exe).

    Here's a little something for German-speaking Wingnuts, courtesy of MrCoffeeee:
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    I'm not sure if it's the hectic week or staying up late to watch the new episode of Picard, but I've got a headache and need something to relax to. Fortunately, Scribbler has dropped a double dose of his Wing Commander 2 ambiance/ASMR videos. The new clips are a nice contrast with each other: the dark red comm room and the light breezy Concordia lounge. I especially like that the lounge has piano music inspired by Jazz. Check them out below!

    Today we return to the lounge of the carrier ship TCS Concordia. A little more luxurious than a strap like the Tigers Claw. Enjoy the peace from the war among comrades, with a drink. Entertained by the piano sounds of "Jazz". Rest and chill. Who knows what else is to come at this time.
    In this file we return to the Caernarvon space station. A remote outpost of the Confederacy. Ideal for making money without the dangers of war. Except for a few minor skirmishes
  • 22


    Electronic Arts' Origin store may finally be no more, but EA is still selling a select sampling of Wing Commander games directly through their website. There are a few differences between these and the digital copies available from, however. For starters, only Wing Commanders 1-4 and Privateer are available, and WC1/2 are split up into two separate packages. Each game is $4.99 rather than $5.99, but they go on sale much less often (and WC1/2 is $10 rather than $6). These are also designed to run via the EA launcher for Windows, whereas WC1-3/P1 for GOG are designed to load on Mac as well. But if you happen to have an EA library on your PC, this new sale can't be beat. It's very rare for the frequent GOG sales to exceed 75% off, and this 90% discount is from the lower $4.99 retail price. That means Wing Commander games for LESS THAN FIFTY CENTS GUYS! It looks like you might have until

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    Happened across a pretty interesting Chris Roberts interview; from the June 1995 magazine of Hyper, an Australian magazine. A lot of discussion of the Hobbes decision. Mention of the Privateer TV show, too!

    hyper_1995june1t.jpghyper_1995june2t.jpghyper_1995june3t.jpgThis January 1991 review of Wing Commander from Rave magazine is pretty interesting, too. Talk of the abandoned internal Amiga port... and the screenshots are all from the rolling demo!


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    When your website is made up of nearly 15,000 news articles, over 2,000 static pages, hundreds more dynamic pages, all of them interlinked, some upkeep is required. Rarely-viewed content that looked fine in Internet Explorer 4.0 may not render as elegantly in modern, standards-abiding browsers. Reorganizing that one section may have broken some of the crosslinks from another section. This is a super-condensed overview of some of the fixes and improvements that we've made since last year's anniversary. Much of this was behind-the-scenes work that won't be immediately noticeable to visitors, but will hopefully result in a better overall experience.

    • Visual improvements:
      • Improved styling of the Games and Universe flyout menus.
      • Dozens of articles and other pages converted to the new layout.
      • Multitude of minor tweaks to navigational elements and page templates.
      • Additional metadata to improve
  • 02


    The San Francisco Giants are entering the Final Frontier, and Star Trek Online is coming along for the ride! On August 26th, members of the STO development team will be at Oracle Park for Star Trek Night with the Giants, and you could be there, too! We’re giving away four tickets to the event, and two Discovery Era Constitution Class Cruisers as well! All you have to do to enter is fill out the form below. In addition, anyone who purchases a ticket (or receives one from this contest) will receive a Star Trek messenger bag, and the chance to meet the developers of Star Trek Online and score Star Trek: Discovery holographic bridge officers. VIP ticket holders will also receive a Picard bobblehead, and the opportunity to take a photo in STO’s lifesize Captain’s Chair. For more information, please check out the Giants’ website. Take us out to the ball game, Captains, and we’ll see you

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    We’re excited to announce that we’re making upgrades and changes to some of our ships in an upcoming update, aimed at increasing clarity and player satisfaction with a few sets of starships. For details on these exciting changes, read on! Temporal Destroyer and Science Vessels – now completely Temporal! Originally found in the Temporal Lock Box, the Temporal Destroyers and Science Vessels are the game’s first starships flung through time to end up in the hands of players. Since the release of the Temporal Specialization, players have been clamoring for Temporal Operative versions of these starships. But a timeline change is imminent, and these ships will be changing with it. In this upcoming update, the commander seat on the Tier 6 versions of these ships will be updated to have the Temporal Operative Specialization, and the ships will gain access to the Molecular Reconstruction

  • 22


    A campaign to deliver food commodities to the Chamas system has been declared a success by its organisers.

    The Fortunes Corsairs efforts to acquire various foods for a glamorous reception were well received. The event, attended by various system officials, appears to have achieved its aim.

    Silas James of the Chamash Foods conglomerate released the following statement:

    "Due to the overwhelming support from Fortunes Corsairs and other independent traders, the delicious feast helped make our fundraiser a tremendous success. Construction of the new asteroid base will begin immediately."

    Contributors to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Denton Dock in the Chamas system.

  • 27


    Freespace 2 shipped on September 30, 1999, so GOG is having a big space game party to celebrate the game's twentieth birthday. Their Interstellar Sale discounts games like Space Quest, Wing Commander, System Shock, Homeworld, Masters of Orion, the X series and more by up to 85% off. As an extra bonus, Freespace 2 itself is FREE for the next 36 hours, so jump on that quick! While it's no Wing Commander, FS2 got good reviews and continues to have a following after all this time. Also something about beam weapons. Plus there's a handful of Wing Commander mods, not the least of which is the technically impressive WC Saga project. If you haven't given the game a try for one reason or another, the price is right this time! Thanks to FredDude for the tip!
