
When your website is made up of nearly 15,000 news articles, over 2,000 static pages, hundreds more dynamic pages, all of them interlinked, some upkeep is required. Rarely-viewed content that looked fine in Internet Explorer 4.0 may not render as elegantly in modern, standards-abiding browsers. Reorganizing that one section may have broken some of the crosslinks from another section. This is a super-condensed overview of some of the fixes and improvements that we've made since last year's anniversary. Much of this was behind-the-scenes work that won't be immediately noticeable to visitors, but will hopefully result in a better overall experience.

  • Visual improvements:
    • Improved styling of the Games and Universe flyout menus.
    • Dozens of articles and other pages converted to the new layout.
    • Multitude of minor tweaks to navigational elements and page templates.
    • Additional metadata to improve visual appearance when sharing CIC updates on social media.
  • Functional improvements:
    • Mandatory HTTPS for the CIC website, optional HTTPS for SolSector hosted sites.
    • New search engine for news archives, quick search box improvements.
    • Hundreds of news updates, ships pages and game guides edited to fix broken links, malformed HTML and misspellings.